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Converting from NDFSA to DFSA

pavl_g edited this page Aug 16, 2023 · 6 revisions

Both NDFSA and DFSA have identical computational capabilities and conversion between them is possible.


  • To convert from NDFSA to DFSA, one needs to know the pattern that is recognized by this NDFSA, hence building a new DFSA that recognizes this pattern is the way to go.
  • To convert from NDFSA to DFSA, it's possible to insert midway transition paths by introducing new midway states, by doing that, you can ensure a transition path (successor path with the same input between 2 successive states) will not repeat.
  • Starting vertices could be merged in a single vertex, as well as the Terminating vertexes.

For example, considering this NDFSA Pattern:


  • The tabulation form of this NDFSA can be described as follows:
Vertex 0-Successor path emanating and ending at 1-Successor path emanating and ending at
A C -
B - AC
  • Conversion to a DFSA:
  1. Find the starting vertices and the accepting (terminating) vertices.

In this case:

  • Vertex A and Vertex B are both starting vertices, the final merge is vertex {A, B}.
  1. Find the valid successor arcs emanating from the starting vertices and terminating at the accepting vertices.
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