diff --git a/code/modules/species/outsider/shadow.dm b/code/modules/species/outsider/shadow.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 709f5d38ffe..00000000000
--- a/code/modules/species/outsider/shadow.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- name = "shadow"
- desc = "A wound of darkness inflicted upon the world."
- icon_base = 'icons/mob/human_races/species/shadow/body.dmi'
- icon_deformed = 'icons/mob/human_races/species/shadow/body.dmi'
- eye_darksight_range = 8
- uid = "bodytype_starlight_shadow"
- name = "shadowstuff"
- antigen_category = "shadowstuff"
- splatter_name = "shadowstuff"
- splatter_desc = "A puddle of shadowstuff."
- splatter_colour = COLOR_GRAY80
- name = "Shadow"
- name_plural = "shadows"
- description = "A being of pure darkness, hates the light and all that comes with it."
- butchery_data = null
- available_bodytypes = list(/decl/bodytype/starlight/shadow)
- unarmed_attacks = list(/decl/natural_attack/claws/strong, /decl/natural_attack/bite/sharp)
- shock_vulnerability = 0
- blood_types = list(
- /decl/blood_type/shadowstuff
- )
- flesh_color = "#aaaaaa"
- remains_type = /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/ash
- death_message = "dissolves into ash..."
- if(H.is_in_stasis() || H.stat == DEAD || H.isSynthetic())
- return
- var/light_amount = 0
- if(isturf(H.loc))
- var/turf/T = H.loc
- light_amount = T.get_lumcount() * 10
- if(light_amount > 2) //if there's enough light, start dying
- H.take_overall_damage(1,1)
- else //heal in the dark
- H.heal_overall_damage(1,1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/code/modules/species/outsider/starlight.dm b/code/modules/species/outsider/starlight.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 215ba3cf5e9..00000000000
--- a/code/modules/species/outsider/starlight.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- abstract_type = /decl/species/starlight
- butchery_data = null
- available_pronouns = list(/decl/pronouns/neuter)
- force_background_info = list(
- /decl/background_category/heritage = /decl/background_detail/heritage/other
- )
- hidden_from_codex = TRUE
- abstract_type = /decl/bodytype/starlight
- has_limbs = list(
- BP_CHEST = list("path" = /obj/item/organ/external/chest/unbreakable),
- BP_GROIN = list("path" = /obj/item/organ/external/groin/unbreakable),
- BP_HEAD = list("path" = /obj/item/organ/external/head/unbreakable),
- BP_L_ARM = list("path" = /obj/item/organ/external/arm/unbreakable),
- BP_R_ARM = list("path" = /obj/item/organ/external/arm/right/unbreakable),
- BP_L_LEG = list("path" = /obj/item/organ/external/leg/unbreakable),
- BP_R_LEG = list("path" = /obj/item/organ/external/leg/right/unbreakable),
- BP_L_HAND = list("path" = /obj/item/organ/external/hand/unbreakable),
- BP_R_HAND = list("path" = /obj/item/organ/external/hand/right/unbreakable),
- BP_L_FOOT = list("path" = /obj/item/organ/external/foot/unbreakable),
- BP_R_FOOT = list("path" = /obj/item/organ/external/foot/right/unbreakable)
- )
- has_organ = list(
- BP_BRAIN = /obj/item/organ/internal/brain/starlight
- )
- name = "essence of fire"
- desc = "A fancy name for ash. Still, it does look a bit different from the regular stuff."
- icon = 'icons/obj/objects.dmi'
- icon_state = "ash"
- name = "starborn"
- desc = "A blazing mass of light."
- icon_base = 'icons/mob/human_races/species/starborn/body.dmi'
- icon_deformed = 'icons/mob/human_races/species/starborn/body.dmi'
- husk_icon = 'icons/mob/human_races/species/starborn/husk.dmi'
- uid = "bodytype_starlight_starborn"
- cold_level_1 = 260
- cold_level_2 = 250
- cold_level_3 = 235
- heat_level_1 = 20000
- heat_level_2 = 30000
- heat_level_3 = 40000
- cold_discomfort_level = 300
- cold_discomfort_strings = list(
- "You feel your fire dying out...",
- "Your fire begins to shrink away from the cold.",
- "You feel slow and sluggish from the cold."
- )
- heat_discomfort_level = 10000
- heat_discomfort_strings = list(
- "Surprisingly, you start burning!",
- "You're... burning!?!"
- )
- name = "starstuff"
- antigen_category = "starstuff"
- splatter_name = "starstuff"
- splatter_desc = "A puddle of starstuff."
- splatter_colour = "#ffff00"
- addtimer(CALLBACK(H, TYPE_PROC_REF(/mob, dust)),0)
- name = "Starborn"
- name_plural = "Starborn"
- description = "Beings of fire and light, split off from a sun deity of unbelievable power."
