Pipe select PlexPy metrics to InfluxDB so it can be graphed in Grafana
Most basic form:
docker run -d -e PLEXPY_TOKEN="YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE" mvantassel/plexpy2influx
Variable | Description | Default value | Sample value | Required? |
INFLUX_PROTOCOL | Is Influx SSL? | http | https | optional |
INFLUX_HOST | Where is your InfluxDB running? | localhost | influxdb | recommended |
INFLUX_PORT | What port is InfluxDB running on? | 8086 | 999 | optional |
INFLUX_DB | What InfluxDB database do you want to use? | 'plex' | 'potato' | required |
INFLUX_USER | InfluxDB username | optional | ||
INFLUX_PASS | InfluxDB password | optional | ||
PLEXPY_TOKEN | What is your PlexPy API Token? | abc123 | required | |
PLEXPY_PROTOCOL | Is PlexPy SSL? | http | https | optional |
PLEXPY_HOST | Where is your PlexPy running? | localhost | plexpy | recommended |
PLEXPY_PORT | What port is PlexPy running on? | 8181 | 999 | optional |
PLEXPY_BASEURL | Is PlexPy running behind a proxy? | 'plexpy' | optional | |
UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS | How often should it check for new metrics? | 30000 | 1000 | optional |
fields: { total_stream_count: 1, total_stream_playing_count: 1, transcode_stream_count: 1, transcode_stream_playing_count: 1, direct_stream_count: 0, direct_stream_playing_count: 0 }
tags: { resolution: '1080p' }
fields: { duration: 0, plays: 0 }
tags: { username: 'username' }
fields: { count: 1 }
tags: { type: 'movie', section: 'section name' }
- latest