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React Native Drag and Drop like IOS

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"react-native-dnd-like-ios" is a powerful JavaScript library for creating captivating animations in your React Native applications. This library empowers developers to effortlessly incorporate smooth and fluid drag-and-drop interactions, inspired by the intuitive iOS user interface.




Install the library using npm or Yarn. Open your project's terminal and run one of the following commands:

npm install react-native-dnd-like-ios


yarn add react-native-dnd-like-ios


Add this line to the AndroidManifest.xml file for permissions.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>


import React, { useState } from "react";
import { View, Text, Dimensions } from "react-native";
import DnDLikeIOS from "react-native-dnd-like-ios";
const { width, height } = Dimensions.get("window");

const users = [
  { name: "Name_No1" },
  { name: "Name_No2" },
  { name: "Name_No3" },
  { name: "Name_No4" },
  { name: "Name_No5" },
  { name: "Name_No6" },
  { name: "Name_No7" },

const _renderItem = (item, index) => {
  return (
        backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)",
        width: 75,
        height: 75,
        justifyContent: "center",
        alignItems: "center",
        borderRadius: 10,

const App = () => {
  const [newData, setNewData] = useState([]);

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: "#9CD7CB",


Props Defined Types
data List the data used to render each list item. Array
setNewDataSource Return the new data when a handler deletes an item in the list. Function
Item This is the child component you want to show. Function
IconDelete This is the icon delete you want to show. Function
parentWidth This is width of your component you want render Number
parentHeight This is height of your component you want render Number
childrenWidth This is width of your Child item component you want render Number
childrenHeight This is height of your Child item component you want render Number
widthIconDelete This is width of icon delete Number
heightIconDelete This is height of icon delete Number
radiusIconDelete This is border radius of icon delete Number
topIconDelete This is position top of icon delete Number
leftIconDelete This is position left of icon delete Number
degLeft This is the value to shake the Child item component to the left String
degRight This is the value to shake the Child item component to the right String
timeoutShake This is the time at which the shaking stops Number
durationShakeLeft This is the time to shake the Child item component to the left Number
valueShakeRight This is the value to shake the Child item component to the right Number
durationShakeRight This is the time to shake the Child item component to the right Number
marginChildrenBottom This is the value to set the margin bottom of the Child item component Number
marginChildrenRight This is the value to set the margin right of the Child item component Number
marginChildrenLeft This is the value to set the margin left of the Child item component Number
marginChildrenTop This is the value to set the margin top of the Child item component Number


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


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