Users have contributed translations in the following languages:
- Chinese
- Dutch
- German
- Greek
- Japanese
- Czech
- Italian
- Russian
- Spanish
- Indonesian
- Polish
- French
- Persian
- Ukrainian
- Korean
- Basque
- Finnish
We would love help improving the existing translations, or adding a new translation.
We use Transifex, which is free for open-source projects:
Here are some instructions for getting started with Transifex. Please note that if you contribute a translation, you will be expected to keep it up-to-date as the app changes.
As mentioned here, you can register to receive notifications when strings change and are ready for translation:
To watch a project, select it from your dashboard and click the Watch icon in the header, above the Translate or Live button.
See also the Notifications documentation.
After you finish a new language translation, please open a GitHub issue asking for it to be merged into the app!
You can see a sample translation for Dutch in the following files: