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VEE Port Release Notes for STMicroelectronics STM32F7508-DK


This is the release notes of the VEE Port for STM32F7508-DK.


VEE Port



This VEE Port contains the following dependencies:

  • MicroEJ GCC specific packs:
flopi7G26 (Architecture) 8.0.0
flopi7G26UI (User Interface) 13.7.2
  • MicroEJ IAR specific packs:
flopi7I36 (Architecture) 8.0.0
flopi7I36UI (User Interface) 13.7.2
  • MicroEJ generic packs:
NET (Network & Secure Socket Layer) 11.1.0
HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) 2.0.1
FS (File System) 6.0.3
Device-pack 1.1.1

Board Support Package

  • BSP provider: STMicroelectronics
  • BSP version: v1.17.0
  • The StmCubeIDE v1.9.0 contains mbedTLS v2.16.2 and this version is not fully functional with
    IAR Embedded Workbench IDE v8.50.5, therefore the CubeF7-MicroEJ.patch file contains mbedTLS v2.16.7 which fixes the issues, LWIP handle MicroEJ specific errno for integration, FreeRTOS extend IAR port as CM7 patch and add support for xPortIsInsideInterrupt()

Please refer to the STMicroelectronics GitHub git repository available here.

Third Party Software

Third party softwares used in BSP can be found here. Here is a list of the most important ones:

RTOS FreeRTOS 10.2.1
TCP/IP stack LwIP 2.1.2
Cryptographic stack Mbed TLS 2.16.7
File System stack FatFS R0.12c


Graphical User Interface

This VEE Port features a graphical user interface. It includes a display, a touch panel, a user button, a user LED and a runtime PNG and WebP decoder.


The display module drives a 480 x 272 TFT display. The pixel format is 16 bits-per-pixel: 5 bits for red color component, 6 bits for green color component and 5 bits for blue color component. The display device is clocked at 60Hz and the MicroEJ application drawings are synchronized on this display tick.


The display stack implementation uses the double-buffering mode: the current MicroEJ application rendering is performed in a background buffer (called back buffer) and another buffer is used by the TFT display to refresh itself (called frame buffer). When the drawing is done, a copy of pixels data from the back buffer to the frame buffer is performed (stack copy). In order to avoid flickering, this copy is synchronized on display refresh tick.

The back buffer is located in external RAM (SDRAM). The size depends on the display size in pixels and on the number of bits-per-pixel (BPP):

bufferSize = width * height * bpp / 8;, where:

  • width is the display width in pixels: 480
  • height is the display width in pixels: 272
  • bpp is the number of bits-per-pixel: 16

The buffers size is 2 * 261120 = 510 KB.

MicroUI, the module defining the low-level UI framework, requires a RAM buffer to store the dynamic images data. This buffer is called the image heap. A dynamic image is an image decoded at runtime (PNG image) or an image created by the MicroEJ application using Image.create(width, height). This buffer is located in SDRAM and the size is configurable from the application launcher, Configuration -> Libraries -> MicroUI -> Images heap size (in bytes).


An image buffer size follows the same rule as the LCD buffer (see before). The display module uses the STM32F7 hardware acceleration to perform some drawings: the ChromArt (DMA2D). The DMA2D renders all fill rectangles (GraphicsContext.fillRectangle()) and performs the drawings of all images.


Touch panel: All touch panel events are sent to the MicroEJ application thanks to a Pointer event generator.


A touch press event is detected under interrupt. It wakes up a dedicated OS task. This task is used to communicate with the touch (I2C communication). For all next drag events, the touch task runs in polling mode. When a release is detected, the touch task goes to sleep, waiting for a touch interrupt.

User button: The user button is reserved to the multi applications feature: it allows the user to force to kill a sandboxed application.


User LED: The board provides access to LED1 (green LED) which is available on digital pin D13 from Arduino UNO connector CN7 pin 6.


This VEE Port features a network interface with Ethernet as an underlying hardware media. A limited number of 8 sockets could be used for TCP connections, 8 for TCP listening (server) connections and 8 for UDP connections. A DHCP client could be activated to retrieve IP address. All DNS requests could be handled by a MicroEJ software implementation or a native one.


This implementation uses a heap in SDRAM and a Best-Fit memory allocator for all its memory allocation. The TCP MSS is 1460 bytes.

The network portage uses a BSD (Berkley Software Distribution) API with select feature. A mechanism named async_select, with a dedicated task, is used to request non blocking operations and wait for completion or timeout.

