Docs on using ssh to access the Appropedia server.
We should only allow login using ssh with keys (not passwords).
- Get them to send you their SSH public key, which should look vaguely like this:
ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBANbC85TPbHuDjZiQsGw+sWvBmi0nWn8xrbBG1RvqZ0hR1kDvk+FmGLYbQr5IbAHUsX8uN30yJkPJJ9rpsqhA8sQ4uowMLyHiim8y2g6SpBhbrqPTjACyj+IAZHc3awUjKujVtXQJL19W85iIvoZU/g5xV0IJTKcexGga0VopYeO1AAAAFQDGmslBCEvRlcJkGy2WwKygw1s83QAAAIEAiVsH8WTga5MgFWQMDZp+dV3tPqNJcGhbzz8+SfQ7VDUjNmCY2yKJZ756Ie1c3DvwPffJGW2uC/tnIqlTrEy7sHtlqwL7BzeK4wIfE04r2BaX1HWE8V9sD+1F1gl4f4VFn2w5wyylk+NSGYVwPHrzmFKbRs2Ct1IyXxKwHXkpM48AAACAYc9p3chAv+xkSxz3wDIc5Mga9RGczUPTe+A6hgMif0lKc6XfVLs6Hj0RwHAL4YOwnlQgScUZqYqtkY8qdEcv7LSWiuxf/tMWparPdJIWe+sP275CwkjPzvFebKXy2U/jivcGAYUdjqYl5Ap8uROyd+f0D2s4FuT6fI+EIVGVBwQ= skud@Watson
(It might say different things at the start and end, but you're looking for a few lines of gibberish with a user@host at the end of it.)
Add this key to .ssh/authorized_keys2
The person should now be able to ssh into the appropedia account using their key, not the account's password.
You should probably be dubious of a tech person who doesn't have an SSH key to login to the server and doesn't know how to create one for themselves. But assuming you have good reasons for wanting them to be able to login, then tell them to do the following (copy and paste if you like).
From the Unix command line, "ssh-keygen". Default options are fine.
Choose a passphrase of some kind (don't leave it blank).
Two files will be saved:
.ssh/id_dsa Your private key - DO NOT SHARE THIS .ssh/ Your public key -- provide this to use as above
On Windows: use putty.exe, and google for "create ssh key with putty" or similar. Though I'd be surprised if a Windows user were doing tech work here.