Sample of an interactable 2D chest done in Unreal Engine 5 with Paper2D.
This project is an example of how to write an interactable chest in a Paper2D game, with the constraint of being fully replicated over network.
For an Unreal Engine 4 version, check the branch ue4.25.
- RPC to replicate Interact action
- Detect possible interaction on server and client
- Replicate the state of our chest
Pressing the Interact button client-side simply calls an RPC server-side to handle the action. In a multiplayer game, the client may be totally desynchronized and may not see the correct state of the game. This step is necessary to let the server validate whether or not the client can interact with something and to let the server perform the action.
Here is the definition in ASampleCharacter.h:
void Interact();
UFUNCTION(reliable, Server, WithValidation)
void Server_Interact();
Here is the implementation in ASampleCharacter.cpp:
void ASampleCharacter::Interact()
if (GetLocalRole() < ROLE_Authority) {
TSet<AActor*> Actors;
GetOverlappingActors(Actors, TSubclassOf<ASampleInteractableActor>());
for (auto Actor : Actors)
bool ASampleCharacter::Server_Interact_Validate()
return true;
void ASampleCharacter::Server_Interact_Implementation()
Please note that this RPC has to be called from an Actor owned by the client for it to works. Per consequence it would not be possible to move it directly into the class of our interactable Actor. Missing this point can give you a hard time trying to figure out why the RPC is not called on server.
To visually show when the player can use the Interact action, we have to detect when the character is overlapping the chest. To do this, simply use the two NotifyActorBeginOverlap and NotifyActorEndOverlap to detect and track overlaps with Actors. This step is necessary to let the client compute itself whether or not it can interact with something and give and feedback to the player.
Here is the definition in SampleInteractableActor.h:
void NotifyActorBeginOverlap(class AActor* Other) override;
void NotifyActorEndOverlap(class AActor* Other) override;
/** Called when at least one actor can interact with this interactable **/
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category="Sample")
FOnBeginInteractableDelegate OnBeginInteractable;
/** Called when no more actors can interact with this interactable **/
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category="Sample")
FOnEndInteractableDelegate OnEndInteractable;
/** Called when at least one actor can interact with this interactable **/
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Sample")
void NotifyBeginInteractable();
/** Called when no more actors can interact with this interactable **/
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Sample")
void NotifyEndInteractable();
Note that the custom NotifyBeginInteractable and NotifyEndInteractable functions are used to react to the overlap directly from C++, while OnBeginInteractable and OnEndInteractable are used to react from Blueprint.
Here is the implementation in SampleInteractableActor.cpp:
void ASampleInteractableActor::NotifyActorBeginOverlap(class AActor* Other)
if (IsValid(Other) && !IsPendingKill() && bIsEnabled)
if (OverlappingActors.Num() == 0)
void ASampleInteractableActor::NotifyActorEndOverlap(class AActor* Other)
if (IsValid(Other) && !IsPendingKill() && bIsEnabled)
if (OverlappingActors.Num() == 0)
void ASampleInteractableActor::NotifyBeginInteractable_Implementation()
void ASampleInteractableActor::NotifyEndInteractable_Implementation()
In this sample you can see two buttons indicating when you can interact with the chest:
They are bound to the chest from Blueprint using OnBeginInteractable and OnEndInteractable delegates:
In this sample, we use a boolean bIsEnabled to tell whether the chest can be interacted with or not. Once someone interacted with the chest, this boolean becomes false and is later resetted to true to make the interaction available once again. This step is necessary to synchronize the client with the server.
Here is the definition in SampleInteractableActor.h:
/** [Server] Set if the interaction is enabled or not */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Sample")
void SetIsEnabled(bool State);
/** [Client] Called when bIsEnabled get replicated */
virtual void OnRep_IsEnabled();
/** Indicate if the interaction is enabled **/
UPROPERTY(replicated, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_IsEnabled)
bool bIsEnabled;
And the implementation in SampleInteractableActor.cpp:
void ASampleInteractableActor::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const
DOREPLIFETIME(ASampleInteractableActor, bIsEnabled);
void ASampleInteractableActor::SetIsEnabled_Implementation(bool State)
bIsEnabled = State;
// If re-enabled, check currently overlapping actors
if (bIsEnabled)
GetOverlappingActors(OverlappingActors, TSubclassOf<ASampleCharacter>());
if (OverlappingActors.Num() == 0)
void ASampleInteractableActor::OnRep_IsEnabled()
The key is to use the ReplicatedUsing attribute to call a function when bIsEnabled get replicated. When the function is called, we simply detect overlapping Actors again.
Now to also replicate the visual state of our chest (closed or opened), we mark its components as replicated:
ASampleChestActor::ASampleChestActor(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
, bIsOpened(false)
, ChestConfig(nullptr)
ClosedComponent = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UPaperSpriteComponent>(this, ClosedSpriteComponentName);
OpenedComponent = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UPaperSpriteComponent>(this, OpenedSpriteComponentName);
bReplicates = true;
Sprites are coming from The Spriters Resource.
Font from FontSpace.
Licensed under the MIT License.