- available_bodytypes = list(/decl/bodytype/starlight/starborn)
- blood_types = list(
- /decl/blood_type/starstuff
- )
- flesh_color = "#ffff00"
- unarmed_attacks = list(/decl/natural_attack/punch/starborn)
- warning_low_pressure = 50
- hazard_low_pressure = 0
- shock_vulnerability = 0
- hunger_factor = 0
- thirst_factor = 0
- death_message = "dissolves into pure flames!"
- breath_type = null
- total_health = 250
- body_temperature = T0C + 500 //We are being of fire and light.
- base_auras = list(
- /obj/aura/starborn
- )
- ..()
- var/turf/T = get_turf(H)
- T.add_to_reagents(/decl/material/liquid/fuel, 20)
- name = "blueforged"
- desc = "A mass of carved and shaped spacetime."
- icon_base = 'icons/mob/human_races/species/blueforged/body.dmi'
- icon_deformed = 'icons/mob/human_races/species/blueforged/body.dmi'
- eye_icon = 'icons/mob/human_races/species/blueforged/eyes.dmi'
- override_organ_types = list(BP_EYES = /obj/item/organ/internal/eyes/blueforged)
- uid = "bodytype_starlight_blueforged"
- name = "spacestuff"
- antigen_category = "spacestuff"
- splatter_name = "spacestuff"
- splatter_desc = "A puddle of spacestuff."
- splatter_colour = "#2222ff"
- name = "Blueforged"
- name_plural = "Blueforged"
- description = "Living chunks of spacetime, carved out of the original dimension and given life by a being of unbelievable power."
- available_bodytypes = list(/decl/bodytype/starlight/blueforged)
- flesh_color = "#2222ff"
- warning_low_pressure = 50
- hazard_low_pressure = 0
- hunger_factor = 0
- thirst_factor = 0
- breath_type = null
- burn_mod = 10
- brute_mod = 0
- oxy_mod = 0
- toxins_mod = 0
- radiation_mod = 0
- ..()
- new /obj/effect/temporary(get_turf(H),11, 'icons/mob/mob.dmi', "liquify")
- name = "bluespace prism"
- desc = "You can see an endless blue plane when looking through it. Your eyes tingle if you stare too hard."
- icon = 'icons/mob/human_races/species/blueforged/organs.dmi'
diff --git a/maps/exodus/exodus.dm b/maps/exodus/exodus.dm
index 6c13c0ddb9c..44e718bbf09 100644
--- a/maps/exodus/exodus.dm
+++ b/maps/exodus/exodus.dm
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#if !defined(USING_MAP_DATUM)
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/cult/_cult.dme"
- #include "../../mods/gamemodes/deity/_deity.dme"
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/heist/_heist.dme"
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/meteor/_meteor.dme"
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/ninja/_ninja.dme"
diff --git a/maps/exodus/exodus_antagonism.dm b/maps/exodus/exodus_antagonism.dm
index 92660ef3608..322bebbf1d3 100644
--- a/maps/exodus/exodus_antagonism.dm
+++ b/maps/exodus/exodus_antagonism.dm
@@ -3,15 +3,6 @@
protected_jobs |= list(/datum/job/officer, /datum/job/warden, /datum/job/detective, /datum/job/captain, /datum/job/lawyer, /datum/job/hos)
- . = ..()
- LAZYINITLIST(restricted_jobs)
- restricted_jobs |= list(/datum/job/lawyer, /datum/job/captain, /datum/job/hos)
- LAZYINITLIST(protected_jobs)
- protected_jobs |= list(/datum/job/officer, /datum/job/warden, /datum/job/detective)
- LAZYINITLIST(blacklisted_jobs)
- blacklisted_jobs |= /datum/job/chaplain
. = ..()
diff --git a/maps/modpack_testing/modpack_testing.dm b/maps/modpack_testing/modpack_testing.dm
index 0e75223cde4..de68e49bc7b 100644
--- a/maps/modpack_testing/modpack_testing.dm
+++ b/maps/modpack_testing/modpack_testing.dm
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
#include "blank.dmm"
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/cult/_cult.dme"
- #include "../../mods/gamemodes/deity/_deity.dme"
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/heist/_heist.dme"
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/meteor/_meteor.dme"
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/ninja/_ninja.dme"
diff --git a/maps/tradeship/tradeship.dm b/maps/tradeship/tradeship.dm
index 115fdd551c9..f3134a1184a 100644
--- a/maps/tradeship/tradeship.dm
+++ b/maps/tradeship/tradeship.dm
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/cult/_cult.dme"
- #include "../../mods/gamemodes/deity/_deity.dme"
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/heist/_heist.dme"
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/ninja/_ninja.dme"
#include "../../mods/gamemodes/revolution/_revolution.dme"
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/cult/_cult.dme b/mods/gamemodes/cult/_cult.dme
index bda33c4bf96..e35ffed9db6 100644
--- a/mods/gamemodes/cult/_cult.dme
+++ b/mods/gamemodes/cult/_cult.dme
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-#warn Deity modpack loaded before Cult modpack, Nar'sie godform will be unavailable!
