Releases: Krealle/Cell_UnitFrames
Releases · Krealle/Cell_UnitFrames
v1.4.0 (2024-10-15)
Release Notes
- Increase max buff/debuffs icons from 10 to 20
- Implement Boss Frames (#131)
- Implement Totems Widget (#130)
Bug Fixes
- Fix Aura preview not showing the correct amount of icons when opening the menu whilst having an Aura widget selected
- Fix class color not properly update for custom text on target change
- Fix double release issue with HelpTips Fixes #125
v1.3.17 (2024-10-11)
Release Notes
This update brings a along a refactor to the Custom Text
widgets, and how it deals with tags. As such the formatting for many tags have been changed, along with new ones added. So you may need to update some of your tags after updating.
Bug Fixes
- Unit Frames will now show positions from the layout you are editing when using "None" as master layout, instead of always showing the active layout positions.
- Fix Debuffs not showing up properly when dispels widget is disabled
v1.3.15 (2024-10-08)
Release Notes
- Add option to invert health colors if unit is attackable/enemy. (#113 kalbert312)
- Add the option to import spellIDs additively to aura filters Implements #105
- Implement Dispels Widget (#114)
- Fire Cell Callback "CUF_FramesInitialized" to help streamline snippets
- Fire Cell Callback "CUF_AddonLoaded" to allow snippets more control over addon functions
- Generic Aura Handler (#103)
Bug Fixes
- Resolve race case with powerFilters
- Fix strata issues for CastBar texts