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File metadata and controls

236 lines (196 loc) · 11.5 KB


This readme provides information on the current file-structure, data stored and methods, which may be useful for several components. Please feel free to adapt it.

For some basic information on chrome extensions see


  • master development branch with the latest enhancements
  • test_deployment version of the EEXCESS extension deployed in the Chrome Webstore
  • overlay_fix1 experimental branch, which displays search results as an overlay instead of a sidebar
  • query_extensions experimental branch, which detects paragraphs in a webpage, surrounds them with a dashed line and displays DBpedia entities found in this paragraph

The remainder of this readme is a description of the master branch.

file structure

  • /background Background-page and -scripts
  • /common_js Scripts, which may be used by several components
  • /libs External libraries
  • /media Icons, images, CSS-files and other media
  • /options Files for the "options" page
  • /privacy Privacy components
  • /visualizations Visualization components
  • /widget The sidebar UI
  • This file
  • ContextDetector.js Script for retrieving the context from the current page
  • content.js The content script injected into every page which is whitelisted in the manifest-file.
  • help.html HTML-page displaying help instructions.
  • manifest.json Configuration file, defining permissions, icons, paths, ...

(for detailed information on a component, see the readme in the respective folder)

common methods

Please wrap browser specifc functions in /common_js/browser_specific.js.
Please use EEXCESS.messaging in common_js/browser_specific to send/receive messages.
To access local Storage and the indexed database, please use the wrappers in /common_js/storage.js or create a new one in this file if necessary (for details see the readme in /common_js).

retrieving current query and results

EEXCESS.messaging.callBG({method: {parent: 'model', func: 'getResults'}, data: null}, function(res) {

The current query is contained in res.query and the results in res.results

listen for new search events

        function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
            if (request.method === 'newSearchTriggered') {

The issued query is contained in and the results in
The 'newSearchTriggerd'-event message is sent, if the user executes a query manually, or if she decides to view the results of an automatically triggered query. (If a query is triggered automatically, the results are not shown directly to the user, but instead cached and an indicator of how many results were retrieved is shown at the EEXCESS-icon in the menubar. Thus, the event is only thrown after the user clicks the icon and displays the results).

issue a new query

EEXCESS.messaging.callBG({method: {parent: 'model', func: 'query'}, data: query}); // issue query

The query-object has to contain the query as an array, consisting of terms and weights, for example:

[{weight: 1, text:"term1"},{weight:1,text:"term2"}]

Such a query is executed in the background and the results are not directly shown to the user, but instead an indicator of how many results are available is shown at the EEXCESS-icon. To display the results, the user has to click the icon (This click will also trigger the 'newSearchTriggered'-event message). If you want to display the results immediately upon retrievel, you need to add the reason 'manual' to the query message.

SearchResultList.loading() // call loading-method on search result list first (to show loading bar). Adapt variable name of the list!
EEXCESS.messaging.callBG({method: {parent: 'model', func: 'query'}, data: {reason: {reason: 'manual'}, terms: query}); // issue query

Sending a query message this way will also cause the 'newSearchTriggered'-event message to be sent to all components.

data stored

This section provides an overview of the data stored within the extension and accessible by all extension pages.

indexed database

To access/modify the data please refer to the Indexed Database API (
database name: 'eexcess_db'


(indented items represent indexed fields)

  • history the browsing history
    • chrome_visitId
    • end
    • start
  • recommendations all recommendation results retrieved so far
    • uri
    • query
    • timestamp
  • interactions a user's interactions with a web page (currently textual input)
    • timestamp
  • queries_full the queries issued so far (im- & explicit & executed in the background)
    • query
    • timestamp
  • queries the queries displayed so far (explicit queries & queries executed in the background and afterwards activated by the user)
    • query
    • timestamp
  • resource_relations the user's relations/interactions with resources (atm view/rating of a recommendation result)
    • query
    • timestamp
    • resource


more detailed description of the objects stored in the database's particular object stores

  • chrome_visitId: the id of the corresponding visit in chrome's history
  • end: end time of the visit (in ms since the epoch)
  • referrer: the referring url (if any)
  • start: start time of the visit (in ms since the epoch)
  • transition: the transition, how the browser navigated to this url (link, typed, reload, ... see
  • url: the url of the visit
  • visit_id: auto incremented visit identifier
  • context: object of the context, in which the recommendation was provided (currently the corresponding query)
    • query: the query which caused this recommendation
  • recommendation_id: auto incremented recommendation identifier
  • result: object, containing information of the retrieved result. At the moment, this object is exactly identical to the original result object. However, this will change over time and only a subset of the original result will be contained, as soon as we know which data is actually necessary, since storing all information about all results will consume too much disk space.
  • timestamp: timestamp of when the result was retrieved (in ms since the epoch)
  • uri: the url of a webpage, presenting details about the result

This object store can contain different objects, according to the interactions executed by the user.

type: textual Input

This interaction is logged, every time the user inputs text on a particular web page (logging is done after a timeout of 1s).

  • eexcess_visible: boolean, indicating, if the eexcess sidebar was visible or not at the time of the interaction
  • id: auto incremented interaction identifier
  • text: the input text
  • timestamp: timestamp of when the interaction occured (in ms since the epoch)
  • type: specifying the type of interaction ('textInput' in this case)
  • url: the url of the page on which the interaction occured
type: form submit

This interaction is logged on submitting a form on a particular web page.

  • eexcess_visible: boolean, indicating, if the eexcess sidebar was visible or not at the time of the interaction
  • id: auto incremented interaction identifier
  • parameters: array object containing the parameters of the form fields (array elements are of the form {name:"name of the field", value:"value of the field"})
  • target: the target of the submit event (the submit button)
  • timestamp: timestamp of when the interaction occured (in ms since the epoch)
  • type: specifying the type of interaction ('submit' in this case)
  • url: the url of the page on which the interaction occured
  • context: the context, in which the query was issued
    • selectedText: text that was selected when the query was issued (if any)
    • url: the url of the page on which the query was issued
  • id: auto incremented query identifier
  • query: the query, represented by an array of query terms and their according weights (array elements are of the form {weight:[0-1],text:'query term'})
  • timestamp: timestamp of when the query was issued (in ms since the epoch)

same as queries


Contains different objects, according to the type of the relation


Indicates a view of a particular resource.

  • beenRecommended: boolean, indicating if the resource was recommended by EEXCESS
  • context: the context in which the view occured
    • query: the query, for which the viewed resource was provided
  • duration: the duration of the view (in ms)
  • id: auto incremented resource relation identifier
  • resource: url of the resource viewed
  • timestamp: timestamp of when the view occured (in ms since the epoch)
  • type: the type of the relation ('view' in this case)

A rating of a particular resource.

  • annotation: json-ld object, containing the rating in the open annotation format
  • beenRecommended: boolean, indicating if the resource was recommended by EEXCESS
  • context: the context in which the rating was given
    • query: the query, which caused the resource to appear in the result list
  • id: auto incremented resource relation identifier
  • resource: url of the rated resource
  • timestamp: timestamp of when the resource was rated (in ms since the epoch)
  • type: the type of the relation ('rating' in this case)

local storage

  • backend the server to call for recommendations (fr-stable, fr-devel, europeana)
  • API_BASE_URI [privacy proxy]
  • privacy_email [privacy proxy]
  • traces [privacy proxy]


(c) 2014, EEXCESS consortium, MIT license


External libraries used (for copyright & licensing information please see the respective files in the folder "libs"):

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nr 600601.