Migrated to ActiveCampaign
Added support for Rails 7
Update minimum postmark gem dependency to avoid use of TLS v1
Update the postmark gem dependency to 1.x
Added support for Rails 6
Dropped support for Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3
Added support for Ruby 2.7
Update the postmark gem dependency to 1.15.x.
Added support for templated mailers.
Added source_code_uri to the gemspec.
Tested against all stable versions of ActionMailer 3.0-5.2 and Ruby 1.8.7-2.6.0.
Update the postmark gem dependency to 1.14.x.
Add support for metadata.
Update the postmark gem dependency to 1.13.x.
Update the postmark gem dependency to 1.11.x.
Added a section on error handling to the README.
Update the postmark gem dependency to 1.10.x.
Update the postmark gem dependency to 1.9.x.
Update the postmark gem dependency to 1.8.x.
Verified ActionMailer 5.0 support.
Updated the postmark gem dependency to 1.7.x.
Updated the postmark gem dependency to 1.6.x.
Updated the postmark gem dependency to 1.5.x
Called API access strings tokens instead of keys in documentation and code. Kept backwards compatibility.
Enabled HTTPS by default.
Added custom User-Agent header.
Updated the postmark gem dependency to 1.4.x.
Added support for open tracking.
Updated the postmark gem dependency to 1.3.x.
Updated the postmark gem dependency to 1.2.x.
Updated the postmark gem dependency.
Inherited inline images support.
Removed the legacy code providing Rails 2 support.
Added a Railtie for proper initialization in Rails 3+.
Removed the post-install message.
Upgraded actionmailer dependency to use >= 3.0.0.
Added multiple gemfiles to test against multiple actionmailer versions (currently 3.0.x, 3.2.x, 4.0.x).
Added integration specs.
Updated the postmark gem dependency to 1.0.x.
Removed attachments fix.
Replaced README.rdoc with README.md.
Added unit and integration tests for messages with attachemtns.
Added batch delivery support.
Updated the gem’s environment.
Fixed the postmark gem dependency on 0.9.x.
Added Travis-CI for integration testing.
Fixed “returning” deprecation warning.
Attachments support.
Added support for Rails 3.