- Shell script can take input from user, file and output them on screen.
- Save lots of time.
- To automate some task of day today life.
- System Administration part can be also automated.
For example:
#!/bin/sh # 指定脚本解释器,这里是用/bin/sh做解释器的
cd ~ # 切换到当前用户的home目录
mkdir shell_tut # 创建一个目录shell_tut
cd shell_tut # 切换到shell_tut目录
for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do # 循环条件,一共循环10次
touch test_$i.txt # 创建一个test_1…10.txt文件
done # 循环体结束
cd, mkdir, touch都是系统自带的程序,一般在/bin或者/usr/bin目录下。for, do, done是sh脚本语言的关键字。
#!/usr/bin/perl # for perl script
#!/usr/bin/python # for python script
- 脚本用的永远比写的多
- 读的永远比用的多
So try to be as clear and efficiency as possible.
执行shell 很简单,只需要
sh filename.sh