The DHCP client is handled by LwIP and the DNS features use a MicroEJ software implementation.


VEE Port features a network secure interface. Available secured protocols are SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2. Supported keys and certificates formats are PKCS#5 and PKCS#12, PEM or DER encoded.


mbedTLS uses a heap in SDRAM to store certificates.

File System

VEE Port features a file system interface. An SD card is used for the storage (previously formatted to a FAT32 file system). Up to 2 files can be opened simultaneously.

Make sure to plug an SD Card when using the File System library.

UART Connector

VEE Port provides one serial connection (ECOM COMM) on UART6 port. UART6 pins are (RTS/CTS mode is not used):

  • TX: PC6; available on connector CN4 D1
  • RX: PC7; available on connector CN4 D0


This implementation uses interrupts and relies on the MicroEJ LLCOMM_BUFFERED_CONNECTION API. This API is FIFO oriented. It requires two distincts software buffers for reception and transmission: reception buffer uses 1024 bytes and transmission buffer uses 5 bytes. These buffers are statically allocated in internal RAM.


VEE Port provides several GPIOs programmable via the HAL foundation library. All GPIOs are available on ARDUINO connectors (CN4 to CN7). Digital pins are implemented by a GPIO access.

Analog input pins (ADC) are driven by ADC channels of ADC 3 and analog output pins (DAC) drive PWM channels of timers 1, 3, 5 and 12.

Each GPIO port / pin value is accessible using either:

  • The global MCU designation: all pins of all ports are grouped under only one virtual
    port (port 0) and have consecutive values: PA0 has the ID 0, PA1, the ID 1, PA15 the ID 15, PB0 the ID 16 and so on. For instance pin PF6 is accessible by (0, 86). This designation is useful to target all MCU pins using only one virtual port.
  • The standard MCU designation: PortA has the ID 1, PortB the ID 2 etc. Each pin of each
    port is a value between 0 (PortN-0) to 15 (PortN-15). For instance pin PF6 is accessible by (6, 6). This designation is useful to target a specific MCU pin.
  • The virtual board connectors designation. Board has 2 virtual connectors: ARDUINO digital port and ARDUINO
    analog port, with respectively these IDs 30 and 31. For instance pin PF6 is accessible on connector ARDUINO analog, pin A4: (31, 5). This designation is useful to target a virtual connector pin without knowing which MCU pin it is and on which physical connector pin is connected.
  • The physical board connectors designation. Board has 3 connectors: CN4, CN5 and CN7 (CN6 is not connected
    to the MCU), with respectively these IDs: 64, 65 and 67. For instance pin PF6 is accessible on connector CN5, pin6: (65, 6). This designation is useful to target a physical connector pin without knowing which MCU pin it is.

The following table summarizes the exhaustive list of GPIOs ports accessible from HAL library, and the ranges of pin IDs:

Port name HAL port ID Pins range
Global MCU virtual port 0 0 to 143
MCU port A 1 0 to 15
MCU port B 2 0 to 15
MCU port F 6 0 to 15
MCU port G 7 0 to 15
MCU port H 8 0 to 15
MCU port I 9 0 to 15
Board virtual port "ARDUINO digital" 30 0 to 15
Board virtual port "ARDUINO analog" 31 0 to 7
Board physical port "CN4" 64 1 to 8
Board physical port "CN5" 65 1 to 6
Board physical port "CN7" 67 1 to 10

The following table shows the exhaustive list of GPIOs connected to the HAL library, their IDs according the ports IDs and pins IDs (see before):

Port / Pin MCU virtual port (1) MCU port (2) Board virtual port (3) Board physical port (4)
PA0 0, 0 1, 0 31, 0 65, 1
PA8 0, 8 1, 8 30, 10 67, 3
PA15 0, 15 1, 15 30, 9 67, 2
PA4 0, 20 2, 4 30, 3 64, 4
PA14 0, 30 2, 14 30, 12 67, 5
PB15 0, 31 2, 15 30, 11 67, 4
PF6 0, 86 6, 6 31, 5 65, 6
PF7 0, 87 6, 7 31, 4 65, 5
PF8 0, 88 6, 8 31, 3 65, 4
PF9 0, 89 6, 9 31, 2 65, 3
PF10 0, 90 2, 10 31, 1 65, 2
PG6 0, 102 7, 6 30, 2 64, 3
PG7 0, 103 7, 7 30, 4 65, 5
PH6 0, 118 8, 6 30, 6 64, 7
PI0 0, 128 9, 0 30, 5 64, 6
PI1 0, 129 9, 1 30, 13 67, 6
PI2 0, 130 9, 2 30, 8 67, 1
PI3 0, 131 9, 3 30, 7 64, 8

