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Spacing Rules (SA1000-)

Rules which enforce spacing requirements around keywords and symbols in the code.

Identifier Name Description
SA1000 KeywordsMustBeSpacedCorrectly The spacing around a C# keyword is incorrect.
SA1001 CommasMustBeSpacedCorrectly The spacing around a comma is incorrect, within a C# code file.
SA1002 SemicolonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly The spacing around a semicolon is incorrect, within a C# code file.
SA1003 SymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly The spacing around an operator symbol is incorrect, within a C# code file.
SA1004 DocumentationLinesMustBeginWithSingleSpace A line within a documentation header above a C# element does not begin with a single space.
SA1005 SingleLineCommentsMustBeginWithSingleSpace A single-line comment within a C# code file does not begin with a single space.
SA1006 PreprocessorKeywordsMustNotBePrecededBySpace A C# preprocessor-type keyword is preceded by space.
SA1007 OperatorKeywordMustBeFollowedBySpace The operator keyword within a C# operator overload method is not followed by any whitespace.
SA1008 OpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly An opening parenthesis within a C# statement is not spaced correctly.
SA1009 ClosingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly A closing parenthesis within a C# statement is not spaced correctly.
SA1010 OpeningSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly An opening square bracket within a C# statement is not spaced correctly.
SA1011 ClosingSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly A closing square bracket within a C# statement is not spaced correctly.
SA1012 OpeningBracesMustBeSpacedCorrectly An opening brace within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1013 ClosingBracesMustBeSpacedCorrectly A closing brace within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1014 OpeningGenericBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly An opening generic bracket within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1015 ClosingGenericBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly A closing generic bracket within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1016 OpeningAttributeBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly An opening attribute bracket within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1017 ClosingAttributeBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly A closing attribute bracket within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1018 NullableTypeSymbolsMustNotBePrecededBySpace A nullable type symbol within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1019 MemberAccessSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly The spacing around a member access symbol is incorrect, within a C# code file.
SA1020 IncrementDecrementSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly An increment or decrement symbol within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1021 NegativeSignsMustBeSpacedCorrectly A negative sign within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1022 PositiveSignsMustBeSpacedCorrectly A positive sign within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1023 DereferenceAndAccessOfMustBeSpacedCorrectly A dereference symbol or an access-of symbol within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1024 ColonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly A colon within a C# element is not spaced correctly.
SA1025 CodeMustNotContainMultipleWhitespaceInARow The code contains multiple whitespace characters in a row.
SA1026 CodeMustNotContainSpaceAfterNewKeywordInImplicitlyTypedArrayAllocation An implicitly typed new array allocation within a C# code file is not spaced correctly.
SA1027 UseTabsCorrectly The code contains a tab or space character which is not consistent with the current project settings.
SA1028 CodeMustNotContainTrailingWhitespace A line of code ends with a space, tab, or other whitespace characters before the end of line character(s).