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chore: update Python versions in Dockerfiles #32

chore: update Python versions in Dockerfiles

chore: update Python versions in Dockerfiles #32

Workflow file for this run

name: "release"
on: {
"push": {
"branches": ["release"],
jobs: {
build: {
"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest",
"strategy": {
"matrix": {
"architecture": ["x86_64", "x86"],
"version": ["3.12", "3.11", "3.10"],
"steps": [
"name": "Checkout code",
"uses": "actions/checkout@v3",
"name": "Build docker image",
"run": "docker build -t release-${{ github.ref_name }}:${{ matrix.version }}-${{ matrix.architecture }} ./${{ matrix.version }}/${{ matrix.architecture }}/",
"name": "Save docker image as tar file",
"run": "docker save release-${{ github.ref_name }}:${{ matrix.version }}-${{ matrix.architecture }} > release-${{ matrix.version }}-${{ matrix.architecture }}.tar",
"name": "Figure out the /opt/python directory from the tar file",
"run": "./ci/ release-${{ matrix.version }}-${{ matrix.architecture }}.tar",
"name": "Gzip to save space",
"run": "sudo apt-get install gzip -y && gzip -9 build/release-${{ matrix.version }}-${{ matrix.architecture }}.tar",
"name": "Release the tar file to artifacts",
"uses": "actions/upload-artifact@v3",
"with": {
"name": "release-${{ matrix.version }}-${{ matrix.architecture }}.tar.gz",
"path": "build/release-${{ matrix.version }}-${{ matrix.architecture }}.tar.gz",
release: {
"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest",
"needs": "build",
"steps": [
"name": "Checkout code",
"uses": "actions/checkout@v3",
"name": "Create release tag",
"run": "git config --local '[email protected]' && \
git config --local 'CI' && \
echo release-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') > .release_tag && \
git tag $(cat .release_tag) && \
git push origin --tags",
"env": {
"GITHUB_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}",
"name": "Download release tar files",
"uses": "actions/download-artifact@v3",
"with": {
"path": "artifacts/",
{ "name": "Set env TAG_NAME",
"run": "echo ::set-env name=TAG_NAME::$(cat .release_tag)",
"env": {
"name": "Create GitHub release",
"uses": ncipollo/release-action@v1,
"with": {
"tag": "${{ env.TAG_NAME }}",
"artifacts": "artifacts/*/*.tar.gz",
"env": {
"GITHUB_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}",
"TAG_NAME": "${{ env.TAG_NAME }}",