@def title = "JuliaHealth" @def hasmath = true @def hascode = true
This is a (not necessarily comprehensive) list of organizations that focus primarily on developing and maintaining open-source Julia packages related to the life sciences and health sciences.
If you would like to add an organization to this list, please feel free to make a pull request.
- BioJulia – Biology, bioinformatics, and computational biology (website | Gitter)
- EcoJulia - Ecology (website)
- JuliaHealth – Medicine, health care, public health, and biomedical research (website)
- JuliaEpi – Epidemiology
- JuliaNeuro - Neuroscience (website)
- JuliaNeuroscience - Neuroscience
- MagneticResonanceImaging - Magnetic resonance imaging
- BCBI – Center for Biomedical Informatics at Brown University (website)
- Holy Lab - Holy Lab at Washington University in St. Louis (website)
- InPhyT - Interdisciplinary Physics Team
- Beacon Biosignals - Intelligent brain monitoring technologies (website)
- PumasAI - Pharmaceutical modeling and simulation (website)