DeepMind & Facebook AI
NIPS 2018
ICRA 2017
Citation 153
The paper propose Modified SAFEOPT.
The paper propose SAFEOPT.
The Lyapunov Neural Network: Adaptive Stability Certification for Safe Learning of Dynamical Systems
Risk and robustness in RL: Nothing ventured, nothing gained - Shie Mannor
A talk about the trade-off between safety and robustness.
Andreas Krause (ETH Zuerich): "Safe Exploration in Reinforcement Learning"
A talk about how to explore safely with RL.
Towards Structural Risk Minimization for RL - Emma Brunskill
A talk about risk-sensitive RL.
Lecture by Felix Berkenkamp (CS 159 Spring 2020)
Safe Exploration for Reinforcement Learning
Bayesian Optimization & Algorithm Configuration
Bayesian optimization of CS159
Machine Learning by mathematicalmonk
Give an intuitive explaination of the math often used in ML.
StackExchange: Intuitive Understanding of Expected Improvement for Gaussian Process
Bzarg: How a Kalman filter works, in pictures
Intuitively explain Kalman Filter with picture & examples.
Intuitively explain Kalman Filter with picture & examples. The article is translated from Bzarg: How a Kalman filter works, in pictures.