This research is focused only on the functionality of the PatchGuard
callback (542875F90F9B47F497B64BA219CACF69
) and how it is triggered. As a side effect we also present some details that apply to other components of PatchGuard
, because they are needed to understand the functionality of the callback, so don't expect to have all the details of how PatchGuard
works, what are its components and how they interact.
We tried making everything precise, clear and verifiable but there may be some details that we had to assume/deduce only from static analysis. If you observe any error or have any suggestion, please don't hesitate to contact us (or just submit a pull request). PatchGuard
is in constant evolution thus take into account that it can differ between kernel versions. We used Insiders Preview build 19018.vb_release.191101-1402
SHA256: 08BC2B81D8CD2EF30B6931F6BC1B6CA9CEFE39A61C1C2890169476F43374185A
Everything we present here has been done only for research purposes and understanding, we never intended to find a way to bypass PatchGuard or find vulnerabilities in it.
The callback object is created inside ntoskrnl.exe
- KiFilterFiberContext
function. To understand how you get there we recommend reading (at least page 9 - 10) Updated Analysis of PatchGuard on Microsoft Windows 10 RS4. We would like to point out that there's, probably an unintended, mistake in page 13 and 14 (below images). The callback object name is part of a _UNICODE_STRING
structure that is going to be used in _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES
definition later passed to ExCreateCallback
. So the TV string is actually Length and MaximumLength field values inside the _UNICODE_STRING
structure, the correct name of the callback is 542875F90F9B47F497B64BA219CACF69
Searching for references to this callback object we found that mssecflt.sys
(SHA256: CF08F7FB7422DC75D6EBD1883402C191F47D122519AF1059BFBCF7BA184B2083
) is the only one registering to be notified. The callback object in mssecflt.sys
is referenced by SecInitializeKernelIntegrityCheck
function, which registers a callback function named SecKernelIntegrityCallback
void __fastcall SecKernelIntegrityCallback(
PVOID CallbackContext,
NTSTATUS (__fastcall *Argument1)(PMSSEC_PG_CB_ARG1, PMSSEC_PG_CB_ARG2),
PULONG_PTR Argument2
g_pPatchGuardCb = Argument1;
*Argument2 = (unsigned __int64)&SecProtectedRanges;
The Argument1
contains a function pointer (let's abstract it under g_pPatchGuardCb
as we did in the above snippet) received from ntoskrnl.exe
and it has 2 call references inside mssecflt.sys
, functions: SecKernelIntegrityCheck
and SecDeferredIntegrityCheck
. To reach SecDeferredIntegrityCheck
(1) an APC
is inserted to the current thread inside SecKernelIntegrityImmediateCheck
as can be seen below.
is called inside SecDetPerformImmediateAssertionsImpl
which is an ExpandedStackCall routine. The predecessor nodes of the last routine are:
We don't walk further on the call tree as it becomes intricate and it's not the focus of this research.
There are 2 other important paths that can reach to PatchGuard
callback. Both of them start from DriverEntry
and through SecCreateDeviceObject
a DRIVER_DISPATCH routine is registered. The dispatch routine (SecDeviceOpen
) will handle IRP_MJ_CREATE
. The paths split inside SecInitialization
, the first branch (3) ends in SecDetInitialize
which allocates a timer. Timer's callback routine - SecDetTimerCallback
- allocates a work item and enqueues it to BackgroundWorkQueue
. The WorkerRoutine
is SecDetTimerPerformDeferredAssertions
which in the end reaches SecKernelIntegrityCheck
. Second branch (2) ends in SecCreateCommPorts
which creates a communication port named \\MicrosoftSecFilterControlPort
. FltCreateCommunicationPort
registers SecMessage
as the MessageNotifyCallback
for this port. When the notification callback is triggered, the execution flow joins the same path as in previous branch - creating a timer, work item and ending in SecKernelIntegrityCheck
. All this can be seen in a simplified way through this call tree:
second branchSecInitialization
first branch
In order to understand the PatchGuard
callback let's first understand how it is invoked by mssecflt.sys
. The callback receives 2 arguments that are pointers to 2 custom structures. The definition of the callback is:
Both structures are initialized by mssecflt.sys
before calling the callback. Some of the fields remain unknown to us. The definitions of these structures look like this:
typedef struct _MSSEC_PG_CB_ARG1
DWORD64 SizeOfStruct;
DWORD64 NtDdiVersion;
DWORD Reserved80000h;
INT UsePgCtxSize;
INT64 field_18;
INT field_20;
INT field_24;
INT field_28;
INT field_2c;
DWORD Option;
DWORD Reserved10h;
typedef struct _MSSEC_PG_CB_ARG2
INT field_0;
INT field_4;
INT64 Counter;
INT64 field_10;
INT64 field_18;
INT64 field_20;
INT64 field_28;
typedef struct _SEC_PROCESSOR_INFO
KAFFINITY ActiveLogicalProcessor;
USHORT GroupCounter;
typedef struct _SEC_USERPROBE_INFO
PVOID UserProbeAddress;
INT64 PtrSize;
typedef union _SEC_PG_INFO
Here's an example snippet of how the callback is being invoked inside SecKernelIntegrityCheck
Counter = 0;
*(_OWORD *)&MsSecPgArg1.UsePgCtxSize = 0ui64;
*(_OWORD *)&MsSecPgArg2.field_0 = 0i64;
*(_OWORD *)&MsSecPgArg2.field_10 = 0i64;
*(_QWORD *)&MsSecPgArg1.field_24 = 0i64;
MsSecPgArg2.Unknown0 = 0i64;
MsSecPgArg1.Unknown1 = 0;
LOBYTE(ntStatus) = KeAreApcsDisabled();
if ( (_BYTE)ntStatus != 1 )
MsSecPgArg1.SizeOfStruct = 0x40i64;
MsSecPgArg1.NtDdiVersion = 0xA000008i64;
MsSecPgArg1.field_0x80000 = 0x80000;
MsSecPgArg1.Option = a1_Option;
MsSecPgArg1.Reserved10h = 0x10;
MsSecPgArg1.SecPgInfo = a2_SecPgInfo;
if ( !a2_SecPgInfo )
MsSecPgArg1.SecPgInfo = a3_SecPgInfo;
while ( 1 )
ntStatus = g_pPatchGuardCb(&MsSecPgArg1, &MsSecPgArg2);
if ( ntStatus != (unsigned int)STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED )
if ( ++Counter > 5 )
goto call_sec_inc_check_failed_count;
if ( ntStatus >= 0 )
return ntStatus;
Before digging into the callback, it's appropriate to mention that it is one of the biggest functions in the kernel. It is easy to observe that many parts of the callback are inlined functions making the analysis harder and more time consuming, same local variables (memory aliasing) are used in different checks (thus bound to different semantics). A couple of anti-debugging checks are in place, making dynamic analysis harder.
