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Block42 Unity Wallet Demo 7 - Mining

This demo continues from Demo 6 and uses Nethereum.Geth to interact with the running node for mining. Isn't that great that you can actually mine in game, while it's not affecting the gaming experience too much? (No fake mining simulation in some mobile blockchain games)

Demo Scene

Play Mining.unity scene and click start mining, the script will check the latest block and update the ETH balance if the latest block is mined by this wallet. Screenshot

Scripts Overview

3 keys that should be noted in MiningDemo.cs:

  • Uses Web3Geth.Miner.Start and Web3Geth.Miner.Stop to start and stop the miner, they are System.Task running asynnc from main thread.
  • Uses EthBlockNumberUnityRequest to get the latest block number.
  • Uses EthGetBlockWithTransactionsByNumberUnityRequest to get the block info, which check if the block miner matches the player's wallet and display successfully mined.

In-Game Mining Difficulity

Althought geht works great as a workaround for in-game mining, there's few difficulties/security isses that should be noted.

geth uses CPU to mine, while in Ethereum all miners are using GPU mining, which is 10+ times faster than CPU mining. Mining with CPU in mainnet may causes you years for one successful block even you have a very good PC.

If you want to do in-game mining with geth in private chain like us, and don't want any GPU miners (such as ethminer) to mine your chain and greatly break the mining function in game, there's few ideas we are studying and may implement in soon future:

  • Change the source code of geth and only able to mine with a hard-coded password: This may stop GPU ming (before they hack and decompile your geth), but still cannot stop players extracting the geth from your Unity package and do CPU-mine without the opening the game.

  • Change the cource code of geth and only able to mine with user-specific API key: By using a centralized account server, each player is given an API key. Each time geth start mining, it requires the API key and check if the corresponding player is logged in. The cons of this are that advanced players(hackers) can still simulate the login behavour to the server, and being too centralized of course. De-compiling geth can also completedly bypass this check too.