This package contains an abstract class which can be derived to create Orocos component
that can communicate with the component lwr_fri
. The abstract class contains
the basic method to interact with the krl scripts that are in the script
This package also contains basic examples, demontrating the use of the abstract class.
In your ros workspace directory:
rosws set -y fri_examples --git
rosws update fri_examples
cd fri_examples
Copy the krl scripts located in script
to the KRC computer and reboot it.
There are three examples located in the tests
- FriExample : How to read data from fri
- FriExampleKinematic : How to send velocity commands to the robot
- FriExampleTorque : How to send torque commands to the robot Each examples comes with an Orocos script to test the component.
If you have compiled the orocos toolchain for xenomai you can do:
cd tests/orocos
rosrun ocl deployer-xenomai -s friExampleTorque.ops