The callback is dependant on other components of PatchGuard
, mainly the initialization routine which you can easily find after sorting functions by size and picking the biggest (exemplified in the image, all 3 functions are related to PatchGuard
Most of the conditional behavior in the callback is controlled by flags that are set inside PgInit
(which we didn't analyze), therefore there are some branches that we don't know how they are going to be reached.
Getting into the actual code, execution starts by checking the values of the arguments, status of APCs (disabled or not) and allocate a NonPagePoolNx
pool with tag tnIK
and size at least 0xAF0
bytes. The pool is an important component of the callback because it will contain a local copy of what we call PatchGuard
context structure. The later structure contains the main elements used by PatchGuard
during checks and is initialized in PgInit
, its size is 0xAA0
bytes. Some definitions of PatchGuard
context have been presented by other researchers before, but for convenience we include our own definition (which may contain some newly renamed fields while many of them are still unknown) - PgCtx.
Next two important steps are selecting a session (if SessionState value is not -1
) and setting thread affinity group, these are well explained on page 42 - 8 - Setting the Thread Affinity group
in Tetrane's paper, so we're not going to repeat ourselves.
As already known, the main goal of PatchGuard
and by extension of this callback is to check the integrity of different system structures/components. To accomplish this task, PatchGuard
uses different structures whose values are going to be interpreted to determine if there has been any modification in one of the system structures/components. These entries, which we defined as PgCheckTypeEntry
, can represent one of the types enumerated as Parameter 4 on CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION. Here you can see a simplified definition of these entries:
typedef struct _PgCheckTypeEntry
DWORD DataSize;
DWORD CheckSum;
DWORD EntryConst1;
DWORD EntryConst2;
DWORD EntryConst3;
DWORD EntryConst4;
DWORD EntryConst5;
DWORD EntryConst6;
} PgCheckTypeEntry, *PPgCheckTypeEntry;
It is simplified, because based on our research we found that the fields can be used in different ways, which naturally made us think that this structure is actually an union of different types of entries. Another thing to keep in mind is that some of these entries have additional data after the actual structure (consider it as a header), thus PatchGuard
needs a way to determine the offset to the next entry in order to iterate all of them. An example of how the callback computes the offset to the next entry based on the entry type can be found in a simple Python script we developed.
The first PgCheckTypeEntry
is located in memory immediately after PgCtx
(whose size is kept in SizeOfPgCtx), in other words obtaining the first PgCheckTypeEntry
is resumed to:
PPgCheckTypeEntry pFirstEntry = (PBYTE)PgCtx + PgCtx->SizeOfPgCtx;
Next we'll shortly explained how the check for each type is done.
, for many of the entries, uses a not well-known checksum algorithm, at least we coundn't identify it. A pseudocode implementation of the checksum can be found here. From now on we will reference to this aschecksum algorithm
, unless otherwise stated.
Also, in every case where there is some corruption found in the system, the code will save the
bugcheck parameters
in the next fields ofPgCtx
- PgCtx->EncodedPointerPgCtxLocal = BugcheckParameter1;
- PgCtx->EncodedPointerPgCtxEntry = BugcheckParameter2;
- PgCtx->PgEntryType = BugcheckParameter3;
- PgCtx->PgEntryData = BugcheckParameter4;
From now on we will reference to this as
bugcheck parameters
One last remark, is that in every entry after the
bugcheck parameters
have been set, there's a call to a function which is defined as__b8
in the symbols. We renamed this function to__b8_EncryptDecryptEntries
, as can be seen in the pseudocode this function depends on bit0x1e
on the flags set by PgInit, in our research the condition was never met but we skimmed through it statically and we believe is some kind of function to encrypt/decrypt the entries.
GenericDataRegion check starts by computing a checksum over the data that is being pointed by PgCheckTypeEntry.Data
. If the computed checksum doesn't match with the expected checksum inside PgCheckTypeEntry.CheckSum
execution continues to check every page which contains the data for this entry and call VslVerifyPage
. In case the return value from the call is successful (>= 0
) for all pages the check for this type of entry is finished. Otherwise PgCtx.pPgFault.XoredChecksum
is used to save the xor result between PgCheckTypeEntry.CheckSum
and the computed checksum, the bugcheck parameters
are saved and encrypt-decrypt entries
routine is called.
GenericDataRegion1 check is done in an auxilliary function that we named NTSTATUS __fastcall PgCbHandleGenericDataRegion1(PPgCtx, PPgCheckTypeEntry)
. The first part of the check is identifical as for GenericDataRegion. But as an additional check in this function, an special hash of the data will be computed inside VOID __fastcall ComputeHash(PPgCtx, PVOID, SIZE_T, PVOID)
(pseudocode) this function will return a 16 bytes buffer that originates from a SHA-256 of the data , which will be checked against the expected value starting at PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
. In the following image you can see one GenericDataRegion1 entry that is going to be checked.
GenericSessionDataRegion can be checked in two ways. One of them is using the checksum algorithm
and the other one is performed when ChecksStatusFlags & 4 != 0
. In the later case the check consists of an interation calling MmIsAddressValid
on each page spanning the data. The check is successful if none of the calls to MmIsAddressValid
In this section we will summarize how all the TypeProcessList checks are done (From Type1ProcessList
to Type5ProcessList
). All of these checks are quite similar but they differ on which processes list is going to be used for the check. First we will explain how the code determines if there is a misconfiguration then we will mention which list is used for each check. To detect if there's something anomalous, the list of all processes referenced by PsActiveProcessHead is going to be iterated and set the value of _EPROCESS.Pcb.Visited
to a value between 1 and 0x80 (it depends on the configuration). Pcb_Visited_Offset is the offset to the needed field in _EPROCESS
, while the address of _EPROCESS
object is obtained by subtracting ActiveProcessLinksOffset from the list iterator. This first part is going to be used as a reference in order to compare that _EPROCESS.Pcb.Visited
field contains the previously set value by walking another list that links processes. After each comparison the value of that field is cleared. The lists for each check are:
- Type1ProcessList => KiProcessListHead
- Type2ProcessList => PspCidTable
- Type3ProcessList => HandleTableListHead
- Type4ProcessList => In this case first iteration is over HandleTableListHead and the second over PsActiveProcessHead
- Type5ProcessList => No comparisons, just iterate PsActiveProcessHead and clear the
We think that _EPROCESS.Pcb.Visited
is only to be used by PatchGuard
for these checks.
All pool type checks use the checksum algorithm
. The important thing to note here is that the checksum value is 8 bytes long and it starts at field PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
. PgCheckTypeEntry.Checksum
is unused although it's value can be different than 0. PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst3
is the offset added to PgCtx
start in order to find the start address of the pool. PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst4
is the size of the pool (in bytes).
