* Add `ExchangeProxyMetaTransaction` and `SignedExchangeProxyMetaTransaction` (#2610)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Added `DydxBridgeOnlyCallableByErc20BridgeProxy` and `DydxBridgeUnrecognizedBridgeAction` (#2378)
* Add `ERC20BridgeAssetData` (#2373)
* Remove `SendTransactionOpts` and `AwaitTransactionSuccessOpts` types and move them to @0x/base-contracts (#2325)
* Add `SendTransactionOpts` and `AwaitTransactionSuccessOpts` types for contract wrappers (#2243)
* All references to network ID have been removed, and references to chain ID have been introduced instead (#2313)
* Add `OrderStatus` type (#1761)
* Add `OrderInfo`, `FillResults`, `MatchedFillResults`, `BatchMatchedFillResults` types (#2031)
* Add status types for Staking contracts (#1910)
* Add `ERC20Bridge` to `AssetProxyId` (#2220)
* Dependencies updated
* Remove `SendTransactionOpts` and `AwaitTransactionSuccessOpts` types and move them to @0x/base-contracts (#2325)
* Add `SendTransactionOpts` and `AwaitTransactionSuccessOpts` types for contract wrappers (#2243)
* All references to network ID have been removed, and references to chain ID have been introduced instead (#2313)
* Add `OrderStatus` type (#1761)
* Add `OrderInfo`, `FillResults`, `MatchedFillResults`, `BatchMatchedFillResults` types (#2031)
* Add status types for Staking contracts (#1910)
* Add `ERC20Bridge` to `AssetProxyId` (#2220)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Add MarketOperation type (#1914)
* Add StaticCallProxy types (#1863)
* Add `InvalidStaticCallDataOffset`, `TargetNotEven`, `UnexpectedStaticCallResult`, and `InvalidAssetDataEnd` to `RevertReason` enum (#1863)
* Add `domain` field to `Order`, `ZeroExTransaction` (#1742)
* Rename OrderWithoutExchangeAddress to OrderWithoutDomain (#1742)
* Add `chainId` field to `EIP712DomainWithDefaultSchema` (#1742)
* Add `OrderStatus` type (#1761)
* Add `SignatureType.OrderValidator` and `SignatureType.WalletOrderValidator` (#1774)
* Update `Order` type for arbitrary fee tokens (ZEIP-28). (#1819)
* Add `expirationTimeSeconds` to `ZeroExTransaction` type (#1832)
* Add `TransfersSuccessful` revert reason and `OrderTransferResults` enum (#1868)
* Consolidate all Validator `SignatureType`s to just `Validator` (#1885)
* Add `EIP1271Wallet` to `SignatureType` (#1885)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Added ERC1155 revert reasons (#1657)
* Added `ERC1155AssetData`, `ERC1155AssetDataNoProxyId`, and `ERC1155AssetDataAbi` (#1661)
* Add `InvalidOrigin` revert reason (#1668)
* Add `RevertReason.SignatureInvalid` thrown by Coordinator (#1705)
* Add `RevertReason.InvalidFreeMemoryPtr` thrown by LibAddressArray (#1712)
* Dependencies updated
* Add `FromLessThanToRequired` and `ToLessThanLengthRequired` revert reasons (#1604)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Upgrade the bignumber.js to v8.0.2 (#1517)
* Update `ZeroExTransaction` type and add `SignedZeroExTransaction` type (#1576)
* Add `EIP712DomainWithDefaultSchema` type (#1576)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Added types for Dutch Auction contract (#1465)
* Dependencies updated
* Add `LengthMismatch` and `LengthGreaterThan3Required` revert reasons (#1224)
* Add RevertReasons for DutchAuction contract (#1225)
* Add MultiAsset types (#1363)
* Add the `SimpleContractArtifact` type, which describes the artifact format published in the `@0x/contract-artifacts` package (#1298)
* Dependencies updated
* Added `EIP712Parameter` `EIP712Types` `EIP712TypedData` for EIP712 signing (#1102)
* Added `ZeroExTransaction` type for Exchange executeTransaction (#1102)
* Add `AssetData` union type (`type AssetData = ERC20AssetData | ERC721AssetData`) (#1131)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Add ObjectMap type (#1037)
* Add SRA types from connect (#1085)
* Dependencies updated
* Add AssetProxyOwner revert reasons (#1041)
* Add MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock revert reasons (#1050)
* Add WalletError and ValidatorError revert reasons (#1012)
* Remove Caller and Trezor SignatureTypes (#1015)
* Add revert reasons for ERC721Token (#933)
* Added SignerType to handle different signing prefix scenarios (#914)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Remove `ECSignatureBuffer`
* Dependencies updated
* Updated types for V2 of 0x protocol
* Add `ECSignatureBuffer`
* Add Forwarder contract revert reasons
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Change the order type to v2 format (#618)
* Make OpCode type an enum (#589)
* Moved ExchangeContractErrs, DoneCallback, Token, OrderRelevantState, OrderStateValid, OrderStateInvalid, OrderState, OrderAddresses and OrderValues types from 0x.js (#579)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Add Provider type (#501)
* Make `DataItem.components` optional (#485)
* Dependencies updated
* Remove `JSONRPCPayload` (#426)
* Consolidate `Order`, `SignedOrder`, and `ECSignature` into the `@0xproject/types` package (#456)
* Added `RawLogEntry` type.
* Add `data` to `TxData` (#413)
* Add `number` as an option to `ContractEventArg` (#413)
* Move web3 types from devDep to dep since required when using this package (#429)
* Fix publishing issue where .npmignore was not properly excluding undesired content (#389)
* Added BlockLiteralParam and BlockParam, refactored out of 0x.js types. (#355)