#include "_cult.dm"
#include "archaeology.dm"
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/cult/ghosttrap.dm b/mods/gamemodes/cult/ghosttrap.dm
index 3e5d7452df6..07faf87515f 100644
--- a/mods/gamemodes/cult/ghosttrap.dm
+++ b/mods/gamemodes/cult/ghosttrap.dm
@@ -20,9 +20,3 @@
var/obj/item/soulstone/stone = new(get_turf(user))
stone.shade = new(stone)
request_player(stone.shade, "The soul stone shade summon ritual has been performed. ")
- ban_checks |= /decl/special_role/godcultist
- . = ..()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/cult/items.dm b/mods/gamemodes/cult/items.dm
index 01a8555e665..1674cdb92eb 100644
--- a/mods/gamemodes/cult/items.dm
+++ b/mods/gamemodes/cult/items.dm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
icon = 'icons/obj/items/weapon/swords/cult.dmi'
-// separated into a proc so that deity can modify it
+// separated into a proc so that subtypes can modify it
return iscultist(user)
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/_defines.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/_defines.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f85b14f61..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/_defines.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#define DEITY_TREE_SACRIFICE "Sacrificing"
-#define DEITY_TREE_SOUL "Soul Arts"
-#define DEITY_TREE_DARK_MINION "Summoning"
-#define DEITY_TREE_TRANSMUTATION "Transmutation"
-#define DEITY_TREE_CONJURATION "Conjuration"
-#define DEITY_TREE_ARTIFACT "Artifacts"
-#define DEITY_TREE_FIRECONJ "Fire Conjuration"
-#define DEITY_TREE_HERALD "Phenomena"
-#define DEITY_BLOOD_CRAFT "Blood Crafting"
-#define DEITY_ARMOR_CRAFT "Armor Crafting"
-#define DEITY_VOID_CRAFT "Void Crafting"
-#define DEITY_UNLOCK_ARMS "Unlock Armaments"
-#define DEITY_UNLOCK_HEAL "Unlock Cleric Spells"
-#define isdeity(A) istype(A, /mob/living/deity)
-#define DEITY_STRUCTURE_NEAR_IMPORTANT 1 //Whether this needs to be near an important structure.
-#define DEITY_STRUCTURE_ALONE 2 //Whether this can be near another of the same type.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/_deity.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/_deity.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c658e122b3..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/_deity.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- name = "Deity Gamemode Content"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/_deity.dme b/mods/gamemodes/deity/_deity.dme
deleted file mode 100644
index a1603dd317d..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/_deity.dme
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#include "_defines.dm"
-#include "_deity.dm"
-#include "codex.dm"
-#include "deity_base.dm"
-#include "deity_role.dm"
-#include "gamemode.dm"
-#include "god_cultist_role.dm"
-#include "overrides.dm"
-#include "extensions\deity_be_near.dm"
-#include "forms\forms.dm"
-// These should only load if cult is loaded.
-#include "forms\narsie\items.dm"
-#include "forms\narsie\narsie.dm"
-#include "forms\narsie\structures.dm"
-#include "forms\narsie\deity_items\basic.dm"
-#include "forms\narsie\deity_items\minions.dm"
-#include "forms\narsie\deity_items\sacrificing.dm"
-#include "forms\narsie\deity_items\smithing.dm"
-#include "forms\narsie\spells\tear_veil.dm"
-#include "forms\starlight\items.dm"
-#include "forms\starlight\mobs.dm"
-#include "forms\starlight\starlight.dm"
-#include "forms\starlight\structures.dm"
-#include "forms\starlight\deity_items\artifacts.dm"
-#include "forms\starlight\deity_items\phenomena.dm"
-#include "forms\starlight\deity_items\spells.dm"
-#include "forms\starlight\spells\disable_tech.dm"
-#include "forms\starlight\spells\starlight_aura.dm"
-#include "forms\starlight\spells\veil_of_shadows.dm"
-#include "forms\tower\spells.dm"
-#include "forms\tower\structures.dm"
-#include "forms\tower\tower.dm"
-#include "forms\tower\deity_items\conjuration.dm"
-#include "forms\tower\deity_items\transmutation.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity_boons.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity_click.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity_hud.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity_items.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity_phenomena.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity_power.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity_pylon.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity_sources.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity_Stat.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity_topic.dm"
-#include "mobs\deity_tracking.dm"
-#include "mobs\say.dm"
-#include "mobs\freelook\cultnet.dm"
-#include "mobs\freelook\mask.dm"
-#include "mobs\items\blood_crafting.dm"
-#include "mobs\items\deity_item.dm"
-#include "mobs\items\general.dm"
-#include "mobs\items\generic.dm"
-#include "mobs\menu\deity_nano.dm"
-#include "mobs\phenomena\_defines.dm"
-#include "mobs\phenomena\communication.dm"
-#include "mobs\phenomena\conjuration.dm"
-#include "mobs\phenomena\conversion.dm"
-#include "mobs\phenomena\generic.dm"
-#include "mobs\phenomena\narsie.dm"
-#include "mobs\phenomena\phenomena.dm"
-#include "mobs\phenomena\starlight.dm"
-#include "mobs\phenomena\transmutation.dm"
-#include "screen\intent.dm"
-#include "spells\boon.dm"
-#include "spells\construction.dm"
-#include "spells\open_gateway.dm"
-#include "spells\vision.dm"
-#include "structures\altar.dm"
-#include "structures\blood_forge.dm"
-#include "structures\pylon.dm"
-#include "structures\structures.dm"
-#include "structures\trap.dm"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/codex.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/codex.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index fae5bfe607a..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/codex.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- abstract_type = /datum/codex_entry/deity
- associated_paths = list(/obj/structure/deity/altar)
- mechanics_text = "To place someone upon the altar, first have them in an aggressive grab and click the altar while adjacent."
