This project aims to explore several programming languages on the classical Fizz-Buzz kata.
The aim is to explore each language on these aspects:
- project structure
- language echo-system
- syntactical sugar
- execution speed
- test suite
Thus, the actual implementation could be overthinked and not optimal.
Each langauge lives in its own folder, has its own Docker infrastructure (Alpine if possible).
Every Langauage should have:
- optional command line paramters:
: runs the fizz-buzz alghoritm startingo from this number,1
if not providednTo
: runs the fizz-buzz alghoritm up to this number,100
if not providedwhole series has to be generatedprint
: printsseries
just the last number or the whole series (series is however generated but not printed)
- no check for paramters correctness
- save the series in a data structure and print all when finished
- minimize externale libraries usage
- a small set of tests
- no explicit use of mod 15
A simple script in root folder will build and run each project taking note of time and eventually memory consumed on a simple json file.