diff --git a/src/infrasys/function_data.py b/src/infrasys/function_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..551f8e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/infrasys/function_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+"""Defines models for cost functions"""
+from infrasys import Component
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, model_validator
+from pydantic.functional_validators import AfterValidator
+from typing import NamedTuple, List
+import numpy as np
+class XYCoords(NamedTuple):
+    """Named tuple used to define (x,y) coordinates."""
+    x: float
+    y: float
+class LinearFunctionData(Component):
+    """Data representation for linear cost function.
+    Class to represent the underlying data of linear functions. Principally used for
+    the representation of cost functions `f(x) = proportional_term*x + constant_term`.
+    """
+    name: Annotated[str, Field(frozen=True)] = ""
+    proportional_term: Annotated[
+        float, Field(description="the proportional term in the represented function")
+    ]
+    constant_term: Annotated[
+        float, Field(description="the constant term in the represented function")
+    ]
+class QuadraticFunctionData(Component):
+    """Data representation for quadratic cost functions.
+    Class to represent the underlying data of quadratic functions. Principally used for the
+    representation of cost functions
+    `f(x) = quadratic_term*x^2 + proportional_term*x + constant_term`.
+    """
+    name: Annotated[str, Field(frozen=True)] = ""
+    quadratic_term: Annotated[
+        float, Field(description="the quadratic term in the represented function")
+    ]
+    proportional_term: Annotated[
+        float, Field(description="the proportional term in the represented function")
+    ]
+    constant_term: Annotated[
+        float, Field(description="the constant term in the represented function")
+    ]
+def validate_piecewise_linear_x(points: List[XYCoords]) -> List[XYCoords]:
+    """Validates the x data for PiecewiseLinearData class
+    Function used to validate given x data for the PiecewiseLinearData class.
+    X data is checked to ensure there is at least two values of x,
+    which is the minimum required to generate a cost curve, and is
+    given in ascending order (e.g. [1, 2, 3], not [1, 3, 2]).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    points : List[XYCoords]
+        List of named tuples of (x,y) coordinates for cost function
+    Returns
+    ----------
+    points : List[XYCoords]
+        List of (x,y) data for cost function after successful validation.
+    """
+    x_coords = [p.x for p in points]
+    if len(x_coords) < 2:
+        raise ValueError("Must specify at least two x-coordinates")
+    if not (
+        x_coords == sorted(x_coords)
+        or (np.isnan(x_coords[0]) and x_coords[1:] == sorted(x_coords[1:]))
+    ):
+        raise ValueError(f"Piecewise x-coordinates must be ascending, got {x_coords}")
+    return points
+def validate_piecewise_step_x(x_coords: List[float]) -> List[float]:
+    """Validates the x data for PiecewiseStepData class
+    Function used to validate given x data for the PiecewiseStepData class.
+    X data is checked to ensure there is at least two values of x,
+    which is the minimum required to generate a cost curve, and is
+    given in ascending order (e.g. [1, 2, 3], not [1, 3, 2]).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x_coords : List[float]
+        List of x data for cost function.
+    Returns
+    ----------
+    x_coords : List[float]
+        List of x data for cost function after successful validation.
+    """
+    if len(x_coords) < 2:
+        raise ValueError("Must specify at least two x-coordinates")
+    if not (
+        x_coords == sorted(x_coords)
+        or (np.isnan(x_coords[0]) and x_coords[1:] == sorted(x_coords[1:]))
+    ):
+        raise ValueError(f"Piecewise x-coordinates must be ascending, got {x_coords}")
+    return x_coords
+class PiecewiseLinearData(Component):
+    """Data representation for piecewise linear cost function.
+    Class to represent piecewise linear data as a series of points: two points define one
+    segment, three points define two segments, etc. The curve starts at the first point given,
+    not the origin. Principally used for the representation of cost functions where the points
+    store quantities (x, y), such as (MW, USD/h).
+    """
+    name: Annotated[str, Field(frozen=True)] = ""
+    points: Annotated[
+        List[XYCoords],
+        AfterValidator(validate_piecewise_linear_x),
+        Field(description="list of (x,y) points that define the function"),
+    ]
+class PiecewiseStepData(Component):
+    """Data representation for piecewise step cost function.
+    Class to represent a step function as a series of endpoint x-coordinates and segment
+    y-coordinates: two x-coordinates and one y-coordinate defines a single segment, three
+    x-coordinates and two y-coordinates define two segments, etc. This can be useful to
+    represent the derivative of a `PiecewiseLinearData`, where the y-coordinates of this
+    step function represent the slopes of that piecewise linear function.
+    Principally used for the representation of cost functions where the points store
+    quantities (x, dy/dx), such as (MW, USD/MWh).
+    """
+    name: Annotated[str, Field(frozen=True)] = ""
+    x_coords: Annotated[
+        List[float],
+        Field(description="the x-coordinates of the endpoints of the segments"),
+    ]
+    y_coords: Annotated[
+        List[float],
+        Field(
+            description="the y-coordinates of the segments: `y_coords[1]` is the y-value \
+                between `x_coords[0]` and `x_coords[1]`, etc. Must have one fewer elements than `x_coords`."
+        ),
+    ]
+    @model_validator(mode="after")
+    def validate_piecewise_xy(self):
+        """Method to validate the x and y data for PiecewiseStepData class
+        Model validator used to validate given data for the PiecewiseStepData class.
+        Calls `validate_piecewise_step_x` to check if `x_coords` is valid, then checks if
+        the length of `y_coords` is exactly one less than `x_coords`, which is necessary
+        to define the cost functions correctly.
+        """
+        validate_piecewise_step_x(self.x_coords)
+        if len(self.y_coords) != len(self.x_coords) - 1:
+            raise ValueError("Must specify one fewer y-coordinates than x-coordinates")
+        return self
diff --git a/tests/test_function_data.py b/tests/test_function_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3888373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_function_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+from infrasys.function_data import PiecewiseStepData, PiecewiseLinearData, XYCoords
+import pytest
+def test_xycoords():
+    test_xy = XYCoords(x=1.0, y=2.0)
+    # Checking associated types
+    assert isinstance(test_xy, XYCoords)
+    assert isinstance(test_xy.x, float)
+    assert isinstance(test_xy.y, float)
+def test_piecewise_linear():
+    # Check validation for minimum x values
+    test_coords = [XYCoords(1.0, 2.0)]
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        PiecewiseLinearData(points=test_coords)
+    # Check validation for ascending x values
+    test_coords = [XYCoords(1.0, 2.0), XYCoords(4.0, 3.0), XYCoords(3.0, 4.0)]
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        PiecewiseLinearData(points=test_coords)
+def test_piecewise_step():
+    # Check minimum x values
+    test_x = [2]
+    test_y = [1]
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        PiecewiseStepData(x_coords=test_x, y_coords=test_y)
+    # Check ascending x values
+    test_x = [1, 4, 3]
+    test_y = [2, 4]
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        PiecewiseStepData(x_coords=test_x, y_coords=test_y)
+    # Check length of x and y lists
+    test_x = [1, 2, 3]
+    test_y = [2, 4, 3]
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        PiecewiseStepData(x_coords=test_x, y_coords=test_y)