The following table lists the hardware analog devices (ADC / DAC channels) used by HAL analog pins:

Port / Pin ADC 3 channel PWM timer / channel
PA0 0 n/a
PA8 n/a 1 / 1
PB4 n/a 3 / 1
PB15 n/a 12 / 2
PF6 4 n/a
PF7 5 n/a
PF8 6 n/a
PF9 7 n/a
PF10 8 n/a
PH6 n/a 12 / 1
PI0 n/a 5 / 4


VEE Port features a watchdog. The independent watchdog peripheral detects and solves malfunctions due to software failures and triggers a system reset when the counter reaches a given timeout value. The independent watchdog is clocked by its own dedicated low-speed clock (LSI) and thus stays active even if the main clock fails.

Watchdog main features:

  • free-running downcounter
  • clocked from an independent RC oscillator
  • conditional reset – if watchdog activated, a reset signal is generated when the downcounter value becomes lower than 0x000


The watchdog starts by default when the application begins with the watchdog maximum delay enabled (~32 seconds).


For 32KHz (LSI) the minimum timeout value is ~125µs and the maximum timeout value is ~32.7s.

The watchdog can be disabled by the user before running the application. To disable the watchdog, the user has to set watchdog.enabled=false in the application properties file.

The watchdog period can be customized by the user before running the application. To set a custom watchdog period, the user has to set watchdog.period=xxx in the application properties file, where xxx is the period in milliseconds. The minimum period is 1ms and the maximum one is determined at runtime, based on precise LSI frequency (~32700ms). If the user supplies a period too big, a warning is raised on the console when the application starts and the watchdog timer is not started.


Once running, the watchdog cannot be stopped.

System View

This VEE Port supports System View. For more information about System View, please visit

The following setup is needed to have System View functional:

  • Enable ENABLE_SYSTEM_VIEW compile switch at project level, either in STM32CubeIDE or IAR Embedded Workbench, depending on the user's choice
    • with STM32CubeIDE open the workspace .cproject -> go to the application -> right click -> Properties -> C/C++Build -> Settings -> MCU GCC Compiler -> Preprocessor -> add the define
    • with IAR Embedded Workbench IDE open the workspace .eww -> go to the application -> right click -> option -> C/C++Compiler -> Preprocessor ->Defined symbols -> add the define

Once System View analysis is enabled, you can either run a post mortem analysis or a live analysis. The live analysis requires to re-flash the ST-LINK on board with a J-Link firmware, making it J-Link compatible. On the other hand, the post mortem analysis does not require this update.

Post mortem analysis

The post mortem analysis retrieves at runtime the content of the SEGGER buffers in the MCU memory that are used to perform the analysis.

Requirements: Python 3.10 and the software STM32CubeProgrammer v2.13.0 are required to dump the MCU memory with the script A debugger can also be used to dump the MCU memory.

Below are steps to launch a post mortem analysis:

  • Set the macro SEGGER_SYSVIEW_POST_MORTEM_MODE to the value 1 in the file stm32f7508_freertos-bsp\projects\microej\thirdparty\systemview\inc\SEGGER_SYSVIEW_configuration.h
  • Re-build entirely the BSP project and flash an application binary on the board

Once the application to analyze is running, you have to know the address of the symbol _SEGGER_RTT and the address of symbol SEGGER_SYSVIEW.o and its size. These information can be found in the file generated at compile time. The address of _SEGGER_RTT is also printed in UART traces when System View is enabled.

Then, follow instructions below to do the post mortem analysis:

  • Dump the memory section of the RAM where the Segger System View circular buffer is located

    • Run the script stm32f7508_freertos-bsp\projects\microej\scripts\ to generate a binary file with System View buffers and metadata. Example of call:

      python .\ -a 0x20011000 -s 0x186A0 -o output.bin

  • Download the repository postmortem-trace-retriever provided by MicroEJ

  • Follow instructions in the README of postmortem-trace-retriever

  • Run the by following instructions, the file buffer_1.bin should be generated.

