This project is an API to validate payment information.
- PHP: 8.0
- Apache2 Web Server
- Composer Dependency Management
- Postman API Platform
Project is created with:
- PHP: 8.0
- Download : Download the whole project from the attached link.
- Switch to the Server directory:
- Linux(ubuntu) : switch to /var/www/html directory than paste the whole project here.
- Windows : if you have XAMPP server, switch to c://xampp/htdocs folder then paste the whole project here.
- Extraction :
- extract the zip file.
- Start the local development server in postman:
- open postman
- import payment_api.postman_collection.json file from the downloaded folder.
- Enjoy :)
payment_method : This input is The payment method, It's value must be "phone" in case customer choose phone number as a pyment method, or "credit_card" if he choose credit card as a a pamynet method.
phone_number : must be one of mobile phone numbers in Egypt for the 4 major Service providers: Etisalat, Vodafone, Orange or WE.
card_number : CC number : credit card number based on Luhn's algorithm.
expiration_date : expiration date : muse be in fotmat : MM-YY or MM/MM.
cvv2 : CVV2 : Card Verification Value 2.
email : Email : Must be in mail format.