The purpose of this project is to learn about OpenGL features and Real-Time Rendering techniques. The final objectives is to implement a little Game Engine;
It is implemented using OpenGL 4.5 and C++.
- Skybox
- Shadow Mapping with directional and point lights.
- Water Rendering
- Tessellation of water surface
- Changes following sin for waves simulating
- Deferred Shading
- Boids Simulation
# Build
# Run
./engine [your-scene.json]
- GLFW --> OpenGL context and window API
- GLAD --> OpenGL loader
- Assimp --> 3D objects loader
- GLM --> Vectors, matrices ... operations header
- STB --> Image loader
In order to use this project you must install GLFW and Assimp on your computer.
❗❗ All textures should be at jpeg format.