Susanne Hsu, Chase Wu {sueshoe, chenhung}
We began the project by discussing design ideas with out sponsor, Noah Illinsky. Unfortunately, the data to implement those ideas was not available so we had to rethink and scope down our idea to a proof of concept. We did research into numerous different techniques for visualizing large networks, looked at many examples of music visualizations, and spent a fair amount of time looking into sources for additional data.
We worked together on mockups for design ideas, and narrowing in on what type of metadata we wanted to collect. After deciding on a design, Chase went through multiple iterations of the force-directed graph to find the best layout, and dealt with various data quality issues along the way. Susanne was responsible for data collection and preparation, the poster and the paper. Chase built the visualization, including coming up with the equation to calculate the force between the nodes and adding all the interactvity.
Parts of the design (the filters) are still under construction but we present a proof of concept for a new way to experience and explore the Seattle Band Map.
Our visualization can be viewed at