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519 lines (405 loc) · 18.5 KB

File metadata and controls

519 lines (405 loc) · 18.5 KB


  • Latest Release: GitHub version
  • Build Status: Build Status, 100% Code Coverage

The library craur has two main purposes:

  1. Make writing Xml/Json Importers very convenient (query for multiple elements or exactly one element)
  2. Implement a convention to convert XML to JSON without loosing any information

What is wrong with vanilla JSON?

There is nothing wrong with JSON. But take this example:

item = {
    "link": ""

If you want to query for the link, you do: But what if there can be multiple links? Like this:

item = {
    "link": ["", ""]

Now you have to use[0] to query for the first one. If you are converting xml programmaticly to json, you cannot be sure what is meant.

With craur querying for this value looks like this:

$craur_node->get('') // gets: ""

And if you want to have an array, you do it like this:

$craur_node->get('[]') // gets: ["", ""]

For craur it does not matter if you have an array or a simple object. Both calls will work.

You may even define a default value, in case the property is optional:

$craur_node->get('item.description', 'Default Text!') // returns 'Default Text!'

Example in PHP

This example is how it looks like if you parse a simple atom-feed with craur.

$craur_node = Craur::createFromXml($xml_string);
var_dump($craur_node->get('feed.@xmlns')); //
foreach ($craur_node->get('[]') as $link) {

If you want to see more examples, please checkout the php/tests/ folder. It contains a lot of examples.


You can run the tests with:

make test

The tests are located at php/tests/. The tests require xdebug to be installed and activated. A successful test must have 100% code coverage.

Constant/Continuous Testing

If you have inotifywait [linux, apt-get install inotify-tools] or wait_on [macosx, port install wait_on] installed, you can use:

make test-constant

This will run the tests as soon as the files change. Very helpful if you want to do continuous testing.


Craur::createFromJson($json_string) : Craur

Will create and return a new craur instance for the given JSON string.

 $node = Craur::createFromJson('{"book": {"authors": ["Hans", "Paul"]}}');
 $authors = $node->get('book.authors[]');
 assert(count($authors) == 2);

Craur::createFromXml($xml_string[, $encoding = 'utf-8']) : Craur`

Will create and return a new craur instance for the given XML string.

  $node = Craur::createFromXml('<book><author>Hans</author><author>Paul</author></book>');
  $authors = $node->get('[]');
  assert(count($authors) == 2);

Craur::createFromHtml($html_string[, $encoding = 'utf-8']) : Craur`

Will create and return a new craur instance for the given HTML string.

$node = Craur::createFromHtml('<html><head><title>Hans</title></head><body>Paul</body></html>');
assert($node->get('html.head.title') == 'Hans');
assert($node->get('html.body') == 'Paul');

Craur::createFromCsvFile($file_path, array $field_mappings, $delimiter = ';') : Craur

Will load the csv file and fill the objects according to the given $field_mappings.

 * If the file loooks like this:
 * Book Name;Book Year;Author Name
 * My Book;2012;Hans
 * My Book;2012;Paul
 * My second Book;2010;Erwin
$shelf = Craur::createFromCsvFile('fixtures/books.csv', array(
assert(count($shelf->get('book[]')) === 2);
foreach ($shelf->get('book[]') as $book)
    assert(in_array($book->get('name'), array('My Book', 'My second Book')));
    foreach ($book->get('author[]') as $author)
        assert(in_array($author->get('name'), array('Hans', 'Paul', 'Erwin')));

Craur::createFromExcelFile($file_path, array $field_mappings) : Craur

Will load the first sheet of an excel file and fill the objects according to the given $field_mappings.

 * If the file loooks like this:
 * Book Name;Book Year;Author Name
 * My Book;2012;Hans
 * My Book;2012;Paul
 * My second Book;2010;Erwin
$shelf = Craur::createFromExcelFile('fixtures/books.xlsx', array(
assert(count($shelf->get('book[]')) === 2);
foreach ($shelf->get('book[]') as $book)
    assert(in_array($book->get('name'), array('My Book', 'My second Book')));
    foreach ($book->get('author[]') as $author)
        assert(in_array($author->get('name'), array('Hans', 'Paul', 'Erwin')));

Craur::createFromYamlFile($file_path) : Craur

Will create and return a new craur instance for the given YAML file path.