- antag_text = "This structure anchors your deity within this realm, granting them additional power to influence it and empower their followers. Additionally, using it as a focus for their powers, they can convert someone laying on top of the altar.
- disambiguator = "occult"
- associated_paths = list(/obj/structure/deity/blood_forge)
- antag_text = "Allows creation of special items by feeding your blood into it. Only usable by cultists of the aligned deity."
- disambiguator = "occult"
- associated_paths = list(/obj/structure/deity/gateway)
- antag_text = "Stand within the gateway to be transported to an unknown dimension and transformed into a flaming Starborn, a mysterious Blueforged or a subtle Shadowling."
- disambiguator = "occult"
- associated_paths = list(/obj/structure/deity/radiant_statue)
- antag_text = "Allows storage of power if cultists are nearby. This stored power can be expended to charge Starlight items."
- disambiguator = "occult"
- associated_paths = list(/obj/structure/deity/blood_forge/starlight)
- antag_text = "Allows creation of special Starlight items. Only usable by cultists of the aligned deity. Use of this powerful forge will inflict burns."
- disambiguator = "occult"
- associated_paths = list(/obj/structure/deity/wizard_recharger)
- antag_text = "A well of arcane power. When charged, a cultist may absorb this power to refresh their spells."
- disambiguator = "occult"
- associated_paths = list(/obj/structure/deity/pylon)
- antag_text = "Serves as a conduit for a deity to speak through, making their will known in this dimension to any who hear it."
- disambiguator = "occult"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/deity_base.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/deity_base.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d7268ebd64..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/deity_base.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- name = "Deity Base"
- mappaths = list(
- "mods/gamemodes/deity/deity_base.dmm"
- )
- apc_test_exempt_areas = list(
- /area/map_template/deity_spawn = NO_SCRUBBER|NO_VENT|NO_APC
- )
- name = "\improper Deity Spawn"
- icon_state = "yellow"
- requires_power = 0
- dynamic_lighting = FALSE
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/deity_base.dmm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/deity_base.dmm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e009c2d0bd..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/deity_base.dmm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1035 +0,0 @@
-"a" = (
-"b" = (
-"c" = (
-"d" = (
- name = "DeitySpawn"
- },
-"e" = (
- name = "DeitySpawn"
- },
-(1,1,1) = {"
-(2,1,1) = {"
-(3,1,1) = {"
-(4,1,1) = {"
-(5,1,1) = {"
-(6,1,1) = {"
-(7,1,1) = {"
-(8,1,1) = {"
-(9,1,1) = {"
-(10,1,1) = {"
-(11,1,1) = {"
-(12,1,1) = {"
-(13,1,1) = {"
-(14,1,1) = {"
-(15,1,1) = {"
-(16,1,1) = {"
-(17,1,1) = {"
-(18,1,1) = {"
-(19,1,1) = {"
-(20,1,1) = {"
-(21,1,1) = {"
-(22,1,1) = {"
-(23,1,1) = {"
-(24,1,1) = {"
-(25,1,1) = {"
-(26,1,1) = {"
-(27,1,1) = {"
-(28,1,1) = {"
-(29,1,1) = {"
-(30,1,1) = {"
-(31,1,1) = {"
-(32,1,1) = {"
-(33,1,1) = {"
-(34,1,1) = {"
-(35,1,1) = {"
-(36,1,1) = {"
-(37,1,1) = {"
-(38,1,1) = {"
-(39,1,1) = {"
-(40,1,1) = {"
-(41,1,1) = {"
-(42,1,1) = {"
-(43,1,1) = {"
-(44,1,1) = {"
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/deity_role.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/deity_role.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0426f6e8568..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/deity_role.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- name = "Deity"
- name_plural = "Deities"
- mob_path = /mob/living/deity
- welcome_text = "This is not your world. This is not your reality. But here you exist. Use your powers, feed off the faith of others.
You have to click on yourself to choose your form.
Everything you say will be heard by your cultists!
To get points your cultists need to build!
Build Shrine and Construction are the best starting boons!"
