First-class category name, sedond-class category name, category code can be found here:
Most category code is pinyin abbreviation of Chinese name.
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Light | 光源 | dj dsd |
Lightbulb | ✅ | Documentation |
Ceiling Light | 吸顶灯 | xdd | Lightbulb | ✅ | Documentation |
Ambiance Light | 氛围灯 | fwd | Lightbulb | ✅ | Documentation |
String Lights | 灯串 | dc | Lightbulb | ✅ | Documentation |
Strip Lights | 灯带 | dd | Lightbulb | ✅ | Documentation |
Motion Sensor Light | 感应灯 | gyd | Lightbulb MotionSensor |
✅ | Documentation |
Ceiling Fan Light | 风扇灯 | fsd | Lightbulb Fanv2 |
✅ | Documentation |
Solar Light | 太阳能灯 | tyndj | Lightbulb | ✅ | Documentation |
Dimmer | 调光器 | tgq | Lightbulb | ✅ | Documentation |
Remote Control | 遥控器 | ykq | Documentation | ||
Spotlight | 射灯 | sxd | Lightbulb | ✅ | Documentation |
White Noise Light | 白噪音灯 | bzyd | Lightbulb Switch |
✅ | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Switch | 开关 | kg tdq |
Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Socket | 插座 | cz | Outlet | ✅ | Documentation |
Power Strip | 排插 | pc | Outlet | ✅ | Documentation |
Scene Switch | 场景开关 | cjkg | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Card Switch | 插卡取电开关 | ckqdkg | Documentation | ||
Curtain Switch | 窗帘开关 | clkg | Window Covering | ✅ | Documentation |
Garage Door Opener | 车库门控制器 | ckmkzq | Garage Door Opener | ✅ | Documentation |
Dimmer Switch | 调光开关 | tgkg | Lightbulb | ✅ | Documentation |
Fan Switch | 风扇开关 | fskg | Fanv2 | ✅ | Documentation |
Wireless Switch | 无线开关 | wxkg | Stateless Programmable Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Scene Light Socket | 情景灯插座 | qjdcz | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Temperature Control Socket | 温控插座 | wkcz | Switch Temperature Sensor Humidity Sensor |
✅ | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Heater | 热水器 | rs | Documentation | ||
Ventilation System | 新风机 | xfj | Documentation | ||
Refrigerator | 冰箱 | bx | Documentation | ||
Bathtub | 浴缸 | yg | Documentation | ||
Washing Machine | 洗衣机 | xy | Documentation | ||
Air Conditioner | 空调 | kt | Heater Cooler Humidifier Dehumidifier Fanv2 Temperature Sensor Humidity Sensor |
✅ | Documentation |
Air Conditioner Controller | 空调控制器 | ktkzq | Heater Cooler Humidifier Dehumidifier Fanv2 Temperature Sensor Humidity Sensor |
✅ | Documentation |
Boiler | 壁挂炉 | bgl | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Robot Vacuum | 扫地机 | sd | Documentation | ||
Heater | 取暖器 | qn | Heater Cooler | ✅ | Documentation |
Air Purifier | 空气净化器 | kj | Air Purifier | ✅ | Documentation |
Drying Rack | 晾衣架 | lyj | Documentation | ||
Diffuser | 香薰机 | xxj | Air Purifier Lightbulb |
✅ | Documentation |
Extraction hood | 香薰机 | yyj | Air Purifier Lightbulb |
✅ | Documentation |
Curtain | 窗帘 | cl | Window Covering | ✅ | Documentation |
Door and Window Controller | 门窗控制器 | mc | Window | ✅ | Documentation |
Thermostat | 温控器 | wk | Thermostat | ✅ | Documentation |
Thermostat Valve | 温控阀 | wkf | Thermostat | ✅ | Documentation |
Bathroom Heater | 浴霸 | yb | Documentation | ||
Irrigator | 灌溉器 | ggq sfkzq |
Valve | ✅ | Documentation |
Humidifier | 加湿器 | jsq | Humidifier Dehumidifier | ✅ | Documentation |
Dehumidifier | 除湿机 | cs | Humidifier Dehumidifier | ✅ | Documentation |
Fan | 风扇 | fs | Fanv2 | ✅ | Documentation |
Water Purifier | 净水器 | js | Documentation | ||
Electric Blanket | 电热毯 | dr | Documentation | ||
Pet Treat Feeder | 宠物弹射喂食器 | cwtswsq | Documentation | ||
Pet Ball Thrower | 宠物网球发射器 | cwwqfsq | Documentation | ||
HVAC | 暖通器 | ntq | Documentation | ||
Pet Feeder | 宠物喂食器 | cwwsq | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Pet Fountain | 宠物饮水机 | cwysj | Documentation | ||
Sofa | 沙发 | sf | Documentation | ||
Electric Fireplace | 电壁炉 | dbl | Documentation | ||
Smart Milk Kettle | 智能调奶器 | tnq | Documentation | ||
Cat Toilet | 猫砂盆 | msp | Documentation | ||
Towel Rack | 毛巾架 | mjj | Documentation | ||
Smart Indoor Garden | 植物生长机 | sz | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Smart Kettle | 电茶壶 | bh | Documentation | ||
Bread Maker | 面包机 | mb | Documentation | ||
Coffee Maker | 咖啡机 | kfj | Documentation | ||
Bottle Warmer | 暖奶器 | nnq | Documentation | ||
Milk Dispenser | 冲奶机 | cn | Documentation | ||
Sous Vide Cooker | 慢煮机 | mzj | Documentation | ||
