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388 lines (323 loc) · 15.6 KB

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388 lines (323 loc) · 15.6 KB



  • Mixed dimensional domain support

2019.1.0 (2019-04-17)

  • Remove scripts
  • Remove LaTeX support (not functional)
  • Add support for complex valued elements; complex mode is chosen by compute_form_data(form, complex_mode=True) typically by a form compiler; otherwise UFL language is agnostic to the choice of real/complex domain

2018.1.0 (2018-06-14)

  • Remove python2 support

2017.2.0 (2017-12-05)

  • Add geometric quantity CellDiameter defined as a set diameter of the cell, i.e., maximal distance between any two points of the cell; implemented on simplices and quads/hexes
  • Rename internally used reference quantities (Cell|Facet)EdgeVectors to Reference(Cell|Facet)EdgeVectors
  • Add internally used quantites CellVertices, (Cell|Facet)EdgeVectors which are physical-coordinates-valued; will be useful for further geometry lowering implementations for quads/hexes
  • Implement geometry lowering of (Min|Max)(Cell|Facet)EdgeLength for quads and hexes

2017.1.0.post1 (2017-09-12)

  • Change PyPI package name to fenics-ufl.

2017.1.0 (2017-05-09)

  • Add the DirectionalSobolevSpace subclass of SobolevSpace. This allows one to use spaces where elements have varying continuity in different spatial directions.
  • Add sobolev_space methods for HDiv and HCurl finite elements.
  • Add sobolev_space methods for TensorProductElement and EnrichedElement. The smallest shared Sobolev space will be returned for enriched elements. For the tensor product elements, a DirectionalSobolevSpace is returned depending on the order of the spaces associated with the component elements.

2016.2.0 (2016-11-30)

  • Add call operator syntax to Form to replace arguments and coefficients. This makes it easier to e.g. express the norm defined by a bilinear form as a functional. Example usage:

    # Equivalent to replace(a, {u: f, v: f})
    M = a(f, f)
    # Equivalent to replace(a, {f:1})
    c = a(coefficients={f:1})
  • Add call operator syntax to Form to replace arguments and coefficients:

    a(f, g) == replace(a, {u: f, v: g})
    a(coefficients={f:1}) == replace(a, {f:1})
  • Add @ operator to Form: form @ f == action(form, f) (python 3.5+ only)

  • Reduce noise in Mesh str such that print(form) gets more short and readable

  • Fix repeated split(function) for arbitrary nested elements

  • EnrichedElement: Remove +/* warning

    In the distant past, A + B => MixedElement([A, B]). The change that A + B => EnrichedElement([A, B]) was made in d622c74 (22 March 2010). A warning was introduced in fcbc5ff (26 March 2010) that the meaning of + had changed, and that users wanting a MixedElement should use * instead. People have, presumably, been seeing this warning for 6 1/2 years by now, so it's probably safe to remove.

  • Rework TensorProductElement implementation, replaces OuterProductElement

  • Rework TensorProductCell implementation, replaces OuterProductCell

  • Remove OuterProductVectorElement and OuterProductTensorElement

  • Add FacetElement and InteriorElement

  • Add Hellan-Herrmann-Johnson element

  • Add support for double covariant and contravariant mappings in mixed elements

  • Support discontinuous Taylor elements on all simplices

  • Some more performance improvements

  • Minor bugfixes

  • Improve Python 3 support

  • More permissive in integer types accepted some places

  • Make ufl pass almost all flake8 tests

  • Add bitbucket pipelines testing

  • Improve documentation

2016.1.0 (2016-06-23)

  • Add operator A^(i,j) := as_tensor(A, (i,j))
  • Updates to old manual for publishing on
  • Bugfix for ufl files with utf-8 encoding
  • Bugfix in conditional derivatives to avoid inf/nan values in generated code. This bugfix may break ffc if uflacs is not used, to get around that the old workaround in ufl can be enabled by setting ufl.algorithms.apply_derivatives.CONDITIONAL_WORKAROUND = True at the top of your program.
  • Allow sum([expressions]) where expressions are nonscalar by defining expr+0==expr
  • Allow form=0; form -= other;
  • Deprecate .cell(), .domain(), .element() in favour of .ufl_cell(), .ufl_domain(), .ufl_element(), in multiple classes, to allow closer integration with dolfin.
  • Remove deprecated properties cell.{d,x,n,volume,circumradius,facet_area}.
  • Remove ancient form2ufl script
  • Add new class Mesh to replace Domain
  • Add new class FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
  • Make FiniteElement classes take Cell, not Domain.
  • Large reworking of symbolic geometry pipeline
  • Implement symbolic Piola mappings