- landmark_id = "DeitySpawn"
- hard_cap = 2
- hard_cap_round = 2
- initial_spawn_req = 1
- initial_spawn_target = 1
- base_to_load = "Deity Base"
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/extensions/deity_be_near.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/extensions/deity_be_near.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5eed3ae1fe4..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/extensions/deity_be_near.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- base_type = /datum/extension/deity_be_near
- expected_type = /obj/item
- var/keep_away_instead = FALSE
- var/mob/living/deity/connected_deity
- var/threshold_base = 6
- var/expected_helmet
-/datum/extension/deity_be_near/New(var/datum/holder, var/mob/living/deity/connect)
- ..()
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/moved, holder,src, PROC_REF(check_movement))
- connected_deity = connect
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/destroyed, holder, src, PROC_REF(dead_deity))
- var/obj/O = holder
- O.desc += "
This item deals damage to its wielder the [keep_away_instead ? "closer" : "farther"] it is from a deity structure"
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/moved, holder,src)
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/destroyed, holder, src)
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/item_equipped, holder, src)
- . = ..()
- var/obj/item/I = holder
- if(!isliving(I.loc))
- return
- var/min_dist = INFINITY
- for(var/s in connected_deity.structures)
- var/dist = get_dist(holder,s)
- if(dist < min_dist)
- min_dist = dist
- if(keep_away_instead && min_dist < threshold_base)
- deal_damage(I.loc, round(threshold_base/min_dist))
- else if(min_dist > threshold_base)
- deal_damage(I.loc, round(min_dist/threshold_base))
-/datum/extension/deity_be_near/proc/deal_damage(var/mob/living/victim, var/mult)
- return
- var/obj/item/I = holder
- I.visible_message(SPAN_WARNING("\The [holder]'s power fades!"))
- qdel(src)
- var/obj/item/I = holder
- if(!ishuman(I.loc))
- return FALSE
- var/mob/living/human/H = I.loc
- if(H.get_equipped_slot_for_item(I) != slot_wear_suit_str)
- return FALSE
- if(expected_helmet && !istype(H.get_equipped_item(slot_head_str), expected_helmet))
- return FALSE
- return TRUE
- victim.take_damage(3 * mult, OXY)
-/datum/extension/deity_be_near/oracle/deal_damage(var/mob/living/victim, var/mult)
- victim.take_damage(mult, BURN)
-/datum/extension/deity_be_near/traitor/deal_damage(var/mob/living/victim, var/mult)
- victim.take_damage(5 * mult, PAIN)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/forms.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/forms.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f1f2f135b3..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/forms.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/*A god form basically is a combination of a sprite sheet choice and a gameplay choice.
-Each plays slightly different and has different challenges/benefits
- var/name = "Form"
- var/info = "This is a form your being can take."
- var/desc = "This is the mob's description given."
- var/faction = MOB_FACTION_NEUTRAL //For stuff like mobs and shit
- var/god_icon_state = "nar-sie" //What you look like
- var/pylon_icon_state //What image shows up when appearing in a pylon
- var/mob/living/deity/linked_god = null
- var/starting_power_min = 10
- var/starting_regeneration = 1
- var/list/buildables = list() //Both a list of var changes and a list of buildables.
- var/list/items
- ..()
- D.icon_state = god_icon_state
- D.desc = desc
- D.power_min = starting_power_min
- D.power_per_regen = starting_regeneration
- linked_god = D
- if(items && items.len)
- var/list/complete_items = list()
- for(var/l in items)
- var/datum/deity_item/di = new l()
- complete_items[di.name] = di
- D.set_items(complete_items)
- items.Cut()
-// TODO: Make this not a thing. It's so bad.
- var/list/svars = buildables[O.type]
- if(!svars)
- return
- for(var/V in svars)
- O.vars[V] = svars[V]
-/datum/god_form/proc/take_charge(var/mob/living/user, var/charge)
- return TRUE
- if(linked_god)
- linked_god.form = null
- linked_god = null
- return ..()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/basic.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/basic.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 59e8a7d1586..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/basic.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- name = "Eternal Darkness"
- desc = "Allows a follower to cause insanity in a target."
- category = "Dark Spells"
- base_cost = 40
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/shatter
- name = "Torment"
- desc = "Gives a follower the ability to cause mass hysteria and pain."
- category = "Dark Spells"
- base_cost = 50
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/torment
- name = "Blood Shard"
- desc = "Lets a follower cause a target's blood to literally explode out of their skin into dangerous projectiles."
- category = "Dark Spells"
- base_cost = 75
- boon_path = /spell/hand/charges/blood_shard
- name = "Drain Blood"
- desc = "Lets a follower drain blood from all those around them."
- category = "Dark Spells"
- base_cost = 110
- boon_path = /spell/aoe_turf/drain_blood
- name = "Phenomenon: Exude Blood"
- desc = "You extract the raw blood used in your faith and give it to one of your flock."
- category = "Dark Spells"
- base_cost = 30
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/exude_blood
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/minions.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/minions.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index be4c8fe14ed..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/minions.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- desc = "Unlock abilities that allow your followers to craft and summon useful creatures."
