"react-native-dnd-like-ios" is a powerful JavaScript library for creating captivating animations in your React Native applications. This library empowers developers to effortlessly incorporate smooth and fluid drag-and-drop interactions, inspired by the intuitive iOS user interface.
Install the library using npm or Yarn. Open your project's terminal and run one of the following commands:
npm install react-native-dnd-like-ios
yarn add react-native-dnd-like-ios
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { View, Text, Dimensions } from "react-native";
import DnDLikeIOS from "react-native-dnd-like-ios";
const { width, height } = Dimensions.get("window");
const users = [
{ name: "Name_No1" },
{ name: "Name_No2" },
{ name: "Name_No3" },
{ name: "Name_No4" },
{ name: "Name_No5" },
{ name: "Name_No6" },
{ name: "Name_No7" },
const _renderItem = (item, index) => {
return (
backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)",
width: 75,
height: 75,
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
borderRadius: 10,
const App = () => {
const [newData, setNewData] = useState([]);
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: "#9CD7CB",
Props | Defined | Types |
data | List the data used to render each list item. | Array |
setNewDataSource | Return the new data when a handler deletes an item in the list. | Function |
Item | This is the child component you want to show. | Function |
IconDelete | This is the icon delete you want to show. | Function |
parentWidth | This is width of your component you want render | Number |
parentHeight | This is height of your component you want render | Number |
childrenWidth | This is width of your Child item component you want render | Number |
childrenHeight | This is height of your Child item component you want render | Number |
widthIconDelete | This is width of icon delete | Number |
heightIconDelete | This is height of icon delete | Number |
radiusIconDelete | This is border radius of icon delete | Number |
topIconDelete | This is position top of icon delete | Number |
leftIconDelete | This is position left of icon delete | Number |
degLeft | This is the value to shake the Child item component to the left | String |
degRight | This is the value to shake the Child item component to the right | String |
timeoutShake | This is the time at which the shaking stops | Number |
durationShakeLeft | This is the time to shake the Child item component to the left | Number |
valueShakeRight | This is the value to shake the Child item component to the right | Number |
durationShakeRight | This is the time to shake the Child item component to the right | Number |
marginChildrenBottom | This is the value to set the margin bottom of the Child item component | Number |
marginChildrenRight | This is the value to set the margin right of the Child item component | Number |
marginChildrenLeft | This is the value to set the margin left of the Child item component | Number |
marginChildrenTop | This is the value to set the margin top of the Child item component | Number |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.