This repository is supposed to become an MVP to validate that we can use the constrained planning stuff in OMPL through a simple interface. I'm not sure if it will work.
The usual way of creating a new ROS workspace and cloning this repository in it should work:
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src/
git clone
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src
cd ..
caktin build
Note: I think I removed all dependencies that rosdep cannot install. However I have used several unreleased dependencies in the past to to some testing. These are:
Most of the examples use the panda_moveit_config robot. You can find the specific settings that go with a robot at the top of a source file:
const std::string FIXED_FRAME = "panda_link0";
const std::string PLANNING_GROUP = "panda_arm";
Launching the MoveIt interface for the corresponding robot and running the example should work:
roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo.launch
and run the specific example node, for example this one to test the planning plugin:
rosrun planning_plugin_examples compl_planner_example
or this one to run some Jacobian calculation experiments:
rosrun planning_plugin_examples try_jacobian_projection
should also work for other robots. However, you need to specify the planning group and fixed frame at the top of the code. For most industrial robot configurations, these names are the default:
const std::string FIXED_FRAME = "world";
const std::string PLANNING_GROUP = "manipulator";
With this adjusted and rebuilding the workspace, we can run the example:
roslaunch abb_irb6640_moveit_config demo.launch
and in another terminal:
rosrun planning_plugin_examples try_jacobian_projection
To visualize the projection motion, add a RobotState display to Rviz:
Note: compl_planner_example
implements a planning example that is specific to the Panda robot and therefore will not work with other robots.
I would like to separate the MoveIt and OMPL code as much as possible. So someone who understands MoveIt but not OMPL can understand the MoveIt part and visa versa.
The structure of this code is shown below. Note that the base class for constraints currently is PositionConstraint
, the class COMPLConstraint
does not exist yet.
- Use
instead ofEigen::Isometry3d::rotation()
whenever possible. This is more efficient (and can be used when the rotation matrix is known to be valid?).