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GCVE Service Networking Module

This module contains the terraform to create and deploy a GCVE Service Networking


Name Version
terraform >= 1.5.3
google >= 4.35.0
google-beta >= 4.71.0


Basic usage of this module is as follows:

module "example" {
	 source  = ""

	 # Required variables
	 project_id  = "<PROJECT_ID>"
	 region  = "<REGION>"
	 network_name  = "<GCP_NETWORK_NAME>"
	 create_gcve_network  = "<CREATE_GCVE_NETWORK>"
	 gcve_connection_name  = "<GCVE_CONNECTION_NAME>"
	 gcve_network_location  = "<GCVE_NETWORK_LOCATION>"
	 gcve_network_name  = "<GCVE_NETWORK_NAME>"
	 primary_private_ip_alloc  = "<PRIMARY_PRIVATE_IP_ALLOC_NAME>"
	 private_ip_allocation_details  = "<PRIVATE_IP_ALLOC_DETAILS>"

	 # Optional variables
	 address_purpose  = "VPC_PEERING"
	 address_type  = "INTERNAL"
	 auto_create_subnetworks  = false
	 create_network  = true
	 delete_default_internet_gateway_routes  = false
	 gcve_network_description  = ""
	 gcve_network_type  = "LEGACY"
	 mtu  = 0
	 network_description  = ""
	 pc_connection_type  = "PRIVATE_SERVICE_ACCESS"
	 pc_description  = "gcve_service_networking"
	 pc_routing_mode  = "GLOBAL"
	 peering  = "servicenetworking-googleapis-com"
	 routing_mode  = "GLOBAL"
	 secondary_ranges  = {}
	 service  = ""
	 subnets  = []


Name Type
google-beta_google_vmwareengine_network.gcve_network resource
google_compute_global_address.private_ip_alloc resource resource
google_compute_network_peering_routes_config.peering_routes resource
google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork resource
google_service_networking_connection.gcve_psa resource
google-beta_google_vmwareengine_network.gcve_network data source data source
google_compute_network_peering.servicenetworking data source


Name Description Type Default Required
address_purpose Purpose value to use in google_compute_global_address resource string "VPC_PEERING" no
address_type Address type value to use in google_compute_global_address resource string "INTERNAL" no
auto_create_subnetworks When set to true, the network is created in 'auto subnet mode' and it will create a subnet for each region automatically across the address range. When set to false, the network is created in 'custom subnet mode' so the user can explicitly connect subnetwork resources. bool false no
create_gcve_network Set to true to create google vmwareengine network bool n/a yes
create_network If set to true, new VPC will be created bool true no
delete_default_internet_gateway_routes If set, ensure that all routes within the network specified whose names begin with 'default-route' and with a next hop of 'default-internet-gateway' are deleted bool false no
gcve_connection_name the GCVE Private Connection ID string n/a yes
gcve_network_description Description for the VMware Engine network string "" no
gcve_network_location The location where the VMwareEngineNetwork should reside string n/a yes
gcve_network_name The ID of the VMware Engine Network string n/a yes
gcve_network_type VMware Engine network type string "LEGACY" no
mtu The network MTU (If set to 0, meaning MTU is unset - defaults to '1460'). Recommended values: 1460 (default for historic reasons), 1500 (Internet default), or 8896 (for Jumbo packets). Allowed are all values in the range 1300 to 8896, inclusively. number 0 no
network_description Description for the GCP Network string "" no
network_name The name of the network being created string n/a yes
pc_connection_type Connection Type for GCVE Private Connection string "PRIVATE_SERVICE_ACCESS" no
pc_description Description for the Private Connection string "gcve_service_networking" no
pc_location The region to create the private connection string n/a yes
pc_routing_mode The routing mode of Private Connection string "GLOBAL" no
peering Peering value to use in google_compute_network_peering_routes_config resource string "servicenetworking-googleapis-com" no
primary_private_ip_alloc Primary Private IP Allocation which can be used for GCVE PSA Connection string n/a yes
private_ip_allocation_details Private IP Allocation details to Create Compute Global Address
name = string,
address = string,
prefix_length = number
n/a yes
project_id Project to create GCVE Service networking Resources string n/a yes
region The region to use string n/a yes
routing_mode The network routing mode (default 'GLOBAL') string "GLOBAL" no
secondary_ranges Secondary ranges that will be used in some of the subnets map(list(object({ range_name = string, ip_cidr_range = string }))) {} no
service Service value to use in google_service_networking_connection resource string "" no
subnets The list of subnets being created list(map(string)) [] no


Name Description
gcve_network_details GCVE Network Details
gcve_network_name GCVE Network Name
gcve_service_network_connection GCVE Service Network Connection
network_id The ID of the VPC being created
network_name The name of the VPC being created
network_self_link The URI of the VPC being created
peer_network_project_id Peer Network Project ID
peering_route_config Peering Route Config
private_ip_alloc_addresses Address of Private IP Allocations used for Peering
private_ip_alloc_details Names of Private IP Allocations for Peering
private_ip_alloc_ids ID of Private IP Allocations used for Peering
private_ip_alloc_names Names of Private IP Allocations used for Peering
private_ip_alloc_self_link Self Link of Private IP Allocations used for Peering
subnets The created subnet resources