Next we have an example of Type1Pool entry where the offset to the start of the pool is 0xAA0
(which in this case is sizeof(PgCtx)
) and added to start of PgCtx
will sum up to the address of first entry to be checked (as explained here). The curios property here is Size
(or PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst4
) which is 0
meaning that nothing is going to be checked. However the checksums are going to match, because the starting value (for the computed checksum) used in checksum algorithm
is taken from LoopInitValue which has the same value as the expected checksum.
Other types use the same algorithm.
For this check, the code will first get the _GROUP_AFFINITY
of the processor specified in the PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst2
using the call to KeProcessorGroupAffinity
, with this value they will change the thread to that _GROUP_AFFINITY
. Once this is done, the code will iterate over the MSRs to be checked, the number of MSRs is defined by PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
. In this type the data is after the entry and it contains the following structure for each MSR:
typedef struct _CriticalMSR
QWORD MsrValueMask;
QWORD ExpectedMsrValue;
DWORD MsrNumber;
} CriticalMSR, *PCriticalMSR;
Having this structure is pretty easy to understand how the check is done. In the normal scenario the value of the MSR will be read with __readmsr
, this value will be masked with the field MsrValueMask
and compared against ExpectedMsrValue
in case they don't match the bugcheck parameters
will be saved.
First, current's process _EPROCESS
object is obtained using _KPRCB
, CurrentThreadOffset, ApcStateProcessOffset and ApcStateOffset. Next MmCheckProcessShadow
is called and if the return value isn't 0xFFFFFFFF
the bugcheck parameters
are saved (then expect the bugcheck). An interesting fact is that the return value is also going to be saved toPgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
. Before saving the parameters, a copy of the current PgCheckTypeEntry
can be saved to the address pointed by pPgEntry, but this operation depends on the result of GeneralFlags & 0x40000000
being true.
When first call to MmCheckProcessShadow
returns the expected value, execution continues by verifying if ProcShadowPid isn't 0 and using it in a call to PsLookupProcessByProcessId
, otherwise using PsGetNextProcessEx
to obtain a pointer to a new _EPROCESS
object. Next, PsAcquireProcessExitSynchronization
, KeStackAttachProcess
, MmCheckProcessShadow
, KeUnstackDetachProcess
and ObDereferenceProcessHandleTable
are called in a loop that terminates when the count of iterations is greater than 0x100
or the return value is not 0xFFFFFFFF
(expect trouble) or PsGetNextProcessEx
returns a NULL
Lastly, after successfull execution of the above steps, the return value from PsGetProcessId
is saved to ProcShadowPid, which makes us think that this field's purpose is to keep state of the last checked process.
has to be non-zero, otherwise the check skips this check entry. Next, depending on the value in ChecksStatusFlags one of the first 32 bits inside System
process object is set to 1. The pseudocode explains it better:
if ( PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags & 0x4000 )
SystemEprocess = PgCtx->SystemEProcess;
while ( 1 )
if ( !_interlockedbittestandset(SystemEprocess, (PgCtx->GeneralFlags >> 10) & 0x1F) )
In our test environment the clause wasn't satisfied so we couldn't check exactly which bit is going to be set.
If PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst1
's least significant bit is 1, the checksum algorithm
is used on PgCheckEntryType.Data
with size in PgCheckEntryType.DataSize
and compare the result to PgCheckEntryType.Checksum
, as we already learned before.
When that bit isn't set and SessionObject was initialized (not 0), there are 2 possibilities, already known to us:
- use
checksum algorithm
- use
Which branch/method is chosen is subject to the value in ChecksStatusFlags and some arithmethic computations like:
v1202 = PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags
if ( !((v1202 ^ (v1202 >> 3)) & 4) )
v1202 = v1203 = PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags;
v1203 = v1202 ^ (v1202 ^ (8 * v1203)) & 0x20;
PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags = v1203;
when the MSSEC_PG_CB_ARG2.Field4
is 0.
This check is composed of two phases. First is the familiar checksum algorithm
. The second phase consists of an iteration over an array of structures. The number of structures to iterate is defined by this relation PgCheckTypeEntry.DataSize \ 16
where the definition of the structure is:
typedef struct _ExecutiveCbObj
} ExecutiveCbObj, *PExecutiveCbObj;
Calling ExpEnumerateCallback
with the first argument ExecutiveCbObj.CallbackObject
returns the CallbackFunction
from callback registration handle. The returned pointer (CallbackFunction
) is then used as an argument to RtlPcToFileHeader
which allows to obtain the base address of the module where the callback resides. If the last mentioned call fails PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
will be assigned the CallbackFunction
and PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst3
will be assigned the callback registration handle (pointer to the object) before saving the bugcheck parameters
For both checks first they will get the _GROUP_AFFINITY
of processor that's specified by EntryConst6
and set the thread to that group and affinity. At this point is when the checks split, in the case of the ExtendedProcessorCR the code will get the Extended Control Register
using xgetbv
the value of XCR0
will be composed and masked with the _QWORD
starting from PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
, this value will be compared agains the expected XCR0
that was saved in PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst3
. For the case of ProcessorControlRegister the control register to check is based on the flag inside PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst5
, if the flag is set then the check will be on CR4 (__readcr4
) in case is not set the check will be done on CR0 (__readcr0
), again the value will be masked with the _QWORD
from PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
and compared against the expected Control Register saved in PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst3
. In any case if they expected value doesn't match the bugcheck parameters
will be populated accordingly.
First check if the Win32CalloutFlag is equal to 0xB
(we didn't find the meaning of this flag/value), if it's equal then get the Callback Block object referenced by PsWin32CallBack with the function ExReferenceCallBackBlock
, if a Callback Block
is returned, then the callback function is retrieved using ExGetCallBackBlockRoutine
. After, if PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
(in this case it is a pointer spanning EntryConst1
and EntryConst2
) contains the expected function that's referenced by the callback, then they'll be compared. In case PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
is NULL, then the code will check that the obtained callback is inside the range defined by Win32CalloutBlockStart plus Win32CalloutBlockSize, in case this is correct then the obtained callback function will be saved in PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
. In any other case the system will bugcheck.
The shortest check, if ChecksStatusFlags second least significant bit is not set or the call to RtlIsMultiSessionSku
returns a value different than 0 - expect a bugcheck.
For this case PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
represents a _OBJECT_TYPE *
and the high word in PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst3
is the expected value for ObjectTypeFlags
(here known as ExpectedTypeFlags
The given object is used along with ObjectTypeTypeInfoOffset and ObjectTypeTypeFlags offsets to compare the _OBJECT_TYPE.TypeInfo.ObjectTypeFlags
with the expected one from ExpectedTypeFlags
. If they aren't equal the bugcheck follows.
Next step is to check if _OBJECT_TYPE.TypeInfo.SupportsObjectCallbacks
is not set and the object CallbackList.Flink
is not pointing to itself then it will fail (bugcheck).
This is not the end, checksum algorithm
is used to check for checksum matching. It is important to mention that after the entry header there's more data to be used in the following check.
