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Jore4 authentication and authorization backend. The backend uses a configured OpenID Connect provider to authenticate and authorize the user via the OIDC Authorization Code Flow.

For more information on OpenID Connect, please see the OIDC specs, especially the section on the Authorization Code Flow.

How to run locally

  1. Install preliminaries
    • OpenJDK 17
  2. Make a copy of the maven dev-profile for your user:
    cp profiles/dev/ profiles/dev/config.<my-username>.properties
  3. Adjust the properties in profiles/dev/config.<my-username>.properties to your needs. By default, the backend will listen at port 3001 and expect its API path (/api) to be visible to the world at /api/auth.
  4. Build and run:
    mvn clean spring-boot:run -Pdev

How to run with docker compose start

Starts the auth service and jore4 postgres database in docker containers

Building for deployment

Note that the above mentioned dev profile is only meant for use in your local development environment. To create a build to be used for deployment, compile and create a package using the prod profile:

mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage -Pprod


When started (and on application context refresh events), the backend automatically reads the OIDC provider configuration from the configured URL's discovery endpoint.

To authenticate the user at the configured OIDC provider, redirect the user to the endpoint /api/public/v1/login . After successful authentication, the access and refresh tokens obtained will be stored in the user's session, which is at this point kept in-memory. login flow The login flow, also see the diagram source

The user can then retrieve her user-info data from the OIDC provider by using the endpoint /api/public/v1/userInfo . This will perform a user-info request with the user's access token stored in the session. user info flow The user info flow, also see the diagram source

When the access token expires, the access and refresh tokens are refreshed transparently.

In the future, this backend will provide functionality to authorize the user at a Hasura instance via a web hook.

To log the user out, redirect her to the endpoint /api/public/v1/logout. This will invalidate the user's session with the Jore4 auth backend and redirect her to the "end session" endpoint of the OIDC provider. logout flow The logout flow, also see the diagram source

Implementation details

The backend is implemented as a spring boot application.

The public endpoint interfaces are generated from the OpenAPI specifications in the directory src/main/openapi. The specifications are provided for download from the running application under the /api-specs/openapi path, the root document being /api-specs/openapi/api.yaml.

Docker reference

The application uses spring boot which allows overwriting configuration properties as described here. The docker container is also able to read secrets and expose them as environment variables.

The following configuration properties are to be defined for each environment:

Config property Environment variable Secret name Example Description
- SECRET_STORE_BASE_PATH - /run/secrets Directory containing the docker secrets
self.public.base.url SELF_PUBLIC_BASE_URL self-public-base-url Jore4 auth base URL as the world sees it
loginpage.url LOGINPAGE_URL loginpage-url The full URL to which to return after login
logoutpage.url LOGOUTPAGE_URL logoutpage-url The full URL to which to return after logout
oidc.provider.base.url OIDC_PROVIDER_BASE_URL oidc-provider-base-url The base URL of the OIDC provider OIDC_CLIENT_ID oidc-client-id *** The client id from the OIDC provider
oidc.client.secret OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET oidc-client-secret *** The client secret from the OIDC provider
api.path.prefix API_PATH_PREFIX api-path-prefix /api Base URL of the API within the container
api.path.prefix.public API_PATH_PREFIX_PUBLIC api-path-prefix-public /api/auth Exposed base URL for API (e.g. from browser)
db.hostname DB_HOSTNAME db-hostname Persistent session database host name
db.port DB_PORT - 5432 Persistent session database host port (default 5432) DB_NAME db-name jore4 Persistent session database name
db.username DB_USERNAME db-username auth_user Persistent session database user name
db.password DB_PASSWORD db-password *** Persistent session database user password
db.session.schema DB_SESSION_SCHEMA - auth_session Persistent session database schema to use

More properties can be found from /profiles/prod/


The tests for the auth backend can be run using the command

mvn clean verify -Pall-tests

Alternatively, you can run only the integration tests using the command

mvn clean verify -Pintegration-test

Note that currently there are no unit tests yet.

Beware that the source needs to be compiled again every time the profile is switched, i.e. between running the tests and the application.