  • Open System View PC application

  • Go to File > Load data

  • Select the file buffer_1.bin generated by the script

  • Select Open Then Ok on the System Information widow


If a wider time window is needed, the value of SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RTT_BUFFER_SIZE from /stm32f7508_freertos-bsp/thirdparty/systemview/inc/SEGGER_SYSVIEW_configuration.h can be increased. Be careful not to exceed the memory available, otherwise you may experience a crash at the start of the post mortem analysis.

Live analysis

The following steps to run a System View live analysis:

  • Once the macro ENABLE_SYSTEM_VIEW is enabled, re-build entirely the BSP project and flash an application binary on the board.
  • Follow the instructions provided by SEGGER Microcontroller to re-flash the ST-LINK on board with a J-Link firmware, making it J-Link compatible
  • Open System View PC application
  • Go to Target > Start Recording
  • Select the following Recorder Configuration:
    • J-Link Connection = USB
    • Target Connection = STM32F750N8
    • Target Interface = SWD
    • Interface Speed (kHz) = 4000
    • RTT Control Block Detection = Auto
  • Click Ok


To re-flash a new binary on the board, the user needs to:


Depending on the application, OVERFLOW events can be seen in System View. To mitigate this problem, the default SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RTT_BUFFER_SIZE was increased from the default 1kB to a more appropriate size of 4kB. Still, if OVERFLOW events are still visible, the user can further increase this configuration found in /stm32f7508_freertos-bsp/thirdparty/systemview/inc/SEGGER_SYSVIEW_configuration.h.



If the RTT Control Block Address is not detected by System View:

  • Run first on UART with ENABLE_SYSTEM_VIEW enabled to see at boot SEGGER_RTT block address
  • Open System View PC application
  • Go to Target > Start Recording
  • Select the following Recorder Configuration:
    • J-Link Connection = USB
    • Target Connection = STM32F750N8
    • Target Interface = SWD
    • Interface Speed (kHz) = 4000
    • RTT Control Block Detection = Address add SEGGER_RTT block address that you see at boot on UART, i.e. 0x20011d84.
  • Click Ok


To have a fully functional System View trace, a FreeRTOS patch needed to be applied. Neither SEGGER Microcontroller, nor STMicroelectronics provide such patch for STM32F7508-DK, therefore a custom patch was applied, see /stm32f7508_freertos-bsp/sdk/STM32CubeF7/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/microej_readme.txt for more details. Also, the custom patch removes the tracing of the SysTick interrupt, as with an interrupt period of 1ms, tracing this interrupt was triggering OVERFLOW events without bringing much benefit for the user to see a periodic interrupt in the trace logs.

Known issues/limitations

  • Implementation of snprintf does not support the %llx format.
  • The firmware does not boot when using the File System library and no SD Card is plugged (only MicroEJ Start is displayed in the console).
  • Cipher RSA tests in the Security test suite do not work correctly on the VEE Ports 2.3.0 (toolchain GCC and IAR). This bug should be fixed in the next version of this VEE Port. Therefore these tests are excluded by default from the test suite.
  • The test suite security causes a systematic crash if used on the VEE port with the IAR toolchain.
  • UI pack 13.7.2 contains a synchronization bug fixed in pack UI 14.0.2 (see This bug can cause random failures in the execution of the UI3 testsuite.

VEE Port Memory Layout

Memory Sections

Each memory section is discribed in the GCC linker file available here and in the IAR linker file available here

Memory Layout

Section Content Section Source Section Destination Memory Type
Startup code - .text_flash FLASH
MicroEJ Application static .bss.soar .bss SRAM
MicroEJ Application threads stack blocks .dtcm DTCM
MicroEJ Core Engine internal heap ICETEA_HEAP .dtcm DTCM
MicroEJ Application heap _java_heap .sdram SDRAM
MicroEJ Application Immortal Heap _java_immortals .sdram SDRAM
MicroEJ Application resources .rodata.resources .rodata_qspi QSPI
MicroEJ Application and Library code .text.soar .text_qspi QSPI
Display stack .DisplayMem ._display_stack SDRAM
Network Heap .NetworkHeap ._network_heap SDRAM
MicroUI images heap .bss.microui.display.imagesHeap .sdram SDRAM
KF heap .KfHeap ._kf_heap SDRAM

Information on MicroEJ memory sections can be found here.

Please also refer to the MicroEJ docs website page available here for more details.