- git init
- git add . (. to add all files otherwise you can write only one file name)
- git commit -m "Message to Display i.e first time you time write initial comment"
Now your Project have been Added to local machine git
To push to whole project to github repository
- git remote add origin repository-Address-here i.e git remote add origin https://github.com/AsifMian/nw.git
- git push -u origin master
After changing the files
if you changed the files online then { better to pull the project
- git pull
- git clone repository-address-here
- git add .
- git commit -m "New change"
check wheather all changes have been commited
- git status
Then run
- git push origin master
How to delete branch
git branch -D branchName
git branch -d branchName
git push origin --delete branchName