The low word of PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst3
is Length
and MaximumLength
structure and the data after the entry header is the UNICODE_STRING.Buffer
. The initialized structure is going to be used in a call to ObReferenceObjectByName and the obtained ObjectPtr
will be compared to PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
(the currently checked object). If the comparison is unsatisfied - bugcheck.
In this case, the data is right after the entry header and this data is composed of an array of structures, the number of elements from the array is determined by 0x10 * PgCheckTypeEntry->NextEntryConst2
, and the definition of the structure is as it follows:
typedef struct _SystemServiceFunction
DWORD ExpectedChecksum;
DWORD DataSize;
} SystemServiceFunction, *PSystemServiceFunction;
With this information the check will iterate over the array and use the checksum algorithm
this time using SystemServiceFunction.Data
instead of the PgCheckTypeEntry.Data
This check will start by getting a reference to the PsLoadedModuleList, after this the code will get the RtlpInvertedFunctionTable from which it will obtain the _INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE.CurrentSize
and the pointer to the TableEntry (Array of _INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE_ENTRY
). Then a pool with tag LoadedModuleTag(rwPD
) and size CurrentSize * 8
plus a pseudorandom generated number will be allocated, in this pool they will write what looks like to be random data, except for a certain area where they will save the DllBase
of the loaded modules by iterating over the PsLoadedModuleList
is the head of the structure _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY) and checking if the DllBase
is a Session Addres (MmIsSessionAddress
-> MiGetSystemRegionType
). This area of the pool will then be sorted with quicksort algorithm (Using a function pointed by the PgCtx
we called KeQsort). Lastly to check if everything is fine in the system, the check will iterate over the entries of the inverted table, getting their _INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE_ENTRY.ImageBase
and checking if the previoulsy saved DllBases match any of the ImageBase from the InvertedTable. In case a DllBase from PsLoadedModuleList
doesn't match any of the ImageBase of the inverted table the system will bugcheck. Here is a little snippet of how this works (Is not complete and some things have been vastly simplified):
while (PsLoadedModuleList != LoadedModules->Flink) {
DllBase = *(LoadedModules) + DllBaseOffset;
if (!MmIsSessionAddress(DllBase)) {
AllocatedPool + i = DllBase;
LoadedModules = LoadedModules->Flink;
while (InvertedTableEntries < InvertedTableEntries[CurrentSize]) {
ImageBase = InvertedTableEntries->ImageBase;
counter = i - 1;
while(counter) {
if (ImageBase == AllocatedPool + j) {
if (!counter) {
First part of the ImportTable consists in using the checksum algorithm
(as in most of the cases over PgCheckTypeEntry.Data
and length PgCheckTypeEntry.DataSize
). However there's a small nuance, if PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
's least significant bit is set and the value pointed by VfThunksExtended is not 0, execution flows into the second phase, otherwise - bugcheck.
Second part of this check is articuled by the call to VOID __fastcall ComputeHash(PPgCtx, PVOID, SIZE_T, PVOID)
(mentioned before in GenericDataRegion1). The output from this call is compared to the expected value hosted by PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst2
(and PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst3
). Here, same nuance applies. If
if ( !(PgCheckTypeEntry->EntryConst1 & 1) || !*PgCtx->VfThunksExtended )
is not satisfied, VslVerifyPage
is called on every page that PgCheckTypeEntry.Data
extends over. If all of the calls to VslVerifyPage
return a value >= 0
the bugcheck is avoided.
SessionImportTable is not much different, only that it prefixes the above steps with additional checks, that hopefully are better understood in pseudocode than words:
if ( PgCheckType == SessionImportTable )
if ( !PgCtx->SessionObject )
goto nosessionobject;
StatusFlags = PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags;
if ((PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags >> 2) & 1)
goto nosessionobject;
if ( PgCtx->MsSecArg2Field4 ) // Field4 from MsSecArg2
if ( (StatusFlags >> 5) & 1 )
goto nosessionobject;
PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags = StatusFlags ^ (StatusFlags ^ (8 * StatusFlags)) & 0x20;
The initial step on this check is to execute the already known checksum algorithm
. On the second step, the RtlpInvertedFunctionTable will be obtained, and with it the pointer to the TableEntry and the CurrentSize, with these values the inverted function table entries will be iterated comparing the structure against the one pointed by PgCheckEntryType.Data
, if none of the inverted function table entries matches the one in the PgCheckEntryType.Data
the system will bugcheck. Finally, another check will be done, this one will again iterate over the inverted function table entries but in this case the check will obtain the ImageBase of the entry and check:
- If the ImageBase is page aligned.
- If the ImageBase address is bigger than the ImageBase + SizeOfImage.
- If the ImageBase address is less than the previous entry ImageBase + SizeOfImage (Entries in the Inverted Function Table are fill when the module is loaded).
- If the ImageBase+SizeOfImage is the same as the previous entry ImageBase + SizeOfImage.
For the last two check the entry has in PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst3
and PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst5
the ImageBase and the SizeOfImage of the next entry in the inverted function table.
If any of these checks is not satisfied then the loop will stop and the system will bugcheck (As a side note, both checks are done with IRQL/CR8 == 0xF).
We strongly recommend reading this article to learn more on Inverted Tables.
Abstracting some details that aren't critical for understanding the core idea (but important to determine the code path) of this check, it can be sliced in two:
- Use
checksum algorithm
and compare the result withPgCheckTypeEntry.Checksum
- Depending on the value of
(third LSb is set), compareIMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64.GuardCFCheckFunctionPointer
is given inPgCheckTypeEntry.Data
) withPgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
(expected VA where CFG check function pointer is stored). Next compareIMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64.GuardCFDispatchFunctionPointer
(expected VA where CFG dispatch-function pointer is stored). If compared values aren't matching the system bugchecks.
If PgCheckTypeEntry.DataSize
is 0, which means that this entry contains useful data immediately after the entry header. An UNICODE_STRING
structure is initialized, PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst5
represents UNICODE_STRING.Length
and UNICODE_STRING.MaximumLength
is initialized to the after the entry header (basically PPgCheckTypeEntry + 1
). This structure is an argument (formal parameter ObjectPath) to ObReferenceObjectByName
call (where IoDriverObjectType stands for ObjectType).
Next, calling RtlLookupFunctionTableEx
with ObReferenceObjectByName
pointer as first argument and second argument a structure whose second member will the base address of the module containing the function (in this case Ntoskrnl
). Having the base address of the module, RtlImageNtHeader
is called to obtain a pointer to IMAGE_NT_HEADERS
and read IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage
Same steps are repeated but calling RtlLookupFunctionTableEx
with the pointer from PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst1
. The end result is IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage
of the driver.
