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File metadata and controls

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npm install claude-ai


First, import the library:

const Claude = require("claude-ai");

Initialize a new Claude instance with your session key:

Get sessionKey from the sessionKey cookie via the Claude website.

const claude = new Claude({
  sessionKey: "YOUR_SESSION_KEY",

Claude class

The main class for interfacing with the Claude API.


const claude = new Claude({
  sessionKey: string,
  proxy: string | function
  • sessionKey <string> - Your Claude sessionKey cookie
  • proxy <string | function>
    • If proxy is a string, it will be prepended before the API endpoint, example:
    • If proxy is a function, it will be passed the API route to fetch as well as the fetch options which can then be manipulated before running through fetch.


  • startConversation(prompt, params) <Promise<Conversation>> - Starts a new conversation with the given prompt message
    • prompt <string> - The initial prompt for the conversation
    • params <object> - The parameters to pass to the initial sendMessage call.
  • getConversations() <Promise<Conversation[]>> - Gets recent conversations
  • clearConversations() <Promise<Response[]>> - Clear all conversations
  • uploadFile(file) <Promise<Attachment>> - Uploads a file
    • file <File> - File object to upload

Conversation class

Returned by Claude.startConversation().


  • sendMessage(message, options) <Promise<MessageStream>> - Sends a followup message in the conversation

    • message <string> - The message to send
    • options <object>
      • timezone <string> - The timezone for completion (default: "America/New_York")
      • attachments <File[]> - Array of file attachments
      • model <string> - The Claude model to use (default: "claude-2")
      • done <(MessageStream) => void> - Callback when completed
      • progress <(MessageStream) => void> - Progress callback from the progress, a block of text where each line starts with "data:" then has some JSON.
      • rawResponse <function> Passed the raw response text
  • getInfo() <Promise<Conversation>> - Gets the conversation info (includes messages, name, created_at, updated_at, etc)

  • delete() <Promise<Response>> - Delete the conversation

  • rename(title) <Promise<Response>> - Rename a conversation

  • retryMessage() <Promise<MessageStream>> - Retry the last message in the conversation (claude's API doesn't support retrying other messages than the most recent)

  • getMessages <Promise<Message[]>> - The same as calling getInfo().then(a =\> a.chat_messages)


  • done(response)

    • response <object>
      • completion <string> - The text response from Claude
  • progress(response)

    • response <object>
      • completion <string> - The text response from Claude (if available)

Message class

Returned in conversationInstance.getInfo()'s response (chat_messages key)


  • sendFeedback(type, reason) <Promise<{uuid, type, reason, created_at, updated_at}>> - Send feedback about a message


  • createdAt <Date> - Created at date
  • editedAt <Date> - Edited at date (Note, there's currently no way to edit messages via the API yet)
  • updatedAt <Date> - Updated at date
  • isBot <Boolean> - Whether the message was send by a human or claude
  • json <Object{ uuid, text, sender, index, updated_at, edited_at, chat_feedback, attachments }> - The JSON for the message (this is what's returned from the chat_messages key of a conversation's getInfo fetch request)


type Attachment {
    modified_at: string
    created_at: string
    filetype: string
    size: int
type MessageStream {
  completion: string
  stop_reason: string | null
  model: string
  log_id: string
  // "within_limit" or probably "exceeded_limit"
  messageLimit: {type: string}
type Message {
    attachments: Attachment[]
    chat_feedback: ??
    edited_at: string?
    index: int
    sender: 'human' | 'assistant'
    text: string
    created_at: string
    updated_at: string
    uuid: string


The claude-cli CLI tool is also available:

npm install -g claude-cli
  claude [options]


  --conversation-id  Conversation ID to continue
  --json             Print response as JSON
  --files            Comma-separated list of files to attach
  --help             Show help message
  --model            Claude model to use (default: claude-2)
  --markdown         Whether to render markdown in the terminal (default: true)
  --key              Path to a text file containing the sessionKey cookie value


  claude --conversation-id fc6d1a1a-8722-476c-8db9-8a871c121ee9
  claude --json
  claude --files file1.txt,file2.txt
  echo "hello world" | claude


Contributions welcome! This library was created by @Explosion-Scratch on GitHub. Please submit PRs to help improve it.# Docs


npm install claude-ai


First, import the library:

const Claude = require("claude-ai");

