diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f11f9051..dbd38459 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ I need to change these files:
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@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force; ls -Recurse *.ps*1 |
- `Apply Tweaks`: Run every Common Tweak scripts ([Go To **☑️ Common Script Features** section](#%EF%B8%8F-common-script-features));
- `Undo Tweaks`: Re-apply some tweaks and _Revert_ all possible ones, covering the, `ShutUp10 settings`, `Scheduled Tasks`, `Services`, `Privacy and Performance`, `Personal` and `Optional Features` tweaks, then try to `Reinstall Pre-Installed Apps`;
-- [`Remove Microsoft Edge`](./src/scripts/Remove-MSEdge.ps1): uninstalls **Microsoft Edge**, then remove the remaining files, **Edge Web View** files will remain untouched;
+- [`Remove Microsoft Edge`](./src/scripts/Remove-MSEdge.ps1): uninstalls **Microsoft Edge**, disables Scheduled Tasks and Services related to Edge, then remove the remaining files, **Edge Web View** files will remain untouched, but apps which depends on **WebView2** will not install unless you install Microsoft Edge;
- [`Remove OneDrive`](./src/scripts/Remove-OneDrive.ps1): completely removes OneDrive from the System, re-install is possible via Win Store;
- [`Remove Xbox`](./src/scripts/Remove-Xbox.ps1): wipe Xbox Apps, disable Services related to Xbox and GameBar/GameDVR;
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ _This section contains options to restore the system apps, by downloading them f
- `OneDrive`;
- `Paint + Paint 3D`;
- `Phone Link`;
+- `Quick Assist`;
- `Sound Recorder`;
- `Taskbar Widgets`;
- `Windows Media Player (UWP)`;
@@ -188,10 +189,23 @@ _This section contains tools to solve some Windows problems and get info about h
_This section can manually adjust `Optional Features` from the system, working as a ON/OFF toggle._
+#### Task Scheduler ([Can be found here](src/utils/Individual-Tweaks.psm1))
+_This section can manually adjust `Scheduled Tasks` from the system, working as a ON/OFF toggle._
+#### Services ([Can be found here](src/utils/Individual-Tweaks.psm1))
+_This section can manually adjust `Services` from the system, working as a ON/OFF toggle._
+#### Windows Capabilities ([Can be found here](src/utils/Individual-Tweaks.psm1))
+_This section can manually adjust `Windows Capabilities` from the system, working as a ON/OFF toggle._
#### Miscellaneous Features ([Can be found here](src/utils/Individual-Tweaks.psm1))
- `Enable/Disable Encrypted DNS`: Sets the DNS Client Servers to **Cloudflare's** and **Google's** (ipv4 and ipv6), and enables **DNS Over HTTPS** on _Windows 11_.
- `Enable/Disable God Mode`: Manages the hidden Desktop folder called "**God Mode**";
+- `Enable/Disable Mouse Acceleration`: Manages the **Enhance Pointer Precision** setting from mouse settings;
- `Enable/Disable Mouse Natural Scroll`: Sets the mac-like mouse scrolling behavior, basically reverts mouse scroll direction;
- `Enable/Disable Take Ownership menu`: [_Enables_](./src/utils/enable-take-ownership-context-menu.reg) or [_Disables_](src/utils/disable-take-ownership-context-menu.reg) the **Take Ownership context menu**;
- `Enable/Disable Shutdown PC shortcut`: Manages the **Shutdown Computer desktop shortcut**;
@@ -201,6 +215,7 @@ _This section can manually adjust `Optional Features` from the system, working a
- [Install _Winget/Chocolatey_ package managers](./src/lib/package-managers/);
- Be able to install the listed software in this script! Even from System apps.
+ - **Importante Note:** When proceeding to install a new app, the script will automatically install the required package manager for that operation.
- [**Create** or **Remove** a Daily Upgrade Task for _Winget/Chocolatey_ packages](./src/lib/package-managers/);
diff --git a/src/assets/script-gui.png b/src/assets/script-gui.png
index 0248df3b..171cfaa5 100644
Binary files a/src/assets/script-gui.png and b/src/assets/script-gui.png differ