Make it responsive
- Animate clicks and touches
- Animate list item on first occurence
- Refresh lists on up/down swipe
- Add screen transitions
- Add Settings activity for customizing app theme
- Grid and list layouts for events
Council member info
Show profileDone in v0.1.6- Short description with few profile links on a new activity
- Show full size profile photo on image click
Bug reporting section
- Submit a crash or bug report by mailing log files to [email protected]
- Log files should be auto attached to the email
Built-in forms
- Replace google forms with in-app forms
- Autofill maximum form input like name, email, etc
Event stats
- Show number of registrations
- "Like" button and number of likes
- Event status (active/ended)
Fetch CSI member data
- Show membership status
- Show basic user details like class, branch, sex, phone number
- Allow updating basic details except email id
Improve app performance
- Reduce memory footprint
- Support low battery mode
TechBits feed
- Show all TechBits from facebook page