- https://github.com/ryanramage/living-the-stream-dream
- https://maxogden.com/index.html
- https://github.com/substack/stream-handbook
Note: map-reduce (to name one) is not applicable here because the set size is unbounded.
https://github.com/booksbyus/zguide → Paranoid Pirate Pattern
https://github.com/edwardchoh/zmqbus-node (auto-discover)
Zyre.js which implements ZRE, a 0MQ extension for a local bus
Axon: utiliser @dashersw/axon
. Dans les patches intéressants il y a aussi (potentiellement) TLS.
Côte includes Axon with node-discoverer to auto-build the mesh.
Côte tries to resolve the registration/discovery problem using multicast/broadcast. Côte also supports Redis as a discovery mechanism.
(However Côte is susceptible to attacks by rogue endpoints during the master election; also master is a SPF.)
https://github.com/cognitect-labs/transducers-js#the-transducer-protocol (which makes the case for immutable)