1.6.0 (2015-07-28)

  • Change approach to attaching hash implementation to accomodate python 3
  • Implement new non-recursive traversal based hash computation
  • Allow derivative(M, ListTensor(), ...) just like list/tuple works
  • Add traits is_in_reference_frame, is_restriction, is_evaluation, is_differential
  • Add missing linear operators to ArgumentDependencyExtractor
  • Add ufl_is_literal type trait
  • Add ufl_is_terminal_modifier type trait and Expr.ufl_terminal_modifiers list
  • Add new types ReferenceDiv and ReferenceCurl
  • Outer product element support in degree estimation
  • Add TraceElement, InteriorElement, FacetElement, BrokenElement
  • Add OuterProductCell to valid Real elements
  • Add _cache member to form for use by external frameworks
  • Add Sobolev space HEin
  • Add measures dI,dO,dC for interface, overlap, cutcell
  • Remove Measure constants
  • Remove cell2D and cell3D
  • Implement reference_value in apply_restrictions
  • Rename point integral to vertex integral and kept *dP syntax
  • Replace lambda functions in ufl_type with named functions for nicer stack traces
  • Minor bugfixes, removal of unused code and cleanups

1.5.0 (2015-01-12)

  • Require Python 2.7
  • Python 3 support
  • Change to py.test
  • Rewrite parts of expression representation core, providing significant optimizations in speed and memory use, as well as a more elaborate type metadata system for internal use
  • Use expr.ufl_shape instead of ufl.shape()
  • Use expr.ufl_indices instead of ufl.indices(), returns tuple of free index ids, not Index objects
  • Use expr.ufl_index_dimensions instead of ufl.index_dimensions(), returns tuple of dimensions ordered corresponding to expr.ufl_indices, not a dict
  • Rewrite core algorithms for expression traversal
  • Add new core algorithms map_expr_dag(), map_integrand_dag(), similar to python map() but applying a callable MultiFunction recursively to each Expr node, without Python recursion
  • Highly recommend rewriting algorithms based on Transformer using map_expr_dag and MultiFunction, avoiding Python recursion overhead
  • Rewrite core algorithms apply_derivatives, apply_restrictions
  • Form signature is now computed without applying derivatives first, introducing smaller overhead on jit cache hits
  • Use form.signature() to compute form signature
  • Use form.arguments() instead of extract_arguments(form)
  • Use form.coefficients() instead of extract_coefficients(form)
  • Small improvement to str and latex output of expressions
  • Allow diff(expr, coefficient) without wrapping coefficient in variable
  • Add keywords to measures: dx(..., degree=3, rule="canonical")
  • Introduce notation from the Periodic Table of the Finite Elements
  • Introduce notation for FEEC families of elements: P-, P, Q-, S
  • Experimental support for high-order geometric domains
  • Algorithms for symbolic rewriting of geometric quantities (used by uflacs)
  • Remove the Constant classes, using Coefficient with a Real element instead
  • Add types for MinValue and MaxValue
  • Disable automatic rewriting a+a->2a, aa->a**2, a/a->1, these are costly and the compiler should handle them instead
  • Fix signature stability w.r.t. metadata dicts
  • Minor bugfixes, removal of unused code and cleanups

1.4.0 (2014-06-02)