Initialize a new Claude instance with your session key:

Get sessionKey from the sessionKey cookie via the Claude website.

const claude = new Claude({
  sessionKey: "YOUR_SESSION_KEY",

Claude class

The main class for interfacing with the Claude API.


const claude = new Claude({
  sessionKey: string,
  proxy: string | function
  • sessionKey <string> - Your Claude sessionKey cookie
  • proxy <string | function>
    • If proxy is a string, it will be prepended before the API endpoint, example:
    • If proxy is a function, it will be passed the API route to fetch as well as the fetch options which can then be manipulated before running through fetch.


  • startConversation(prompt, params) <Promise<Conversation>> - Starts a new conversation with the given prompt message
    • prompt <string> - The initial prompt for the conversation
    • params <object> - The parameters to pass to the initial sendMessage call.
  • getConversations() <Promise<Conversation[]>> - Gets recent conversations
  • clearConversations() <Promise<Response[]>> - Clear all conversations
  • uploadFile(file) <Promise<Attachment>> - Uploads a file
    • file <File> - File object to upload

Conversation class

Returned by Claude.startConversation().


  • sendMessage(message, options) <Promise<MessageStream>> - Sends a followup message in the conversation

    • message <string> - The message to send
    • options <object>
      • timezone <string> - The timezone for completion (default: "America/New_York")
      • attachments <File[]> - Array of file attachments
      • model <string> - The Claude model to use (default: "claude-2")
      • done <(MessageStream) => void> - Callback when completed
      • progress <(MessageStream) => void> - Progress callback from the progress, a block of text where each line starts with "data:" then has some JSON.
      • rawResponse <function> Passed the raw response text
  • getInfo() <Promise<Conversation>> - Gets the conversation info (includes messages, name, created_at, updated_at, etc)

  • delete() <Promise<Response>> - Delete the conversation

  • rename(title) <Promise<Response>> - Rename a conversation

  • retryMessage() <Promise<MessageStream>> - Retry the last message in the conversation (claude's API doesn't support retrying other messages than the most recent)

  • getMessages <Promise<Message[]>> - The same as calling getInfo().then(a =\> a.chat_messages)


  • done(response)

    • response <object>
      • completion <string> - The text response from Claude
  • progress(response)

    • response <object>
      • completion <string> - The text response from Claude (if available)

Message class

Returned in conversationInstance.getInfo()'s response (chat_messages key)


  • sendFeedback(type, reason) <Promise<{uuid, type, reason, created_at, updated_at}>> - Send feedback about a message


  • createdAt <Date> - Created at date
  • editedAt <Date> - Edited at date (Note, there's currently no way to edit messages via the API yet)
  • updatedAt <Date> - Updated at date
  • isBot <Boolean> - Whether the message was send by a human or claude
  • json <Object{ uuid, text, sender, index, updated_at, edited_at, chat_feedback, attachments }> - The JSON for the message (this is what's returned from the chat_messages key of a conversation's getInfo fetch request)


type Attachment {
    modified_at: string
    created_at: string
    filetype: string
    size: int
type MessageStream {
  completion: string
  stop_reason: string | null
  model: string
  log_id: string
  // "within_limit" or probably "exceeded_limit"
  messageLimit: {type: string}
type Message {
    attachments: Attachment[]
    chat_feedback: ??
    edited_at: string?
    index: int
    sender: 'human' | 'assistant'
    text: string
    created_at: string
    updated_at: string
    uuid: string


The claude-cli CLI tool is also available:

npm install -g claude-cli
  claude [options]


  --conversation-id  Conversation ID to continue
  --json             Print response as JSON
  --files            Comma-separated list of files to attach
  --help             Show help message
  --model            Claude model to use (default: claude-2)
  --markdown         Whether to render markdown in the terminal (default: true)
  --key              Path to a text file containing the sessionKey cookie value


  claude --conversation-id fc6d1a1a-8722-476c-8db9-8a871c121ee9
  claude --json
  claude --files file1.txt,file2.txt
  echo "hello world" | claude


Contributions welcome! This library was created by @Explosion-Scratch on GitHub. Please submit PRs to help improve it.