- We assume the installation in the folder /srv/instances/buildout.pm
- (that can be changed) and on an ubuntu distribution.
Your real username must replace in our commands the string "username". Each command, specified by the symbol ">", can be executed
(without the symbol >).
First we become root > sudo -s
We install the necessary libraries > apt-get install build-essential > apt-get install libreadline6-dev > apt-get install zlib1g-dev (support zlib) > apt-get install libjpeg62-dev > apt-get install subversion > apt-get install libpq-dev > apt-get install libxml2-dev > apt-get install libxslt1-dev > apt-get install libbz2-dev > apt-get install git > apt-get install bzr
Needed by documentviewer product: > apt-get install rubygems > gem install docsplit > apt-get install graphicsmagick > apt-get install poppler-utils
We work in the folder /srv > cd /srv
We change the owner of the folder to avoid continue working as root > chown -R username:username .
We leave the user root. > exit
We create some directories > mkdir install > mkdir instances > cd install
We install python2.7 that will be used to run the buildout and zope instance > wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.16/Python-2.7.16.tgz > tar xvzf Python-2.7.16.tgz > cd Python-2.7.16 > ./configure --prefix=/srv/python27 > make > make install
We install the python utility easy_install > cd /srv/install > wget http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py > /srv/python27/bin/python ez_setup.py
We install the python utility virtualenv > /srv/python27/bin/easy_install virtualenv
We can define a cache for buildout See http://www.imio.be/support/documentation/tutoriels/utilisation-dun-buildout/definition-dun-cache-pour-buildout/
We download the buildout files in our folder > cd /srv/instances > git clone [email protected]:IMIO/buildout.pm.git > cd buildout.pm
We modify the Makefile file to indicate the real path of the virtualenv utility. To do that, you can edit the file in a simple text editor. It's necessary to replace the line "virtualenv27 --no-site-packages ." by
"/srv/python27/bin/virtualenv --no-site-packages ."
OR You can create a link to our virtualenv without modifying Makefile
"sudo ln -s /srv/python27/bin/virtualenv /usr/local/bin/virtualenv-2.7"
We initialize the buildout. > make buildout
We start the zeo server. > bin/zeoserver start Then the zope instance. > bin/instance1 fg