- base_cost = 75
- name = "Soul Stone Shard"
- desc = "Give your follower a sliver of soulstone to capture a life in."
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_DARK_MINION = 1)
- base_cost = 20
- boon_path = /obj/item/soulstone
- name = "Blood Plague"
- desc = "Give a vessel to a follower filled with infection so vile, it turns all sapient creatures into mindless husks."
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_DARK_MINION = 1)
- base_cost = 300
- boon_path = /obj/item/chems/drinks/zombiedrink
- name = "Tear Veil"
- desc = "Grant your follower the ability to literally rip a hole in this reality, allowing things to pass through."
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_DARK_MINION = 1)
- base_cost = 100
- boon_path = /spell/tear_veil
- name = "Phenomenon: Reveal Hellscape"
- desc = "You show a non-believer what their future will be like."
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_DARK_MINION = 1)
- base_cost = 110
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/hellscape
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diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/sacrificing.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/sacrificing.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e5d631c7f9..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/sacrificing.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- desc = "Unlocks the tools necessary to allow your followers to sacrifice in your name."
- base_cost = 50
- max_level = 1
- name = "Sacrificial Dagger"
- desc = "A small dagger embued with your powers. Lets your followers give you power through sacrifices on an altar."
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_SACRIFICE = 1)
- base_cost = 10
- boon_path = /obj/item/knife/ritual/sacrifice
- name = "Sacrifice Spell"
- desc = "This ability makes the user take INCREDIBLE amounts of damage to heal a target for a similar amount of damage."
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_SACRIFICE = 1)
- base_cost = 10
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/heal_target/sacrifice
- name = "Greedy Axe"
- desc = "This axe can store the very souls of those it kills to be later transfered to you through an altar."
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_SACRIFICE = 1)
- base_cost = 50
- boon_path = /obj/item/bladed/axe/fire/cult
- name = "Bloodied Stone"
- desc = "Unlocks the blood stone building, which allows followers to increase your power through ritual and prayer."
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_SACRIFICE = 1)
- base_cost = 50
- max_level = 1
- ..()
- user.form.buildables |= /obj/structure/deity/blood_stone
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diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/smithing.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/smithing.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index bcb12ff11e3..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/deity_items/smithing.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- recipes = list(
- /obj/item/sword/cultblade = 50,
- /obj/item/clothing/head/culthood/alt = 10,
- /obj/item/clothing/suit/cultrobes/alt = 20
- )
- desc = "Unlock the secrets to tempered blood smithing, allowing your followers to smith more powerful and expensive armaments."
- category = DEITY_BLOOD_CRAFT
- base_cost = 75
- requirements = list(DEITY_BLOOD_CRAFT = 1)
- recipes = list(
- /obj/item/clothing/suit/cultrobes/magusred = 80,
- /obj/item/clothing/head/culthood/magus = 50,
- /obj/structure/constructshell/cult = 70
- ) //also shield?
- desc = "Allows your followers to craft space suits, allowing you to finally spread across the cosmos."
- category = DEITY_BLOOD_CRAFT
- base_cost = 100
- requirements = list(DEITY_BLOOD_CRAFT = 1, DEITY_ARMOR_CRAFT = 1)
- recipes = list(
- /obj/item/clothing/suit/space/cult = 100,
- /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/space/cult = 70
- ) //Probably more too.
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diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/items.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/items.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 56d3ffe89f8..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/items.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-//If used on a person on an altar, causes the user to carve into them, dealing moderate damage and gaining points for the altar's god.
- name = "sacrificial dagger"
- desc = "This knife is dull but well used."
- material = /decl/material/solid/stone/cult
-/obj/item/knife/ritual/sacrifice/resolve_attackby(var/atom/a, var/mob/user, var/click_params)
- var/turf/T = get_turf(a)
- var/obj/structure/deity/altar/altar = locate() in T
- if(!altar)
- return ..()
- if(isliving(a))
- var/mob/living/L = a
- var/multiplier = 1
- if(L.mind)
- multiplier++
- if(ishuman(L))
- var/mob/living/human/H = L
- if(H.should_have_organ(BP_HEART))
- multiplier++
- if(L.stat == DEAD)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("\The [a] is already dead! There is nothing to take!"))
- return
- user.visible_message(SPAN_WARNING("\The [user] hovers \the [src] over \the [a], whispering an incantation."))
- if(!do_after(user,200, L))
- return
- user.visible_message(SPAN_DANGER("\The [user] plunges the knife down into \the [a]!"))
- L.take_damage(20)
- if(altar.linked_god)
- altar.linked_god.adjust_power_min(2 * multiplier,0,"from a delicious sacrifice!")
-//If a person hit by this axe within three seconds dies, sucks in their soul to be harvested at altars.
- name = "terrible axe"
- desc = "Its head is sharp and stained red with heavy use."
- icon = 'icons/obj/items/weapon/bone_axe.dmi'
- var/stored_power = 0
- . = ..()
- if(stored_power)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("It exudes a death-like smell."))
