SparseStep is an R package for sparse regularized regression and provides an alternative to methods such as best subset selection, elastic net, lasso, and lars. The SparseStep method is introduced in the following paper:
SparseStep: Approximating the Counting Norm for Sparse Regularization by G.J.J. van den Burg, P.J.F. Groenen, and A. Alfons (Arxiv preprint arXiv:1701.06967 [stat.ME], 2017).
This R package can be easily installed by running
in R. If you use the package in your work,
please cite the above reference using, for instance, the following BibTeX
title = {{SparseStep}: Approximating the Counting Norm for Sparse Regularization},
author = {{Van den Burg}, G. J. J. and Groenen, P. J. F. and Alfons, A.},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.06967},
year = {2017}
The SparseStep method solves the regression problem regularized with the
norm. Since the
term is highly non-convex and therefore difficult to optimize, this
non-convexity is introduced gradually in SparseStep during optimization. As in
other regularized regression methods such as ridge regression and lasso, a
regularization parameter lambda
can be specified to control the amount of
regularization. The choice of regularization parameter affects how many
non-zero variables remain in the final model.
We will give a quick guide to SparseStep using the Prostate dataset from the book Elements of Statistical Learning.
We will show a few examples of running SparseStep on the Prostate dataset from the lasso2 package. First we load the data and create a data matrix and outcome vector:
> prostate <- read.table("")
> X <- prostate[prostate$train == T, c(-1, -10)]
> X <- as.matrix(X)
> y <- prostate[prostate$train == T, 1]
> y <- as.vector(y)
The easiest way to fit a SparseStep model is to use the path.sparsestep
function. This estimates the entire path of solutions for the SparseStep model
for different values of the regularization parameter using a golden section
search algorithm.
> path <- path.sparsestep(X, y)
Found maximum value of lambda: 2^( 7 )
Found minimum value of lambda: 2^( -3 )
Running search in interval [ -3 , 7 ] ...
Running search in interval [ -3 , 2 ] ...
Running search in interval [ -3 , -0.5 ] ...
Running search in interval [ -3 , -1.75 ] ...
Running search in interval [ -0.5 , 2 ] ...
Running search in interval [ -0.5 , 0.75 ] ...
Running search in interval [ 0.125 , 0.75 ] ...
Running search in interval [ 2 , 7 ] ...
> plot(path, col=1:nrow(path$beta)) # col specifies colors to matplot
> legend('topleft', legend=rownames(path$beta), lty=1, col=1:nrow(path$beta))
In the resulting plot we can see the coefficients of the features that are
included in the model at different values of lambda
The coefficients of the model can be obtained using coef(path)
, which
returns a sparse matrix:
> coef(path)
9 x 9 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
Intercept 1.31349155 1.313491553 1.313491553 1.31349155 1.313491553 1.31349155 1.3134916 1.313492
lweight -0.11336968 -0.113485291 . . . . . .
age 0.02010188 0.020182049 0.018605327 0.01491472 0.018704172 0.01623212 . .
lbph -0.05698125 -0.059026246 -0.069116923 . . . . .
svi 0.03511645 . . . . . . .
lcp 0.41845469 0.423398063 0.420516410 0.43806447 0.433449263 0.38174743 0.3887863 .
gleason 0.22438690 0.222333394 0.236944796 0.23503609 . . . .
pgg45 -0.00911273 -0.009084031 -0.008949463 -0.00853420 -0.004328518 . . .
lpsa 0.57545508 0.580111724 0.561063637 0.53017309 0.528953966 0.51473225 0.5336907 0.754266
Intercept 1.313492
lweight .
age .
lbph .
svi .
lcp .
gleason .
pgg45 .
lpsa .
Note that the final model included in coef(beta)
is a intercept-only
model, which is generally not very useful. Predicting out-of-sample data can
be done easily using the predict
By default SparseStep centers the regressors and outcome variable y
normalizes the regressors X
to ensure that the regularization is applied
evenly among them and the intercept is not penalized. If you prefer to use a
constant term in the regression and penalize this as well, you'll have to
transform the input data and disable the intercept:
> Z <- cbind(constant=1, X)
> path <- path.sparsestep(Z, y, intercept=F)
> plot(path, col=1:nrow(path$beta))
> legend('bottomright', legend=rownames(path$beta), lty=1, col=1:nrow(path$beta))
Note that since we add the constant through the data matrix it is subject to regularization and therefore sparsity:
For more information and examples, please see the documentation included with the package. In particular, the following pages are good places to start:
> ?'sparsestep-package'
> ?sparsestep
> ?path.sparsestep
If you use SparseStep in any of your projects, please cite the paper using the information available through the R command:
or use the following BibTeX code:
title = {{SparseStep}: Approximating the Counting Norm for Sparse Regularization},
author = {Gerrit J.J. {van den Burg} and Patrick J.F. Groenen and Andreas Alfons},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.06967},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
year = {2017},
eprint = {1701.06967},
url = {},
primaryclass = {stat.ME},
keywords = {Statistics - Methodology, 62J05, 62J07},
This package is licensed under GPLv3. Please see the LICENSE file for more
information. If you have any questions or comments about this package, please
open an issue on GitHub (don't
hesitate, you're helping to make this project better for everyone!). If you
prefer to use email, please write to gertjanvandenburg at gmail dot com