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This lesson covers how to write your own R functions. It also explains how to automate your code using if() and ifelse() functions, for loops, and the apply function.


This lesson assumes you are familiar with the material in the previous lessons:

The data from the R package region5air is used throughout these lessons. To install the package from GitHub, use the remotes package. Run the code below to install the remotes package and install region5air from GitHub.

# if you have not installed remotes


To load the chicago_air data frame we will be using in the lesson, use the library() function to load the region5air package, then the data( ) function to load the data frame.



Writing Functions

As discussed in the second lesson on functions, R can execute a saved chunk of code by running the name of a function, like mean(). The name mean is saved like a variable name, but since the name refers to a function, the thing that's saved is not a data object but lines of R code.

To save your own function, use this construction:

my_function_name <- function() {
  # lines of R code

We can write a simple function that prints something to the console. Here is a function named print_hello.

print_hello <- function() {

This function can now be executed like any other function.

## [1] "Hello"


Most of the functions we have used in these lessons have had at least one argument inside of the parentheses. The print_hello() function did not have any arguments, so we could run it without putting anything inside (). We could modify the function to take an argument that pastes some text to the printed message.

Here we recreate the same function, but this time we add an argument text inside of the parentheses.

print_hello <- function(text) {
  message <- paste("Hello", text)

Now there are two lines of code inside of the curly braces. The first line uses the paste() function to concatenate two character values. The first value will always be "Hello". The second value will be supplied by the user in the text argument.

print_hello(text = "everybody!")
## [1] "Hello everybody!"

Default Values

We can create a function with more than one argument, and set default values when needed. Suppose we would like to make a function that checks if a measurement is greater than a criteria pollutant standard. We could make a simple function that takes two arguments: one for the measurement value, and one for the standard value.

standard_violated <- function(measurement, standard) {
  measurement > standard

This function will simply return a TRUE or FALSE value, depending on whether the measurement is greater than the standard or not.

standard_violated(measurement = 84, standard = 70)
## [1] TRUE

We could write a more specific function for checking a value against the ozone standard. For this function, we want to keep the standard parameter but make sure the default is 70. It may be that we typically want to use this function to check against the current 8-hour ozone standard in parts per billion, but have the flexibility to use a different value.

To set a default value, we use = 70 when we create the function.

standard_violated <- function(measurement, standard = 70) {
  measurement > standard

Now, when we use the function, it is not necessary to set the standard argument.

standard_violated(measurement = 50)
## [1] FALSE

Positional Arguments

One final note on functions in R. When a function is created, the order of the arguments are important. The user can supply values for the arguments in the order they appeared in the parentheses of the function( ){ } call, without writing out the argument names.

For example, we can supply two numbers to the standard_violated() function that we created above, without writing out the measurement and standard arguments. When R executes the function, it will assign the numbers to the arguments based on the position in the parentheses.

Here we show that using two numbers in a different order will return different outputs.

standard_violated(60, 70)
## [1] FALSE
standard_violated(70, 60)
## [1] TRUE

if Functions

Writing custom functions is a good way to standardize some R code that can be reused on different data sets. It's also helpful to write code that will execute different lines of code depending on different scenarios. The functions if() and ifelse() allow you to control what code is executed based on a logical condition.

The if() function takes the logical condition in the parentheses. The code that will run if the logical expression is TRUE is placed inside curly braces. Below is the outline (not actual R code).

if(<logical expression>) {
  <code that will run if the logical expression is TRUE>

The key word else can also be used with another set of curly braces to hold code that will only run if the logical expression returns FALSE

if(<logical expression>) {
  <code that will run if the logical expression is true>
} else {
  <code that will run if the logical expression is false>

For example, if we wanted to print a message based on the value of ozone, we could use this construction:

ozone <- 0.075

if(ozone > 0.065) {
  print("Potential Health Effects")
} else {
  print("All Good")
## [1] "Potential Health Effects"

Since the expression ozone > 0.065 resolves to TRUE, the code in the first set of curly braces is run. If we set the ozone variable to 0.06, then the logical expression will resolve to FALSE and the code in the second curly braces will run.

ozone <- 0.06

if(ozone > 0.065) {
  print("Potential Health Effects")
} else {
  print("All Good")
## [1] "All Good"

The ifelse() function is another way to use a logical condition that determines which output is returned. Here is the outline.

ifelse(<test>, <yes>, <no>)

The test argument is the logical expression, yes is the value returned if the expression resolves to TRUE, and no is the value returned if the expression resolves to FALSE.

