PicoTree v0.5.0 changes:
- Input handling of the KdTree has been improved (see the examples for possible implementations):
- Test and query points are no longer expected to provide their coordinates through a single adaptor or point set interface. This has been split.
- The input interface for adaptors or point sets has been simplified and is expected to provide points (instead of point coordinates).
- Query points and test points should implement the parenthesis operator for providing coordinates.
- It is now possible to store the test point set as part of the KdTree.
- EigenAdaptor has been updated to support all the previously mentioned bullets.
- The interface for Metric classes has been improved:
- Reduced the amount of template arguments.
- The point to point distance function now expects two points instead of a test index and a query point.
- Added EigenMetricL1 and EigenMetricL2.
- Added support for approximate nearest neighbor searches.