Next, every entry in the dispatch table of the driver (DRIVER_OBJECT.MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION + 1]
) is checked for membership, in other words if the entry point of the function is not inside Ntoskrnl
's address space (for the default case when set to nt!IopInvalidDeviceRequest
) or not inside driver's address space then a hijack is detected and the system bugchecks (the address of the function that isn't satisfying the constraint is saved to PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst3
Next part of this check is determined by the following check:
if ( !(PgCtx->GeneralFlags & 0x40000000) )
If the negation of the conjuction is true, checksum algorithm
is used on PgCheckTypeEntry.Data
and the result is saved to PgCheckTypeEntry.Checksum
. Then using the same algorithm a new checksum is computed on the data from DRIVER_OBJECT.FastIoDispatch
and size FAST_IO_DISPATCH.SizeOfFastIoDispatch
, the result is saved to PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst6
(fast_io_checksum). No comparisons.
Otherwise, if negation ends as false, the first part (the one checking the address space membership) is performed on DRIVER_OBJECT.FastIoDispatch
and if successful the above fast_io_checksum computation ends the check. If the any of those FastIoDispatch
entries failed the test - expect a bugcheck.
is the processor index used as second argument to KeProcessorGroupAffinity
, the group affinity is set using KeSetSystemGroupAffinityThread
. Before proceeding further, the IDTR
and GDTR
are saved. At a high level this check is an iteration over contents of the IDT
, specifically _KIDTENTRY64
After entering the loop, the IRQL
is raised to 0xF. From the current (first) IDT
entry, the address of the current (first) ISR
is formed (_KIDTENTRY64.OffsetHigh << 32 | _KIDTENTRY64.OffsetMiddle << 16 | _KIDTENTRY64.OffsetLow
) - let's name it IdtIsr
. The address of the ISR
corresponding to the current iteration (starting from 0) is obtained in this manner &
KiIsrThunkShadow[8 * i]
- let's name it IsrThunk
. If the IdtIsr
isn't equal to IsrThunk
a couple of checks follow. If one of the checks isn't satisfied - the system bugchecks.
At this state a bugcheck can be avoided if these conditions are satisfied:
- NtosImageBase
< IdtIsr <
NtosImageEnd. - The call to
(NtosNtImageHeaders are available to use as first argument) must not fail to return aPIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
must be 0._KIDTENTRY64.Selector
must be 0x10 (code segment),_KIDTENTRY64.Type & 0x1F00
must be 0xE00 (Interrupt Gate) and_KIDTENTRY64.Present
equal to 1.PRUNTIME_FUNCTION.BeginAddress
(obtained from a call toRtlLookupFunctionEntry(IdtIst, ..., ...)
) added toNtoskrnl
base address must be equal toIdtIsr
. (*)
(*) An important thing to notice, is that when the last check mentioned above is satisfiable and the execution context/state doesn't have a KINTERRUPT
initialized (it is 0/NULL), execution increments the loop counter and moves the iterator to next IDT
In case there's a KINTERRUPT
available (**) more checks follow:
must not be 3 (user mode).KINTERRUPT.DispatchAddress
(obtained using KInterruptDispatchOffset) must be equal toPRUNTIME_FUNCTION.BeginAddress
(obtained fromRtlLookupFunctionEntry(DispatchAddress, ..., ...)
) added toNtoskrnl
base address.- The call to
must not fail to return aPIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
must be 0.- If loop counter is 254 then
(obtained using KServiceRoutineOffset) must be equal to HalpPerfInterrupt
Now, when IdtIsr
is equal to IsrThunk
first check is to make sure _KIDTENTRY64.Dpl
is not be 3 (user mode). In order to obtain KINTERRUPT
structure for the current ISR
, function KiGetInterruptObjectAddress
is called (which explains **). After obtaining KINTERRUPT.DispatchAddress
the next check is if the loop counter is less than 48, and if it is then IdtIsr
and DispatchAddress
are saved to the address pointed by PgFaultArea, the bugcheck will follow but not until the iterator is greater that 255 (size of IDT
We reached the end part. Here 2 checksums are calculated (using checksum algorithm
). First checksum1 is calculated for the first 53 entries in the IDT
. Second checksum2 is for entry 225.
If checksum1 is not equal to PgCheckTypeEntry.Checksum
or checksum2 is not equal to PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
or IDTR.Size
(saved at the start) is not equal to PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst6
- expect a bugcheck.
The cherry on the cake is summarized in the following snippet:
if ( PgCtx->FeaturesActiveFlags & 1 )
IA32MSR = 0xC0000082i64; // IA32_LSTAR_MSR
pKiSyscall64 = __readmsr(0xC0000082);
__writemsr(0xC0000082, &PgCtx->PgSyscallHook); // 0xC3 -> ret
if ( !(PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags & 0x20000) ) // (1)
Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb();
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E0F0C0 = &PgCtx + 0xA3A03F5891C8B4E8;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DE8 = Prcb;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF0 = 0xC0000082i64;
Temp = PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF8;
*Temp = 0x112i64; // (1)
KeGuardDispatchICall(&PgCtx->SyscallOpcode1); // 0F 05 -> syscall
if ( !(PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags & 0x20000) ) // (2)
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E0F0C0 = 0xA3A03F5891C8B4E8ui64;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DE8 = 0i64;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF0 = 0i64;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF8 = 0i64; // (2)
__writemsr(0xC0000082, pKiSyscall64);
It is not clear what is the precise purpose of this code, besides the fact that the value of IA32_LSTAR_MSR
is changed to an address (PgSyscallHook) inside PgCtx
that contains opcode 0xC3
and the instruction called is syscall
(SyscallOpcode1). We suppose that this can be an attempt to detect MSR syscall hooks, but we're not sure. The fields marked by (1) and (2) left us with the thought that it may be an auxilliary location to save bugcheck parameters in case the syscall
causes a bugcheck.
After setting processor group affinity and thread affinity group (with KeProcessorGroupAffinity
and KeSetSystemGroupAffinityThread
), the IDTR
and GDTR
are saved. If second LSb in FeaturesActiveFlags is set, a new IDT
is initialized for entries with indexes 1, 2 and 0x18. What happens next is way easier to summarize with pseudocode than with words. So...
NewIDT[1] = PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx1;
NewIDT[2] = PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx2;
NewIDT[0x12] = PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx18h;
NewIdtr.Size = 303;
NewIdtr.Base = NewIDT;
NewIDT[1].OffsetLow = &PgCtx->NewIdtDescriptor1;
NewIDT[1].OffsetMiddle = &PgCtx->NewIdtDescriptor1 >> 16;
NewIDT[1].OffsetHigh = &PgCtx->NewIdtDescriptor1 >> 32;
__writedr(7u, 0i64);
NewIDT[1].OffsetLow = &PgCtx->NewIdtDescriptor2; // unclear why this is done again?