 * If the file loooks like this:
 * books:
 * -
 *   name: My Book
 *   year: 2012
 *   authors:
 *     -
 *       name: Hans
 *       age: 32
 *     -
 *       name: Paul
 *       age: 20
 *  -
 *    name: My second Book
 *      authors:
 *        name: Erwin
 *        age: 10
$shelf = Craur::createFromYamlFile('fixtures/books.yaml', array());
assert(count($shelf->get('books[]')) === 2);
foreach ($shelf->get('books[]') as $book)
    assert(in_array($book->get('name'), array('My Book', 'My second Book')));
    foreach ($book->get('authors[]') as $author)
        assert(in_array($author->get('name'), array('Hans', 'Paul', 'Erwin')));

Craur#get($path[, $default_value]) : Craur|mixed

Returns the value at a given path in the object. If the given path does not exist and an explicit $default_value is set: the $default_value will be returned.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"book": {"name": "MyBook", "authors": ["Hans", "Paul"]}}');

$book = $node->get('book');
assert($book->get('name') == 'MyBook');
assert($book->get('price', 20) == 20);

$authors = $node->get('book.authors[]');
assert(count($authors) == 2);

As of 2.1.0 it is possible to escape a dot (e.g. if the key contains a dot) in the path parameter by using a \ (backslash) before the dot.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"": {"name": "Example Site"}}');

$book = $node->get('http://example\.org');
assert($book->get('name') == 'MyBook');

If you need to escape also the \, use \, too.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"http://example\\\\.org": {"name": "Example Site"}}');

$book = $node->get('http://example\\\\\\.org');
assert($book->get('name') == 'Example Site');

Craur#getWithFilter($path, $filter[, $default_value]) : Craur|mixed

Works similar to Craur#get, but can use a callable as filter object. Before returning the value, the function evaluates $filter($value) and returns this instead.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"book": {"name": "MyBook", "authors": ["Hans", "Paul"]}}');

$book = $node->get('book');
assert($book->get('name') == 'MyBook');
assert($book->get('price', 20) == 20);

$authors = $node->get('book.authors[]');
assert(count($authors) == 2);

The filter can also throw an exception to hide the value from the result set:

function isACheapBook(Craur $value)
    if ($value->get('price') > 20)
        throw new Exception('Is no cheap book!');
    return $value;

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"books": [{"name":"A", "price": 30}, {"name": "B", "price": 10}, {"name": "C", "price": 15}]}');
$cheap_books = $node->getWithFilter('books[]', 'isACheapBook');
assert(count($cheap_books) == 2);
assert($cheap_books[0]->get('name') == 'B');
assert($cheap_books[1]->get('name') == 'C');

Craur#getValues(array $paths_map[, array $default_values, $default_value]) : mixed[]

Return multiple values at once. If a given path is not set, one can use the $default_values array to specify a default. If a path is not set and no default value is given an exception will be thrown. If you want to have a default value, even if the path does not exist in $default_values, you can use $default_value.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"book": {"name": "MyBook", "authors": ["Hans", "Paul"]}}');

$values = $node->getValues(
        'name' => '',
        'book_price' => 'price',
        'first_author' => 'book.authors'
        'book_price' => 20

assert($values['name'] == 'MyBook');
assert($values['book_price'] == '20');
assert($values['first_author'] == 'Hans');

Craur#getValuesWithFilters(array $paths_map, array $filters [, array $default_values, $default_value]) : mixed[]

Works like Craur#getValues, but allows to set filters for each key in the $path_map.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"book": {"name": "MyBook", "authors": ["Hans", "Paul"]}}');

$values = $node->getValuesWithFilters(
        'name' => '',
        'book_price' => 'price',
        'first_author' => 'book.authors'
        'first_author' => 'strtoupper',
        'name' => 'strtolower'      
        'book_price' => 20

assert($values['name'] == 'MyBook');
assert($values['book_price'] == '20');
assert($values['first_author'] == 'HANS');

Craur#toJsonString() : String

Return the object as a json string. Can be loaded from Craur::createFromJson.

