# Start a new session
$ tmux
# Start a new session with the name mysession
$ tmux new -s mysession
# kill/delete session mysession
$ tmux kill-session -t mysession
# kill/delete all sessions but the current
$ tmux kill-session -a
# kill/delete all sessions but mysession
$ tmux kill-session -a -t mysession
# Rename session
Ctrl+b $
# Detach from session
Ctrl+b d
# Detach others on the session (Maximize window by detach other clients)
: attach -d
# Show all sessions
$ tmux ls
# Attach to last session
$ tmux a
$ tmux attach
$ tmux attach-session
# Attach to a session with the name mysession
$ tmux a -t mysession
$ tmux attach -t mysession
$ tmux attach-session -t mysession
# Session and Window Preview
Ctrl+b w
# Move to previous session
Ctrl+b (
# Move to next Session
Ctrl+b )
# Create window
Ctrl+b c
# Rename current window
Ctrl+b ,
# Close current window
Ctrl+b &
# List windows
Ctrl+b w
# Previous window
Ctrl+b p
# Next window
Ctrl+b n
# Switch/select window by number
Ctrl+b 0..9
# Toggle last active window
Ctrl+b l
# Reorder window, swap window number 2(src) and 1(dst)
: swap-window -s 2 -t 1
# Move current window to the left by one position
: swap-window -t -1
# Toggle last active pane
Ctrl+b ;
# Split pane with horizontal layout
Ctrl+b %
# Split pane with vertical layout
Ctrl+b "
# Move the current pane left
Ctrl+b {
# Move the current pane right
Ctrl+b }
# Switch to pane to the direction
Ctrl+b ↑
Ctrl+b ←
Ctrl+b →
Ctrl+b ↓