Every command listed below is supposed to be run from within the folder where this README.md file resides.
The following virtual infrastructure will be provisioned using Vagrant
Install the Vagrant's hostmanager plugin
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
Install the Vagrant's vbguest plugin
$ vagrant plugin install --plugin-version 0.23.0 vagrant-vbguest
Before starting the provisioning, go to scripts folder and open the file create_cluster.sh. Here, decomment the cluster topology you wan to install.
When ready, provision the cluster:
$ vagrant up
Looking at the standard output you may spot some weird red messages. This is normal, just wait for the Vagrant procedure to fisnish.
As soon as the procedure finishes to setup the VMs, point your browser to or http://localhost:8080 (the port 8080 has been forwarded from your host machine to the hdp-singlenode)
The default login and password are admin/admin
Even when Vagrant finishes to provision the VMs, Ambari is still installing and starting packages on the cluster, the entire procedure may take up to 1 hour to complete, so be patient.