Here we accomplish the same task as the previous example. This time we use the ifelse() function to create a variable named message.

ozone_value <- 0.06

message <- ifelse(ozone_value > 0.065, "Potential Health Effects", "All Good")

## [1] "All Good"

For loops

Like most programming languages, R has for and while loops. This tutorial will cover just for loops and move on to apply() functions, which are more commonly used in R.

For loops are used to repeat an operation a set number of times. Here is the basic outline:

for(i in sequence){
  <code that will run a set number of times>

The sequence parameter is typically a vector. The i parameter is a variable that will take on the values in the sequence vector. For instance, if sequence was the vector c(1, 2, 3) then the i variable will take on each of those values in turn.

This example simply prints the values of the vector as the for loop progresses.

for(i in c(1, 2, 3)) {
## [1] 1
## [1] 2
## [1] 3

Typically when we use loops, we want to perform the same operation on different sets of data and save the results. To do this using the for() function in R, we need to create an empty vector (or list or data frame) and save the results during each iteration.

Here is an example data frame we will use. It represents a few values from three monitors.

monitors <- data.frame(monitor1 = c(50, 60, 58, 52),
                       monitor2 = c(55, 59, 65, 61),
                       monitor3 = c(70, 62, 68, 71))

##   monitor1 monitor2 monitor3
## 1       50       55       70
## 2       60       59       62
## 3       58       65       68
## 4       52       61       71

In the code below, we create an empty vector called max_values. As the for() function loops through the vector c(1, 2, 3), the data frame columns are accessed using square brackets [ , i]. Each max value is saved to the max_values vector using square brackets [i].

max_values <- c()

for(i in c(1, 2, 3)) {
  max_values[i] <- max(monitors[, i])

## [1] 60 65 71

apply function

Although the for loop is common in programming languages, it is not the most efficient way to apply a function to different sets of data in R. The most efficient way to do loops in R is with the apply() family of functions, including lapply(), tapply(), and mapply(). This section will demonstrate how to use the apply() function.

The apply() function takes a data frame (or matrix) as the first argument. The second argument determines if each loop will apply to the rows (1) or columns (2). And the third argument is the function you want to apply to each row or column. Additional arguments can be used to pass on to the function being applied to each row or column.

The example below applies the max() function to the monitors data frame from the previous section.

monitors_max <- apply(monitors, MARGIN = 2, FUN = max)


The MARGIN argument is set to 2 because we are applying the max() function to the columns of the data frame. Also notice that we do not need to create an initial empty vector, as we did with the for() function. The returned value is a named vector that is as long as the number of columns in the data frame.

We could also find the mean of each row in the monitors data frame. To do this, we would set the MARGIN argument to 1.

apply(monitors, MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean)
## [1] 58.33333 60.33333 63.66667 61.33333

Next Lesson

The next lesson in this series is on Plotting.


Try these exercises to test your comprehension of material in this lesson.

Exercise 1

Write a function named ppm_to_ppb that converts a value from parts per million to parts per billion.

Click for Solution


ppm_to_ppb <- function(value) {
  value * 1000

Exercise 2

Write a function named check_value that prints "warning" if a value is above a threshold, and "OK" if it's below. Make the threshold an argument in the function.

Click for Solution


check_value <- function(value, threshold) {
  if(value > threshold) {
  } else {

Exercise 3

Use the for() function to loop through the temp column of the chicago_air data frame and print any value that is above 90 degrees.

Click for Solution


for (i in chicago_air$temp) {
  if(i > 90) {
## [1] 91
## [1] 93
## [1] 91

Exercise 4

Use the apply() function to create a vector of the mean values from the numeric columns in the chicago_air data frame.

Click for Solution


Subset the chicago_air data frame to a new data frame with just the numeric columns: ozone, temp, and pressure. Pass the subset data frame, and the mean function, to the apply() function. Use MARGIN = 2 and na.rm = TRUE to make sure all NA values are removed.

chicago_numeric <- chicago_air[, c("ozone", "temp", "pressure")]

mean_values <- apply(chicago_numeric, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)

##        ozone         temp     pressure 
## 3.665014e-02 6.352603e+01 1.004354e+03