NewIDT[1].OffsetMiddle = &PgCtx->NewIdtDescriptor2 >> 16;
NewIDT[1].OffsetHigh = &PgCtx->NewIdtDescriptor2 >> 32;
if ( PgCtx->FeaturesActiveFlags & 0x20 )
PgCtx->StackSegmentReg = KiGetSs();
__writedr(0, &PgCtx->StackSegmentReg);
__writedr(7u, 0x70001ui64);
PgCtx->pSyscall = KiErrataSkx55Present(&PgCtx->StackSegmentReg);
__writedr(7u, 0i64);
__writedr(0, 0i64);
PgCtx->pSyscall = KiErrata704Present();
PgCtx->PrcbNumber = KeGetPcr()->Prcb.Number;
Unregarding of the above case, next important events are reading of LDTR
and TR
. Then checksum algorithm
is used to obtain the checksum over GDT
and compare it against PgCheckTypeEntry.CheckSum
, GDTR.Size
is compared against PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst6
is compared for equality to 0, TR
is compared for equality against 64. If any of the above checks are not satisfied the system will bugcheck.
This check will iterate over the processes by calling the undocumented function PsGetNextProcess, for each retrieved _EPROCESS
. The check has different branches but all of the will use the following functions (function names are quite self-explanatory):
- PsGetProcessProtection
- PsGetProcessSignatureLevel
- PsGetProcessSectionBaseAddress
With the values returned from this functions the code will proceed to check the ProcessProtection (_PS_PROTECTION
), it focuses on two protection levels: 0x72 (PS_PROTECTED_SYSTEM
), then if this condition is satisfied they will proceed to compose the SignatureLevel and the SectionSignatureLevel based on the ProcessProtection obtained with PsGetProcessProtection
and check if this composed value matches the ones obtained from PsGetProcessSignatureLevel
. In case the _EPROCESS
is not from System, then the code will call MmEnumerateAddressSpaceAndReferenceImages
which seems to return some kind of structure with VADs from the process (we are not sure 100% how this functions works, but it seems to iterate over the VadRoot and save values from it into an allocated structure), this returned structure will then be iterated and the SignatureLevel or SectionSignatureLevel (it chooses one or the other based on a check using the previously obtained SectionBaseAddress) will be compared with another computed value from this VAD structure by using SeCompareSigningLevels
. If something is wrong, this structure will be saved in PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst3
and the anomalous entry will be saved in PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst1
Is important to mention that this check is only done in the following cases:
- PsGetNextProcess returns NULL, in this case the check is done using the SystemEProcess and checking for protection level
- When the
from PsGetNextProcess is the same one returned byPsInvokeWin32Callout
with first parameter0x1A
- If the returned
is a LeaderProcess, check done byMmIsSessionLeaderProcess
, and is related to SILO processes. The protection level checked isPS_PROTECTED_WINTCB_LIGHT
In this check there's two possible ways of checking the data based on how it was initialized. In case PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst4 == 0
then the check will obtain the data from an array of structures saved just after the entry header, the structure can be defined as it follows:
typedef struct _ModulePaddingData
DWORD StartOffset;
DWORD EndOffset;
DWORD Checksum;
} ModulePaddingData, *PModulePaddingData;
the pointer where the StartOffset
is going to be added is contained in PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst1
and with this data the checksum algorithm
will be executed. In the other case, where PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst4 != 0
the array of structures is going to be pointed by PgCheckEntryType.Data
and the definition of this structure resembles _IMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY
The number of entries comes defined by the relation PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst4 / 0xC
with this information the code will iterate over the entries and again using PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst1
as the base to add the StartOffset
it will compute using the checksum algorithm
but this time just for a byte that will be compared against the expected value that in this case is right after the entry header. Using this latter case to check doesn't mean the first is not going to be done, but in this case to get to the ModulePaddingData
array the code will compute the offset in the data by using what looks like a magic number division (0x2AAAAAAAAAAAAAAB
Execution of this check is dependant on the value of PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst3
. When the second least significat bit of the value is set and ChecksStatusFlags has the third least significant bit set, first part of the check is an iteration that calls MmIsAddresValid
on each page containing the data pointed by PgCheckTypeEntry.Data
. In case none of the previously mentioned bits are set, checksum algorithm
is used and the target value is in PgCheckTypeEntry.Checksum
. These are to be considered part one.
In order to continue into part two, LSb of PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst3
must be set, otherwhise this check is done. In continuation, PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst1
represents the base address of the image to check and RtlImageNtHeader
function is used to obtain a pointer to IMAGE_NT_HEADERS
to which IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.SizeOfOptionalHeader
is added to reach the first IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
. Starting from first section header a couple of checks are done (by order of occurence):
(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.VirtualAddress + max(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.VirtualSize, IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.SizeOfRawData)) & 0xFFFFF000
is computed in order to get the next section virtual address (RVA), in case the computed virtual address is<= 0x1000
(usual RVA of the first section ) section iterator is incremented (moved) top the next section. If the check was done on the last section then iteration stops (and the whole check is done).- Sections with
are ignored. - Sections with
) are ignored. As a side note, last 4 members are pointed by PAGEVRF, PAGESPEC, INIT, PAGEKD. - Sections with
are ignored.
If execution passes all required checks, next steps are orchestrated by the third LSb in FeaturesActiveFlags. Let's dissect first part, when that bit is set.
All squares in the image are BBs (basic blocks). BB1 checks for the bit mentioned above. BB2 initializes ECX to the value that signifies XBEGIN_STARTED
, then xbegin
is executed with the fallback address being the start of next BB. In BB3 if EAX (which contains RTM status) is not equal to XBEGIN_STARTED
this means that there was an RTM abort and execution will continue in BB5, otherwise to BB4 which fetches a byte from the section data and executes xend
, in case the transaction fails execution will end in BB3 as it is memorized as the fallback address, otherwise it will continue to BB6 - an incrementation block. Inside BB5 depending on the result of the check a new attempt to access the section data is going to be performed using a different method (starting in BB7).
The different method branches, too. Second branch is taken when the base address of the image to verify is NtImageBase or HalImageBase and the section name is not starting with .eda
(is it a mistake? did they meant PAGE
?). An MDL is initialized and then MmGetPhysicalAddress is called. First branch is taken in other cases, and it consists of a call to the function that we named InitProbeAndLockMdl.
The prototype of the function can be defined as:
NTSTATUS __fastcall PgCb_InitProbeAndLockMdl(PMDL Mdl, PVOID ImgBaseAddress)
If the return status is STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
and PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst3 & 4
is 0 then the system bugchecks. This last check involves an additional check (in case EntryConst3 & 4
isn't 0) for section characteristics having IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE
that leads to the bucheck, too. (Clear thing the last sentence contradicts in one case with what we said above, but not to make our explanation "spaghetti" we leave this corner case unexplained).
After any of the above two branches (part of the second method) is executed, an barrier is initialized with a call to RtlInitMinimalBarrier(&
MinimalBarrier, *KeNumberProcessors_0)
. Next is a call to KeIpiGenericCall(&PgCtx +
. We tried to get the code that is going to be executed, but the results were evidently wrong, probably the offset we had was wrong or we commited another mistake.
