随着网络快速发展,网络架构正在演变成complex interconnection of circuit-switched domains and layers, 划分受到地理、管理、客户需求和经济成本的影响,而
- centralized controller不足以处理高频率的流量请求
- 如果设计distributed controllers来提高控制器性能,需要在所有控制器上保存一个network-wide view的copy, keeping them consistent is expensive. hierarchical controllers不需要copy但是由于根控制器keeping a global view,需要计算全部cross-domain的flows,导致provide limited improvements on scalability。而且如果处于保密的考虑在控制器上维护一个全局状态是不可行的。
- Description of the network view:在不泄露网络信息的情况下支持te
- Collaboration among controllers: 控制器之间如何协作实现最佳带宽分配
- TE optimization algorithm: te寻找路径为流量分配带宽,目的是最大限度提高网络利用率和满足Qos要求。算法必须实现max-min fairness,并且要guarantee on transmission delay if a flow specifies a delay requirement.
- extend the network view(NIB)into a hierarchical architecture through aggregating network topology and QoS information
- 提出一个root和local controllers之间互动的协议,通过对分层NIB的读写
- 改进了B4提出的TE优化算法,支持延迟的保证同时提供带宽分配最大最小公平性
![[Pasted image 20230112011741.png]]
- Aggregating network topology:Domain-layer NIB represents the network view of the entire network, switch-layer NIB to describe the local network view
- Aggregating QoS information: