- Create a Cocos2d-x C++ project.
- Copy DragonBones common source code, Dragonbones Cocos2d-x source code, 3rdParty source code all folders and files to the project's Classes folder.
- If you want to run the demos, copy all folders and files in the Demos to overwrite the folders and files in the project.
- Build project and have fun.
- If you are upgrading the overwrite source file, there may be changes to the folder or file name, you need to pay attention to the following several situations:
- Check for additional legacy source folders and file residues that cause redefinition and recommend that you delete all old source folders and files before upgrading.
- Check and update all compilation paths in you compilation config file.
- Check other compilation errors that may result from folders or files name change.
- In Xcode:
- Add Files To "project" > Options > Added folders: Create groups > Add to targets: "all"
- Use rapidjson/msinttypes headers only with Microsoft Visual C++ compilers.
- Cocos2dx also include rapidjson, if you use the cocos2dx related json function, make sure only include rapidjson once time.
- If compiler can not find headers, add Classes to project Header Search Paths.
- Make sure project structure like this:
Your project
|-- Classes
|-- rapidjson
|-- ...
|-- dragonBones
|-- animation
|-- armature
|-- ...
|-- cocos2dx
|-- ...
|-- Resources
|-- ...