When all the sections are verified the check is done.
We will analyze this three checks together since they are quite similar, first SessionFunctionOrPdata will check if there is a SessionObject in case there is no the check will jump into the general check, if there is a session object, the page aligned data will be obtained from PgCheckEntryType.Data
and passed as an argument to MmIsAddressValid
in case this function fails the system will bugcheck, if it doesn't fail then the checksum algorithm
will be applied with the PgCheckEntryType.Data
and PgCheckEntryType.DataSize
For cases FunctionOrPdata and FunctionOrPdata1, both will start by first doing the already known checksum algoritm
if everything is correct, then the paths will split. We will first focus on the FunctionOrPdata which is a bit more simple. For this check, the PgCheckEntryType.Data
points to an array of _IMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY
ULONG BeginAddress;
ULONG EndAddress;
ULONG UnwindInfoAddress;
ULONG UnwindData;
with this structure and taking into account that the base address of the module where the function or data is located is in the field PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst3
, the code will iterate each entry of the array and use the checksum algorithm
to prove if the expected checksum is obtained, this expected checksums are saved in order after the entry header.
For FunctionOrPdata1, the check will be mostly handled on an auxiliary function we called int __fastcall PgCbHandleFunctionOrPdata1(PPgCtx PgCtx, PVOID FunctionOrData, unsigned int FunctionOrDataSize)
. This function, will first obtain a pointer to the FunctionOrData - 0x6
. With this pointer the code will check if the 6 bytes before the FunctionOrData
match the following pattern: 4C 87 00 98 C3 [90|F1]
. If the pattern doesn't match then they will use 0 as the key value to calculate the hash, in case the pattern condition is satisfied then the function will call __int64 __fastcall KiAccessPage(__int64 (__fastcall *Pattern)(), PVOID pFunctionOrPdata, _QWORD FunctionOrPdata)
this function is quite small, and inlining the Pattern
it will look something like this:
48 83 EC 28 sub rsp, 0x28
48 8b C2 mov rax, rdx
FF D1 call rcx
4C 87 00 xchg qword ptr [rax], r8
98 cwde
C3 ret
90 nop
49 83 C9 FF or r9, 0xffffffffffffffff
48 92 xchg rdx, rax
98 cwde
48 3B C2 cmp rax, rdx
49 8B C1 mov rax, r9
49 0F 44 C0 cmovz rax, r8
48 83 C4 28 add rsp, 0x28
C3 ret
This snippet will basically return the first 8 bytes from the function or pdata, and in this case this value is the one that's going to be used as the key to calculate the checksum that will be returned from PgCbHandleFunctionOrPdata1
. Before comparing this checksum agains the expected value (As in FunctionOrPdata the expected checksum is after the entry header) the check will again test if the FunctionOrPdata - 0x6
match the pattern and in case it does it will compose a new idt decriptor for INT 01
, modify the IDTR
, write 0xF1
in the FunctionOrPdata - 0x1
and call the function KeDispatchCall(pFunctionOrPdataMinusOne)
. Since OxF1 == icebp
which triggers an INT 01
, the trap will be handled by the new ISR
. This can be seen in the following pseudocode (similar to IDT and GDT case):
NewIdtBase[1] = PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx1;
NewIdtBase[2] = PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx2;
NewIdtBase[18] = PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx18h;
NewIdtr.Size = 303;
NewIdtr.Base = NewIdtBase;
NewIdtBase[1].OffsetLow = &PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx1Offset;
NewIdtBase[1].OffsetMiddle = &PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx1Offset >> 16;
NewIdtBase[1].OffsetHigh = &PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx1Offset >> 32;
*(ptrFuncOrPdata - 1) = 0xF1;
if ( !(PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags & 0x20000) )
Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb();
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E0F0C0 = PgCtx + 0xA3A03F5891C8B4E8ui64:
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DE8 = Prcb;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF0 = ptrFuncOrPdata;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF8 = 0x113i64;
if ( !(PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags & 0x20000) )
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E0F0C0 = 0xA3A03F5891C8B4E8ui64;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DE8 = 0i64;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF0 = 0i64;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF8 = 0i64;
Finally, for both FunctionOrPdata and FunctionOrPdata1 if everything went right until this point there's one last check this time using the RtlpInvertedFunctionTable
. For this check, the inverted function table entries will be iterated comparing them with the value pointed by PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst1
, if all of the entries of the inverted function table are check and no one matches then the system will bugcheck (Similar to the InvertedFunctionTable case).
is the processor index used as second argument to KeProcessorGroupAffinity
, the group affinity is set using KeSetSystemGroupAffinityThread
. If LocalAPICRelated is available the value of IA32_X2APIC_LVT_TIMER
MSR is read from LocalAPICRelated[200]
otherwise __readmsr(0x832)
is in charge. As before is proceeded for IA32_X2APIC_LVT_PMI
. Group affinity is restored by calling KeRevertToUserGroupAffinityThread
and we're for the next part.
If FeaturesActiveFlags has fifth LSb set, a new IDT
is initialized for entries with indexes 1, 2 and 0x18. The original IDTR
is saved then the new one is loaded. In between two conditional blocks a call to KiErrata361Present()
is squeezed. As in other similar cases an example of pseudocode makes it easier to comprehend:
pNewIdt[1] = PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx1;
pNewIdt[2] = PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx2;
pNewIdt[0x12] = PgCtx->IdtEntryIdx18h;
NewIdtr.Size = 303;
NewIdtr.Base = pNewIdt;
pNewIdt[1].OffsetLow = &PgCtx->NewIdtDescriptor1;
pNewIdt[1].OffsetMiddle = &PgCtx->NewIdtDescriptor1 >> 16;
pNewIdt[1].OffsetHigh = &PgCtx->NewIdtDescriptor1 >> 32;
if ( !(PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags & 0x20000) )
CurrentPcrb = KeGetCurrentPrcb();
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E0F0C0 = &PgCtx + A3A03F5891C8B4E8h;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DE8 = CurrentPcrb;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF0 = 0i64;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF8 = 0x115i64;
if ( !(PgCtx->ChecksStatusFlags & 0x20000) )
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E0F0C0 = 0xA3A03F5891C8B4E8ui64;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DE8 = 0i64;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF0 = 0i64;
*PgCtx->qword_FFFFF80629E12DF8 = 0i64;
The disassembled code located at NewIdtDescriptor1 is:
48 CF iretq
And the code of KiErrata361Present
is (left some pointers to a future us/me):
000 8C D0 mov eax, ss
000 9C pushfq
008 81 0C 24 00 01 00 00 or dword ptr [rsp], 100h // TF set
008 9D popfq
000 8E D0 mov ss, eax // read "Intel Manual: Interrupt 1 Debug Exception.Program State Change"
000 F1 icebp // doesn't modify TF:
000 9C pushfq
008 81 24 24 FF FE FF FF and dword ptr [rsp], 0FFFFFEFFh // clear TF
008 9D popfq
000 C3 retn
Next, if any of the following clauses aren't satisfied, the system bugchecks.
