jumpdiff has lived so far out of collaborations. We welcome reviews and ideas from everyone. If you want to share your ideas or report a bug, open an issue here on GitHub, or contact us directly: leonardo.rydin"at"gmail.com
We are happy to have you join us in furthering this project, helping us improve our code and documentation, make it more user-friendly, broadening its applicability, or devising other methodologies of implementation.
If you need any help at understanding the code or theory behind it, or you wish to implement it in your own project, contact us, we are here to help.
This package is a research-oriented project and abides to a strict conduct of fairness. We do not discriminate or accept to partake in any discriminatory acts, either against gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, ethnicity, race, age, or religion. We, as the authors of the package, reserve the right to remove any indication from third parties or other contributing members that display behaviours directed against the aforementioned. Posts, comments, issues raised, or harassment made online or elsewhere that does not abide to this conduct of fairness will be dealt with swiftly, deleted or edited, and reported when deemed threatening to others or ourselves.