Craur#toXmlString() : String

Return the object as a xml string. Can be loaded from Craur::createFromXml.

Craur#saveToCsvFile($file_path, array $field_mappings, $delimiter=';') : void

Will store the csv file with the objects content according to the given $field_mappings. The file can be loaded with Craur::loadFromCsvFile and the same $field_mappings.

$data = array(
    'book' => array(
            'name' => 'My Book',
            'year' => '2012',
            'author' => array(
                array('name' => 'Hans'),
                array('name' => 'Paul')
            'name' => 'My second Book',
            'year' => '2010',
            'author' => array(
                array('name' => 'Erwin')

$shelf = new Craur($data);
$shelf->saveToCsvFile('fixtures/temp_csv_file.csv', array(

The csv file will look like this now:

"My Book";2012;Hans
"My Book";2012;Paul
"My second Book";2010;Erwin

Craur#writeToCsvFileHandle($file_handle, array $field_mappings, $delimiter = ';') : void

Will write into the given file handle the objects content according to the given $field_mappings. Use STDOUT constant as $file_handle if you want to echo the csv content. This method is used by Craur#saveToCsvFile.

$data = array(
    'book' => array(
            'name' => 'My Book',
            'year' => '2012',
            'author' => array(
                array('name' => 'Hans'),
                array('name' => 'Paul')
            'name' => 'My second Book',
            'year' => '2010',
            'author' => array(
                array('name' => 'Erwin')

$shelf = new Craur($data);
$shelf->writeToCsvFileHandle(STDOUT, array(

// will echo:
// "My Book";2012;Hans
// "My Book";2012;Paul
// "My second Book";2010;Erwin


As of 1.5.0 you can use craur on the commandline, too. Just pipe any content into the craur-binary and you can get the content as json, xml or csv.

Example (xml to json):

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/example_atom_feed.xml | php/craur --output_format json

Example (xml to csv, with field mapping - see --output_format for more details)

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/example_atom_feed.xml | php/craur --output_format csv[].@rel[].@href
// output:

Input-Format with --input_format [json|xml|csv|auto]

Specify the input format. Default is auto.

For the input format csv you can the change the delimiter by passing the option --csv_input_delimiter

Example with --csv_input_delimiter

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/books_comma_separated.csv | php/craur --input_format csv --csv_input_delimiter , --output_format json[].@rel[].@href

Output-Format with --output_format [json|xml|csv]

Specify the output format.

Example (xml to json)

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/example_atom_feed.xml | php/craur --output_format json
// output:
// ... lots of json ...

If you specify the output_format as csv, you have to give the field mappings as parameter. To get all rel-attributes and href-attributes of the feed's link element, you can do this:

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/example_atom_feed.xml | php/craur --output_format csv[].@rel[].@href
// output:

Furthermore, you can also specify the csv delimiter by passing --csv_output_delimiter as option

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/example_atom_feed.xml | php/craur --output_format csv --csv_output_delimiter ,[].@rel[].@href
// output:


