Example Laravel 9 app
composer install
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
php artisan key:generate
php artisan storage:link
! Using database Artisan commands in the Laravel Docker Container !
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
npm i
npm run build
composer install
! Using database Artisan commands in the Laravel Docker Container !
php artisan migrate
Clear Browser Cache
- Admin Account:
[email protected]
- Password for every seeded account:
- Public Page: http://localhost (Get Server Error without run one time npm prod)
- Administration: http://localhost/admin
- API: http://localhost/api (Postman Collection: example-app.postman-collection.json)
- API Authentication is made possible with Laravel Sanctum
- Models
using Soft Deleting - Model
have a „One To Many“ relation toArticle
Models - Model
have a nullable „One To Many“ relation toComment
Model - Model
have a „One To Many (Polymorphic)“ relation toArticle
Models - Models
have tags by using Laravel-tags by Spatie - Model activities will be logged with Laravel-activitylog by Spatie
- Activity API index with filter options
- A small playground with roles and permissions. See RoleSeeder
- Seeder: Every user with a role and 50% of users without a role have an Avatar
- Fallback image for user Avatar
- Laravel Nova 4
- Inertia.js
- Laravel-tags by Spatie
- norman-huth/api-controller
- Laravel-activitylog by Spatie
- Laravel-medialibrary by Spatie
- Laravel-permission by Spatie
- dmitrybubyakin/nova-medialibrary-field (Nova Article)
- ebess/advanced-nova-media-library (Nova User)
For Frontend Assets: