- Bumped up all outdated deps.
- Removed TSLint in favor of ESLint for single source of truth.
- Added proxy middleware starter right into the app.
- Added SSL certificates and ability to work over HTTPS on localhost.
- Improved SCSS assets serving in development mode by placing them right into bundles instead of hardcode injection.
- Fixed HMR work in development mode.
- Update UjlifyJS plugin correspond to its internal update.
- Improved distinguish between prod and dev version running via Hot Module Replacement.
- Updated Webpack to 4.29.1 version.
- Removed .travis.ci file from git watch.
- Partiarly moved app to TypeScript v.3.3.4.
- Major Update of react dependencies (react react-dom react-redux react-router react-router-dom redux).
- Added React Hooks Example inroduction in Boddy Component.
- Added es2017 lib in tsconfig.json for better namespaces handling.
- Added react-hooks linter to eslint configuration.
- Added react-hooks linter to tslint configuration.
- Added react-hooks/exhaustive-deps dependency.
- Moved space-in-parens rule in tslint config into disabled state.
- Removed yarn-error.lock file.
- Added Code of Conduct and Pull Request Templates.
- Minor fixes.
- Updated react, redux, react-redux dependencies.
- Fixed chunks info in Development mode.
- Fixed Test scripts suite.
- Added travis-ci integration for automation build passing.
- Fixed Jest testing environment.
- Minor improvements.
- Added Jest dev and peer packages.
- Fixed Jest testing environment.
- Minor improvements.
- Added Tests example in the App.
- Fixed animation in App Component.
- Updated babel packages.
- Added ServiceWorkers in App.
- Added Added AnimationTransitionGroup v2 package for animation handling with example in Body Component.
- Improved App Structure.
- Added Redux connected store in App.
- First stabel release!
- Added tslint ans eslint inside compilation babel processes builds.
- Added major improvements and optimizations inside Webpack Configuration file.
- Major update of dependencies and devDependencies.
- Updated eslint config.
- Updated tslint config.
- Integrated React-Routing for app routring.
- Integrated Redux state managment in the app.
- Integrated Redux saga for async actions managment.
- Fixed TSLint checking on pre-commit stage.
- Fixed hot module replacement with unchecked app changes.
- Added polifylls for unsuportated babel methods.
- Added TypeScript support.
- Injected rocket-start React-Redux state controller framework
- Added more beatiful mocks (extended from create-react-app).
- App has been more clearly documented across whole app code.
- App has been created.