-/obj/item/bladed/axe/fire/cult/resolve_attackby(var/atom/a, var/mob/user, var/click_params)
- if(istype(a, /obj/structure/deity/altar))
- var/obj/structure/deity/altar/altar = a
- if(stored_power && altar.linked_god)
- altar.linked_god.adjust_power_min(stored_power, "from harvested souls.")
- altar.visible_message(SPAN_WARNING("\The [altar] absorbs a black mist exuded from \the [src]."))
- return
- if(ismob(a))
- var/mob/M = a
- if(M.stat != DEAD)
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/death, M,src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/obj/item/bladed/axe/fire/cult, gain_power))
- spawn(30)
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/death, M,src)
- return ..()
- stored_power += 50
- src.visible_message(SPAN_OCCULT("\The [src] screeches as the smell of death fills the air!"))
- name = "well-used urn"
- desc = "Said to bring those who drink it back to life, no matter the price."
- icon = 'icons/obj/xenoarchaeology.dmi'
- icon_state = "urn"
- volume = 10
- amount_per_transfer_from_this = 10
- add_to_reagents(/decl/material/liquid/zombie, reagents.maximum_volume)
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/narsie.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/narsie.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ebf2dfc818..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/narsie.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- name = "Nar-Sie"
- info = {"The Geometer of Blood, you crave blood and destruction.
- Benefits:
- +Can gain power from blood sacrifices.
- +Ability to forge weapons and armor.
- Drawbacks:
- -Servant abilities require copious amounts of their blood.
- "}
- desc = "A being made of a million nightmares, a billion deaths."
- god_icon_state = "nar-sie"
- pylon_icon_state = "shade"
- faction = "cult"
- buildables = list(
- /obj/structure/deity/altar/narsie,
- /obj/structure/deity/pylon
- )
- items = list(
- /datum/deity_item/general/potential,
- /datum/deity_item/general/regeneration,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/eternal_darkness,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/torment,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/blood_shard,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/drain_blood,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/exude_blood,
- /datum/deity_item/sacrifice,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/sac_dagger,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/sac_spell,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/execution_axe,
- /datum/deity_item/blood_stone,
- /datum/deity_item/minions,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/soul_shard,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/blood_zombie,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/tear_veil,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/hellscape,
- /datum/deity_item/blood_crafting/narsie,
- /datum/deity_item/blood_crafting/armored,
- /datum/deity_item/blood_crafting/space
- )
-/datum/god_form/narsie/take_charge(var/mob/living/user, var/charge)
- charge = min(100, charge * 0.25)
- if(prob(charge))
- to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You feel drained..."))
- var/mob/living/human/H = user
- if(istype(H) && H.should_have_organ(BP_HEART))
- H.vessel.remove_any(charge)
- else
- user.take_damage(charge)
- return 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/spells/tear_veil.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/spells/tear_veil.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index daf6b5d59d9..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/spells/tear_veil.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- name = "Tear Veil"
- desc = "Use your mental strength to literally tear a hole from this dimension to the next, letting things through..."
- charge_max = 300
- spell_flags = Z2NOCAST
- invocation = "none"
- invocation_type = SpI_NONE
- number_of_channels = 0
- time_between_channels = 200
- hud_state = "const_floor"
- cast_sound = 'sound/effects/meteorimpact.ogg'
- var/list/possible_spawns = list(
- /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/scarybat/cult,
- /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/creature/cult,
- /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/revenant/cult
- )
- var/turf/T = get_turf(holder)
- holder.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("A strange portal rips open underneath \the [holder]!"))
- var/obj/effect/gateway/hole = new(get_turf(T))
- hole.density = FALSE
- return list(hole)
-/spell/tear_veil/cast(var/list/targets, var/mob/holder, var/channel_count)
- if(channel_count == 1)
- return
- var/type = pick(possible_spawns)
- var/mob/living/L = new type(get_turf(targets[1]))
- L.faction = holder.faction
- L.visible_message(SPAN_WARNING("\A [L] escapes from the portal!"))
- qdel(targets[1])
- return
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/structures.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/structures.dm
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index af576963a1f..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/narsie/structures.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- name = "altar"
- desc = "A small desk, covered in blood."
- icon_state = "talismanaltar"
-//A follower can stand here and mumble prayers as they let their blood flow slowly into the structure.
- name = "bloody stone"
- desc = "A jagged stone covered in the various stages of blood, from dried to fresh."
- icon_state = "blood_stone"
- // TODO: material-based health for deity structures
- current_health = 100 //It's a piece of rock.
- build_cost = 700
- if(!linked_god || !linked_god.is_follower(user, silent = 1) || !ishuman(user))
- return ..()
- var/mob/living/human/H = user
- user.visible_message(
- SPAN_WARNING("\The [user] calmly slices their finger on \the [src], smearing their blood over the black stone."),
- SPAN_WARNING("You slowly slide your finger down one of \the [src]'s sharp edges, smearing your blood over its smooth surface.")