  • 3.1.0 (2022/12/06)
    • added the possibility to overwrite the csv delimiter
  • 3.0.1 (2022/12/02)
    • dropped Travis CI for GitHub Actions
    • added php 8.1+8.2 to test matrix
  • 3.0.0 (2020/10/22)
    • moved dracoblue/naith as a dev dependency
    • dropped phpoffice/phpexcel for phpoffice/phpspreadsheet instead
    • dropped support for PHP 5, PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1
  • 2.1.1 (2017/12/12)
    • added compatibility to symfony/yaml 4.x
  • 2.1.0 (2017/03/13)
    • added \ to escape dots in path
  • 2.0.1 (2016/06/28)
    • added compatibility to symfony/yaml 3.x
  • 2.0.0 (2015/04/28)
    • BC: __toString returns empty string if the xml tag has only attributes) - was throwing a fatal error earlier
  • 1.8.2 (2015/03/17)
    • downgrade to phpexcel 1.7.8 (instead of 1.8.0)
  • 1.8.1 (2015/03/17)
    • switched to phpoffice/phpexcel since codeplex/phpexcel is deprecated
  • 1.8.0 (2014/07/19)
    • added support for html5 tags (by simply ignoring every unexpected tag) #24
  • 1.7.4 (2013/06/28)
    • xml with 0 as value, did not work
    • calling a class did not work as filter
  • 1.7.3 (2013/06/10)
    • use composer package for phpexcel instead of custom pearplex repository
  • 1.7.2 (2013/06/10)
    • added composer package information
    • moved files from php/ to src/
    • moved tests from php/tests to tests/
    • moved craur from php/craur to bin/craur
    • renamed from .class.php to .php
  • 1.7.1 (2013/02/05)
    • throw exception on empty xml string (fixes #14)
  • 1.7.0 (2012/09/22)
    • excluded naith into composer.json
    • added composer.json for dependency managment
    • added Craur::createFromExcelFile($file_path, array $field_mappings)
    • added Craur::createFromYamlFile($file_path)
  • 1.6.0 (2012/08/07)
    • added html as input_format to craur cli
    • added possibility to load html fragments (breaking change: fragments no longer create html.body stub)
  • 1.5.3 (2012/04/16)
    • added Craur::createFromHtml($html_string, $encoding = 'utf-8')
  • 1.5.2 (2012/04/12)
    • strip invalid utf8 characters in createFromXml
    • added encoding parameter for createFromXml
  • 1.5.1 (2012/04/05)
    • allow same csv mapping for multiple columns
  • 1.5.0 (2012/04/02)
    • added cli for craur
    • added saveToCsvFile($file_path, array $field_mappings)
    • added writeToCsvFileHandle($file_handle, array $field_mappings)
    • fixed csv file test
    • only add csv values, which are not empty
    • added method to generate csv rows out of an object
    • bundled naith as testing framework (
    • allow csv field_mapping even with gaps (e.g. feed[] and feed[].entry.categories[] works now)
    • fixed import mapping with scalar sub values (e.g. issues[].tag[])
  • 1.4.1 (2012/03/14)
    • added make test-constant (watches for file changes with inotifywait on linux or wait_on on mac osx ) and runs tests on change
  • 1.4.0 (2012/03/14)
    • added Craur::createFromCsvFile($file_path, array $field_mappings)
  • 1.3.0 (2012/03/09)
    • added getWithFilter($path, Callable $filter[, $default_value])
    • added getValuesWithFilters($path, array $filters[, array $default_values, $default_value])
    • prepend the bootstrap file to all test files
    • ignore the test files themself in code coverage
  • 1.2.0 (2012/03/06)
    • added extra $default_value optional parameter for Craur#getValues
    • added minimum code coverage for the tests to make a successful build
    • initialize the Craur also with just a plain php array
    • added summary for code coverage as text
    • added (disabled) experimental support for clover.xml code coverage files
  • 1.1.0 (2012/03/06)
    • throw fatal error in case of failed assertion or an exception
    • throw error on invalid json
  • 1.0.0 (2012/03/05)
    • added lots of phpdoc
    • Makefile uses ./ wrapper, to fail properly if one of the tests fails
    • it's now possible to retrieve a value of the first array element
    • Craur#get now also returns associative arrays as new Craur-objects, instead of failing
    • added bootstrap_for_test.php, so we can properly fail on warnings/assertions
    • added Craur#getValues to return multiple paths at once
    • split up the tests into separate files
    • added Makefile (do make test to execute tests)
    • added default_value for Craur->get($path, $default_value)
    • initial version


This work is copyright by DracoBlue ( and licensed under the terms of MIT License.