[CHERRYPICK] PIL fill len 1 seq / float fill for int images (#7951) #1
5 errors
linux (linux.12xlarge, cpu) / linux-job
Called workflows cannot be queued onto self-hosted runners across organisations/enterprises. Failed to queue this job. Labels: 'linux.12xlarge'.
linux (linux.g5.4xlarge.nvidia.gpu, cuda, 11.8) / linux-job
Called workflows cannot be queued onto self-hosted runners across organisations/enterprises. Failed to queue this job. Labels: 'linux.g5.4xlarge.nvidia.gpu'.
macos (macos-m1-12) / macos-job
Called workflows cannot be queued onto self-hosted runners across organisations/enterprises. Failed to queue this job. Labels: 'macos-m1-12'.
windows (windows.4xlarge, cpu) / windows-job
Called workflows cannot be queued onto self-hosted runners across organisations/enterprises. Failed to queue this job. Labels: 'windows.4xlarge'.
windows (windows.g5.4xlarge.nvidia.gpu, cuda, 11.8) / windows-job
Called workflows cannot be queued onto self-hosted runners across organisations/enterprises. Failed to queue this job. Labels: 'windows.g5.4xlarge.nvidia.gpu'.