  • New integral type custom_integral (*dc)
  • Add analysis of which coefficients each integral actually uses to optimize assembly
  • Improved svg rendering of cells and sobolevspaces in ipython notebook
  • Add sobolev spaces, use notation "element in HCurl" (HCurl, HDiv, H1, H2, L2)
  • Improved error checking of facet geometry in non-facet integrals
  • Improved restriction handling, restricting continuous coefficients and constants is now optional
  • Introduce notation from the Periodic Table of the Finite Elements (draft)
  • Remove alias "Q" for quadrature element, use "Quadrature"
  • New derivative type ReferenceGrad
  • New discontinuous RT element
  • New geometry types Jacobian, JacobianInverse, JacobianDeterminant
  • New geometry types FacetJacobian, FacetJacobianInverse, FacetJacobianDeterminant
  • New geometry types CellFacetJacobian, CellFacetJacobianInverse, CellFacetJacobianDeterminant
  • New geometry types FacetOrigin, CellOrigin
  • New geometry types CellCoordinate, FacetCoordinate
  • New geometry types CellNormal, CellOrientation, QuadratureWeight
  • Argument (and TestFunction, TrialFunction) now use absolute numbering f.number() instead of relative f.count()
  • New syntax: integrand*dx(domain)
  • New syntax: integrand*dx(1, domain=domain)
  • New syntax: integrand*dx(1, subdomain_data=domain_data)
  • Using domain instead of cell in many places.
  • Deprecated notation 'cell.n', 'cell.x' etc.
  • Recommended new notation: FacetNormal(domain)
  • Experimental: Argument (and TestFunction, TrialFunction) now can have a specified part index for representing block systems
  • Experimental: Domains can now be created with a Coefficient providing coordinates: Domain(Coefficient(VectorElement("CG", domain, 2)))
  • Experimental: New concept Domain: domain = Domain(triangle, geometric_dimension=3, label="MyDomain")
  • Various general optimizations
  • Various minor bugfixes
  • Various docstring improvements

1.3.0 (2014-01-07)

  • Add cell_avg and facet_avg operators, can be applied to a Coefficient or Argument or restrictions thereof
  • Fix bug in cofactor: now it is transposed the correct way.
  • Add cell.min_facet_edge_length
  • Add cell.max_facet_edge_length
  • Simplify 0^f -> 0 if f is a non-negative scalar value
  • Add atan2 function
  • Allow form+0 -> form

1.2.0 (2013-03-24)

  • NB! Using shapes such as (1,) and (1,1) instead of () for 1D tensor quantities I, x, grad(f)
  • Add cell.facet_diameter
  • Add new concept Domain
  • Add new concept Region, which is the union of numbered subdomains
  • Add integration over regions (which may be overlapping by sharing subdomains)
  • Add integration over everywhere
  • Add functions cosh, sinh, tanh, Max, Min
  • Generalize jump(v,n) for rank(v) > 2
  • Fix some minor bugs

1.1.0 (2013-01-07)

  • Add support for pickling of expressions (thanks to Graham Markall)
  • Add shorthand notation A**2 == inner(A, A), special cased for power 2.
  • Add support for measure sum notation f*(dx(0) + dx(3)) == fdx(0) + fdx(3)
  • Supporting code for bugfix in PyDOLFIN when comparing test/trial functions
  • Remove support for tuple form notation as this was ambiguous
  • Bugfix in quadrature degree estimation, never returning <0 now
  • Remove use of cmp to accomodate removal from python 3

1.1-alpha-prerelease (2012-11-18)

(Not released, snapshot archived with submission of UFL journal paper)

  • Support adding 0 to forms, allowing sum([a])
  • Major memory savings and optimizations.
  • Some bugfixes.
  • Add perp operator.
  • Support nested tuple syntax like MixedElement((U,V),W)
  • Allow outer(a, b, c, ...) by recursive application from left.
  • Add simplification f/f -> 1
  • Add operators <,>,<=,>= in place of lt,gt,le,ge

1.0.0 (2011-12-07)

  • No changes since rc1.