Rice Cabinet | 米柜 | mg | Documentation | ||
Induction Cooker | 电磁炉 | dcl | Documentation | ||
Air Fryer | 空气炸锅 | kqzg | Documentation | ||
Bento Box | 智能饭盒 | znfh | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Alarm Host | 报警主机 | mal | Security System | ✅ | Documentation |
Smart Camera | 智能摄像机 | sp | Motion Sensor Doorbell |
✅ | Documentation |
Wireless Doorbell | 无线门铃 | wxml | StatelessProgrammableSwitch | ✅ | Documentation |
Siren Alarm | 声光报警传感器 | sgbj | Documentation | ||
Gas Alarm | 燃气报警传感器 | rqbj | Leak Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
Smoke Alarm | 烟雾报警传感器 | ywbj | Smoke Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
Temperature and Humidity Sensor | 温湿度传感器 | wsdcg | Temperature Sensor Humidity Sensor |
✅ | Documentation |
Contact Sensor | 门磁传感器 | mcs | Contact Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
Vibration Sensor | 震动传感器 | zd | Motion Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
Water Detector | 水浸传感器 | sj | Leak Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
Luminance Sensor | 亮度传感器 | ldcg | Light Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
Pressure Sensor | 压力传感器 | ylcg ylcgq |
Documentation | ||
Emergency Button | 紧急按钮 | sos | Documentation | ||
PM2.5 Detector | PM2.5传感器 | pm25 pm2.5 pm25cgq |
Air Quality Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
CO Detector | CO报警传感器 | cobj cocgq |
Carbon Monoxide Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
CO2 Detector | CO2报警传感器 | co2bj co2cgq |
Carbon Dioxide Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
Multi-functional Sensor | 多功能传感器 | dgnbj | Documentation | ||
Methane Detector | 甲烷报警传感器 | jwbj | Leak Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
Human Motion Sensor | 人体运动传感器 | pir | Motion Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
Human Presence Sensor | 人体存在传感器 | hps | Occupancy Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
Smart Lock | 智能门锁 | ms jtmspro |
LockMechanism | ✅ | Documentation |
Environmental Detector | 环境检测仪 | hjjcy | Air Quality Sensor | ✅ | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Massage Chair | 按摩椅 | amy | Documentation | ||
Physiotherapy Products | 理疗产品 | liliao | Documentation | ||
Smart Jump Rope | 跳绳 | ts | Documentation | ||
Body Fat Scale | 体脂秤 | tzc1 | Documentation | ||
Smart Watch/Fitness Tracker | 手表/手环 | sb | Documentation | ||
Smart Pill Box | 智能药盒 | znyh | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Multifunctional Gateway | 多功能网关 | wg | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Smart Electricity Meter | 智能电表 | zndb | Documentation | ||
Smart Water Meter | 智能水表 | znsb | Documentation | ||
Circuit Breaker | 断路器 | dlq | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
TV | 电视 | ds | Documentation | ||
Projector | 投影仪 | tyy | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Tracker | 定位器 | tracker | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Universal Remote Control | 万能遥控器 | wnykq hwktwkq wsdykq |
Temperature Sensor Humidity Sensor |
✅ | Documentation |
TV | 电视 | infrared_tv | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
STB | 机顶盒 | infrared_stb | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
TV Box | 电视盒子 | infrared_box | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Air Conditioner | 空调 | infrared_ac | Heater Cooler Humidifier Dehumidifier Fanv2 |
✅ | Documentation |
Fan | 电风扇 | infrared_fan | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Light | 灯 | infrared_light | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Amplifier | 音响 | infrared_amplifier | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Projector | 投影仪 | infrared_projector | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
DVD | DVD | qt | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Camera | 相机 | qt | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Water Heater | 热水器 | infrared_waterheater | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Air Purifier | 净化器 | infrared_airpurifier | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
DIY | - | qt | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
Name | Name (zh) | Code | Homebridge Service | Supported | Links |
Fingerbot | 手指机器人 | szjqr | Switch | ✅ | Documentation |
For the undocumented product category, you can try override it to the most similar one. See