ExpectedLapicValue = PgCheckTypeEntry->EntryConst1;
if ( (LapicLvtTimerValue & PgCheckTypeEntry->EntryConst2) != ExpectedLapicValue
|| !_bittest(&LapicLvtTimerValue, 0x10u) && LapicLvtTimerValue != 0xD1 && (LapicLvtTimerValue + 3) > i )
ExpectedPmiValue = PgCheckTypeEntry->EntryConst3;
if ( (LapicPmiValue & PgCheckTypeEntry->EntryConst4) != ExpectedPmiValue
|| !_bittest(&LapicPmiValue, 0x10u) && LapicPmiValue != 0xD1 && (LapicPmiValue + 3) > i )
For this check the callback will use another auxiliary function which we renamed as VOID __fastcall PgCbHandlePageHasMismatch(PPgCtx PgCtx, PPgCheckTypeEntry PgCheckTypeEntry)
. This function will first obtain a pointer to data after the entry header which will contain an array of structures with the precomputed hashes, this structure has the following definition:
typedef struct _PageHashMismatchEntry
BYTE ModifiedSha256[0x10];
DWORD CrcHash;
} PageHashMismatchEntry, *PPageHashMismatchEntry
On the other hand, from PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst3
the function will obtain the ImageBase of the module to check and from PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst5
the size of it. With this information the check will proceed to compute a pseudorandom number which will act as the index for the array and also the offset that's going to be added to the ImageBase, with this it will execute the checksum algorithm
and see if the one calculated from that offset in the ImageBase matches the corresponding with the PageHashMismatchEntry.CrcHash
for that index. If the check succeed, then it will proceed to compute the Modified SHA256 with the function ComputeHash
, passing as the data to hash the ImageBase+Offset
and as the size one page (0x1000
, the digest is going to be checked against PageHashMismatchEntry.ModifiedSha256
If everything is fine then the function will proceed with another check, this next check is based on the inverted function table, and is very similar to the other cases where we explained this. From PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst1
the function will obtain a INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE_ENTRY
, and it will iterate over the entries in the INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE RtlpInvertedFunctionTable
, if none of them matches the one from PgCheckEntryType.EntryConst1
then the system will bugcheck.
There's one last case, which will proceed almost the same as the one explained above, with the CRC and the modified SHA256 but this time some data will be saved (PageBase, SizeOfPage, ModifiedSha256) in an array of structures which is pointed by PageHashMismatchRelated also in this case the Modified Sha256 is calculated and saved in the structure in a function we named PgComputeParallelSha256Derivation
This check logically can be split in two parts. The first part is basically in charge of checking different types of callbacks. Which type of callback is checked depends on the value coming from MSSEC_PG_CB_ARG2.field4
. For example, when the value is 0 - CmpEnumerateCallback
is going to be verified. Every check can be grossly seen as an iteration over every entry (callback routine) and a call to RtlPcToFileHeader. The failing case of every check is when the return value from the call is NULL
(as specified in the documentation), which means that the callback is not inside a module.
Here's a short snippet of how a check is done:
CallbackIterator = NULL;
CurrIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql();
for (CallbackAddress = PgCtx->DbgEnumerateCallback(&CallbackIterator);
CallbackAddress = PgCtx->DbgEnumerateCallback(&CallbackIterator))
if (!PgCtx->RtlPcToFileHeader(CallbackAddress, &BaseAddress))
// copy entries of current PgCheckTypeEntry to PgCtx
// encode pointers...
PgCtx->SomethingWentWrong = 1;
goto check_if_SomethingWentWrong_is_set;
Here is a list of all callbacks that we saw being checked:
- CmpEnumerateCallback
- DbgEnumerateCallback
- PspEnumerateCallback
- KiEnumerateCallback
- ExpGetNextCallback
An additional check is done before getting into the second part. When PgCheckTypeEntry.EntryConst5
is not 0, its value is compared to the value of PgCtx->KiEntropyTimingRoutine (which is a pointer to a pointer to cng!EntropyTimingCallback
). These values are expected to be the same.
Second part, consists of a series of PgCheckTypeEntry
initializations. One important thing to mention here is that an auxilliary function is used for extending the PgCtx
(along with every PgCheckTypeEntry
) in order to store the new entry/entries that is/are going to be initialized. The contents of the previous pool are copied into the new one, and the previous is cleared. We're not going to dwelve into the internals of this function (we named PgKCalloutAllocPool
)*, but for the curios ones it's located at (RVA) +0x8BDB30
and it has the following prototype:
PPgCtx __fastcall PgKCalloutAllocPool(
PPgCtx PgCtx,
ULONG NewSize,
ULONG AllocationType
These are the types that can be initialized:
- LoadConfigDirectory
- ModulePadding
- GenericDataRegion, GenericSessionDataRegion
- ImageIntegrity
- RetpolineCodePage
- ImportTable, SessionImportTable
- PageHashMismatch, SessionPageHashMismatch
The initialization of this entries is done inside another function* that can be found at (RVA)
. - FunctionOrPdata, SessionFunctionOrPdata, FunctionOrPdata1
The initialization of this entries is done inside another function* that can be found at (RVA)
Our guess about why these entries can be initialized in this check is that all of them are volatile / dynamic entries. What we mean by this is the during the execution cycle the number of modules, import tables and so on may change.
* All these functions can be called from other PatchGuard
During the research we notice that some of the checks were always ending in the same piece of code, this code just check if something is wrong (SomethingWentWrong != 0
) and if it's the case it Bugchecks. It seems that this types won't be checked on this callback (Probably they are verified on another PatchGuard
verify routine). The list of types that end up here is the following:
- DebugRoutine
- ProcessorIVT
- DebugSwitchRoutine
- IRPAllocator
- DriverCallDispatcher
- IRPCompletionDispatcher
- IRPDeallocator
- CriticalFloatingPointCR
- SessionPageHashMismatch
- GeneralPool
- Win32k
- ProcessorMisconfiguration
Did we explain everything? No! Of course some details were left over and some details may be incomplete (we hope not incorrect). Please keep in mind that only this callback is decompiled to more than 9k lines of pseudocode (which of course helps a lot), which are hard to debug or in some cases impossible (mostly because some entry types are missing).
Also, we are still missing one (quite long) check, KernelNotificationCallout. We will update the README with this check soon :)
We are open to discuss more, hear any suggestions or corrections. Please don't hesitate to contact us!
- HexRays team for IDA Pro and its decompiler.
- Satoshi Tanda Some Tips to Analyze PatchGuard
- Tetrane Updated Analysis of PatchGuard on Microsoft Windows 10 RS4
- ReactOS
- Vergilius Project
- Microsoft PatchGuard team for developing a nice piece of engineering.