1.0-rc1 (2011-11-22)

  • Added tests covering snippets from UFL chapter in FEniCS book
  • Added more unit tests
  • Added operators diag and diag_vector
  • Added geometric quantities cell.surface_area and cell.facet_area
  • Fixed rtruediv bug
  • Fixed bug with derivatives of elements of type Real with unspecified cell

1.0-beta3 (2011-10-26)

  • Added nabla_grad and nabla_div operators
  • Added error function erf(x)
  • Added bessel functions of first and second kind, normal and modified, bessel_J(nu, x), bessel_Y(nu, x), bessel_I(nu, x), bessel_K(nu, x)
  • Extended derivative() to allow indexed coefficient(s) as differentiation variable
  • Made *Constant use the Real space instead of DG0
  • Bugfix in adjoint where test and trial functions were in different spaces
  • Bugfix in replace where the argument to a grad was replaced with 0
  • Bugfix in reconstruction of tensor elements
  • Some other minor bugfixes

1.0-beta2 (2011-08-11)

  • Support c*form where c depends on a coefficient in a Real space

1.0-beta (2011-07-08)

  • Add script ufl-version
  • Added syntax for associating an arbitrary domain data object with a measure: dss = ds[boundaries]; M = fdss(1) + gdss(2)
  • Added new operators elem_mult, elem_div, elem_pow and elem_op for elementwise application of scalar operators to tensors of equal shape
  • Added condition operators And(lhs,rhs) and Or(lhs,rhs) and Not(cond)
  • Fixed support for symmetries in subelements of a mixed element
  • Add support for specifying derivatives of coefficients to derivative()

0.9.1 (2011-05-16)

  • Remove set_foo functions in finite element classes
  • Change license from GPL v3 or later to LGPL v3 or later
  • Change behavior of preprocess(), form.compute_form_data(), form_data.preprocessed_form
  • Allowing grad, div, inner, dot, det, inverse on scalars
  • Simplify Identity(1) -> IntValue(1) automatically
  • Added Levi-Cevita symbol: e = PermutationSymbol(3); e[i,j,k]
  • Fix bug with future division behaviour (ufl does not support floor division)
  • Add subdomain member variables to form class
  • Allow action on forms of arbitrary rank

0.9.0 (2011-02-23)

  • Allow jump(Sigma, n) for matrix-valued expression Sigma
  • Bug fix in scalar curl operator
  • Bug fix in deviatoric operator

0.5.4 (2010-09-01)

  • Bug fixes in PartExtracter
  • Do not import x for coordinate
  • Add Circumradius to Cell (Cell.circumradius)
  • Add CellVolume to Cell (Cell.volume)

0.5.3 (2010-07-01)

  • Rename ElementRestriction --> RestrictedElement
  • Experimental import of x from tetrahedron
  • Make lhs/rhs work for resrictions
  • Redefine operator + for FiniteElements and replace + by *
  • Rename ElementUnion -> EnrichedElement
  • Add support for tan() and inverse trigonometric functions

0.5.2 (2010-02-15)

  • Attach form data to preprocessed form, accessible by form.form_data()

0.5.1 (2010-02-03)

  • Fix bug in propagate_restriction

0.5.0 (2010-02-01)

  • Several interface changes in FormData class
  • Introduce call preprocess(form) to be called at beginning of compilation
  • Rename BasisFunction --> Argument
  • Rename Function --> Coefficient

0.4.1 (2009-12-04)

  • Redefine grad().T --> grad()
  • New meaning of estimate_max_polynomial_degree
  • New function estimate_total_polynomial_degree
  • Allow degree = None and cell = None for elements

0.4.0 (2009-09-23)

  • Extensions for ElementRestriction (restrict FiniteElement to Cell)
  • Bug fix for lhs/rhs with list tensor types
  • Add new log function set_prefix
  • Add new log function log(level, message)
  • Added macro cell integral *dE
  • Added mechanism to add additional integral types
  • Added LiftingOperator and LiftingFunction
  • Added ElementRestriction

0.3.0 (2009-05-28)

  • Some critical bugfixes, in particular in differentiation.
  • Added form operators "system" and "sensitivity_rhs".
  • diff can take form as argument, applies to all integrands.
  • Rudimentary precedence handling for better use of parentheses in str(expression).
  • Added script ufl2py, mainly for debugging purposes.
  • Crude implementation of estimate_max_polynomial_degree for quadrature degree estimation.
  • Improved manual.

0.2.0 (2009-04-07)

  • Initial release of UFL.

0.1.0 (unreleased)

  • Unreleased development versions of UFL.