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File metadata and controls

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Using the GUI

Starting amrwind_frontend

After installing amrwind_frontend, you can launch the GUI frontend using the command

$ python

or directly with

$ ./

If there is an input file you'd like to load immediately, you can add that as an argument to the command line


The other command line arguments that are possible can be displayed using the --help argument:

$ ./  --help
usage: [-h] [--ablstatsfile ABLSTATSFILE]
                           [--samplefile SAMPLEFILE] [--outputfile OUTPUTFILE]
                           [--validate] [--localconfigdir LOCALCONFIGDIR]


positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ablstatsfile ABLSTATSFILE
                        Load the ABL statistics file [default: None]
  --samplefile SAMPLEFILE
                        Load the sample probe file [default: None]
  --outputfile OUTPUTFILE
                        Write the output file [default: None]
  --validate            Check input file for errors and quit [default: False]
  --localconfigdir LOCALCONFIGDIR
                        Local configuration directory [default:

When you start amrwind_frontend, you should see a startup screen similar to below:

The left side of the window contains all of the inputs and parameters required for AMR-Wind, and the right side is a plotting window used to display images or any output required.


All of the various input parameters are grouped into several tabs which span the top of the left frame. A brief description of each tab is below:

Tab Description
Simulation Simulation types, time-stepping, fluid and turbulence parameters
Domain Domain & mesh size, boundary conditions
ABL All parameters related to the ABL physics and configuration
Refinement Specifying domain refinement windows
Turbines Adding turbines, turbine model types, etc.
IO Plotting and output parameters
Postpro Postprocessing the ABL statistics and sample planes
Expert Solver tolerances and any other expert parameters

Menu options


  • Save input file/Save input file as: Save the current set of parameters into an AMR-Wind input file, or as a differently named input file.

  • Import AMR-Wind file: Load all of the inputs from an AMR-Wind input file. See important note below about loading parameters.


  • Plot domain: Plot the domain, refinement zones, sampling planes, and turbines.

  • FAST outputs: Load and plot FAST turbine outputs.


  • Check inputs: Validate the current AMR-Wind inputs and check for anything missing, inconsistencies, or incorrect parameters.

  • Preview input file: Show what the current AMR-Wind input file would look like.

  • Local run: Run the current AMR-Wind inputs on the local machine.

  • Job submission: Create a submission script and submit the job to a queue.


  • [Help menu items are a work in progress]

Using the python interface

Instead of using amrwind_frontend interactively through the GUI, a python interface is also available.

Loading the module

The python interface can be accessed by loading amrwind_frontend as a library:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.insert(1, 'amrwind-frontend')  # Add the location where it's installed.
>>> import amrwind_frontend as amrwind

Here sys.path.insert() is used to point to wherever amrwind-frontend is downloaded (it doesn't have to be in the current directory).

Start a case

To start a case in the python terminal, use the MyApp.init_nogui() command.

>>> case1=amrwind.MyApp.init_nogui()

Note that multiple cases can be initiated simultaneously:

>>> case1=amrwind.MyApp.init_nogui()
>>> case2=amrwind.MyApp.init_nogui()

The inputs and parameters for case1 and case2 will be completely independent.

If you want to see what the current setup looks like, we can print the input file using writeAMRWindInput():

>>> print(case1.writeAMRWindInput(''))
Expand command output
# --- Simulation time control parameters ---
time.stop_time                           = 100.0               # Max (simulated) time to evolve [s]
time.max_step                            = -1
time.fixed_dt                            = -1.0                # Fixed timestep size (in seconds). If negative, then time.cfl is used
incflo.verbose                           = 0
io.check_file                            = chk
incflo.use_godunov                       = true
incflo.godunov_type                      = ppm
incflo.gravity                           = 0.0 0.0 -9.81       # Gravitational acceleration vector (x,y,z) [m/s^2]
incflo.density                           = 1.0                 # Fluid density [kg/m^3]
transport.viscosity                      = 1.872e-05           # Fluid dynamic viscosity [kg/m-s]
transport.laminar_prandtl                = 0.7                 # Laminar prandtl number
transport.turbulent_prandtl              = 0.3333              # Turbulent prandtl number
# --- Geometry and Mesh ---
geometry.prob_lo                         = 0.0 0.0 0.0
geometry.prob_hi                         = 1000.0 1000.0 1000.0
amr.n_cell                               = 48 48 48            # Number of cells in x, y, and z directions
amr.max_level                            = 0
geometry.is_periodic                     = 1 1 0
zlo.type                                 = no_slip_wall
zhi.type                                 = no_slip_wall
# --- ABL parameters ---
ICNS.source_terms                        =
incflo.velocity                          = 10.0 0.0 0.0
ABLForcing.abl_forcing_height            = 0.0
time.plot_interval                       = 1000
io.plot_file                             = plt
io.KE_int                                = -1
#---- extra params ----

Loading a case

If you want to load the inputs from a previous AMR-Wind input, use loadAMRWindInput():


Important reminder: Note that the inputs in filename are applied additively, and the previous inputs are not cleared or reset. This means that if there is a parameter that is currently set to a particular value, but is not mentioned in filename, it will still persist after filename is loaded.

Setting and retrieving parameters

There are multiple ways to set parameters using the amrwind-frontend python interface. Listed below are two of the most common user-friendly approaches.

Using loadAMRWindInput

Although loadAMRWindInput() was used to load an entire AMR-Wind input file above, it can also load a single parameter, or sections of parameters. This can be done by providing a string, and specifying the string=True, keyword input.

time.fixed_dt                            = 0.1 
time.cfl                                 = 0.95
case1.loadAMRWindInput(strinput, string=True)

Here strinput should be in the same format as the AMR-Wind input file, i.e., it should be a string with AMR-Wind inputs on each line, followed by equals sign and values.

Important note: Note that it does not make sense to input some parameters on a line-by-line basis through loadAMRWindInput().

Using setAMRWindInput

Retrieving parameters

Internal versus AMR-Wind parameters

  • AMR-Wind Input file parameters:

  • amrwind-frontend internal parameters:

Every AMR-Wind parameter used in the GUI will have a corresponding internal parameter in amrwind-frontend, but not all internal parameters will correspond to an AMR-Wind parameters. For instance, the AMR-Wind parameter for gravity is incflo.gravity, and is linked to the internal amrwind-frontend parameter gravity. However, the ABL averaging times variable ablstats_avgt is used only in the post-processing section of amrwind-frontend, and has no corresponding variable in the AMR-Wind input file.

Getting help

If you need help with a specific parameter, or not sure how something is spelled exactly, you can search for it using getInputHelp(). For instance, to find all parameters or names which contain the string velocity, use

>>> case1.getInputHelp('velocity')
INTERNAL NAME                            AMRWIND PARAMETER                        DEFAULT VAL / DESCRIPTION
ConstValue_velocity                      ConstValue.velocity.value
xlo_velocity                             xlo.velocity
xhi_velocity                             xhi.velocity
ylo_velocity                             ylo.velocity
yhi_velocity                             yhi.velocity
zlo_velocity                             zlo.velocity
zhi_velocity                             zhi.velocity
ABL_bndry_var_names                      ABL.bndry_var_names                      'velocity temperature'
ABL_velocity                             incflo.velocity                          [10.0, 0.0, 0.0]
perturb_velocity                         ABL.perturb_velocity                     0
sampling_fields                          sampling.fields                          'velocity'