Thank you for your interesting in make this library better.
If you find any bugs feel free to create a issue over here and i will try to solve this as soon as I can.
If you want to fix something, you must make the following steps:
Fork this project
Install vue-cli
npm install vue-cli -g
Install dependencies of the project
npm install
Find the bug and kill that bastard 🙊
Upload your fix in a new branch and create a pull request
I will review the code and if everything is fine I will merge your changes.
If you dont know how to get a key for google maps, just follow the official google documentation
If you already have a key just go to the google console
Making a new build is easy thanks to the awesome vue-cli, just type in your terminal
vue build src/components/StaticMap.vue --prod --lib
I will generate the library in the dist folder
If you want to contact me feel free to send me a message in my mail or my twitter account