- )
- while(do_after(H, 5 SECONDS, src))
- user.audible_message("\The [user] utters something under their breath.", SPAN_OCCULT("You mutter a dark prayer to your master as you feel the stone eat away at your lifeforce."))
- if(H.should_have_organ(BP_HEART))
- H.drip(5, get_turf(src))
- else
- H.take_damage(5)
- linked_god.adjust_power_min(1, 1)
- return TRUE
- associated_paths = list(/obj/structure/deity/blood_stone)
- antag_text = "Allows the user to feed blood directly to the aligned deity, granting it power."
- disambiguator = "occult"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/deity_items/artifacts.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/deity_items/artifacts.dm
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index 286be5afd10..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/deity_items/artifacts.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- name = "Blazing Blade"
- desc = "A divine blade of burning fury. If it stays too far away from an altar of some sort, it disappears."
- base_cost = 250
- boon_path = /obj/item/sword/blazing
- name = "Holy Beacon"
- desc = "A staff capable of producing an almost harmless bolt of sunlight, capable of blinding anyone in the room, at least for a while."
- base_cost = 200
- boon_path = /obj/item/gun/energy/staff/beacon
- name = "Black Death"
- desc = "A small dagger capable of poisoning those it bites. Careful, if it loses all its charges, it will burn the user. It can be recharged at a radiant statue."
- base_cost = 150
- boon_path = /obj/item/knife/ritual/shadow
- name = "Fire Crafting"
- desc = "Gain the ability for your minions to build smithing stations that can make many rings of power."
- base_cost = 300
- max_level = 1
- forge_type = /obj/structure/deity/blood_forge/starlight
- recipes = list(/obj/item/clothing/gloves/ring/aura_ring/talisman_of_starborn = 70,
- /obj/item/clothing/gloves/ring/aura_ring/talisman_of_blueforged = 70,
- /obj/item/clothing/gloves/ring/aura_ring/talisman_of_shadowling = 70
- )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/deity_items/phenomena.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/deity_items/phenomena.dm
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index 37f830d27cb..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/deity_items/phenomena.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- name = "Choose Herald"
- desc = "Gives you the ability to choose a herald. Can only be used once so be careful."
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/herald
- base_cost = 100
- category = DEITY_TREE_HERALD
- name = "Summon Wisp"
- desc = "Manipulate around a small light."
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/movable_object/wisp
- base_cost = 100
- category = DEITY_TREE_HERALD
- name = "Flickering Whisper"
- desc = "Send a subtle message to a non-follower, and see what they see for a while."
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/flickering_whisper
- base_cost = 50
- category = DEITY_TREE_HERALD
- name = "Burning Glare"
- desc = "Use your divine power to physically burn a person."
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/burning_glare
- base_cost = 200
- category = DEITY_TREE_HERALD
- name = "Open Gateway"
- desc = "Unlocks the ability to open a gateway. Required for rebirth."
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/create_gateway
- base_cost = 250
- category = DEITY_TREE_HERALD
- name = "Divine Right"
- desc = "Unlocks the ability to possess your Herald, permanently transforming you into a physical god."
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/divine_right
- base_cost = 300
- category = DEITY_TREE_HERALD
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/deity_items/spells.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/deity_items/spells.dm
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index 33c6e19a55a..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/deity_items/spells.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- name = "Starburst"
- desc = "Grant your minion the power to blind non-followers nearby."
- base_cost = 60
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/genetic/blind/starburst
- name = "Exchange Wounds"
- desc = "Allow a follower to sacrifice their own well-being for that of those around them."
- base_cost = 120
- boon_path = /spell/aoe_turf/exchange_wounds
- name = "Radiant Aura"
- desc = "This spell makes one of your followers immune to laser fire, for a short while at least."
- base_cost = 70
- boon_path = /spell/radiant_aura/starlight
- name = "Burning Touch"
- desc = "Sets your minion's hand aflame, allowing them to burn people with an ever-increasing flame."
- base_cost = 60
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/equip_item/burning_hand
- name = "Burning Grip"
- desc = "Give your follower the ability to burn an item in someone's hand so badly it causes them to burn."
- base_cost = 50
- boon_path = /spell/hand/burning_grip
- name = "Blood Boil"
- desc = "Allow a follower to concentrate so deeply on a target that their body temperature increases, eventually setting them on fire."
- base_cost = 90
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/blood_boil
- name = "Fireball"
- desc = "A classic spell, grants your follower the ability to throw an exploding ball of flame in any direction."
- base_cost = 100
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/projectile/dumbfire/fireball
- name = "Disable Machinery"
- desc = "Gives your follower a spell of disabling machinery, and mechanical hearts."
- base_cost = 110
- boon_path = /spell/aoe_turf/disable_tech/starlight
- name = "Cure Light Wounds"
- desc = "Grant mercy on your followers, giving them the ability to heal themselves slightly."
- base_cost = 70
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/heal_target
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index 31645b2d3ac..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/items.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
- var/obj/aura/granted_aura
-/obj/item/clothing/gloves/ring/aura_ring/equipped(var/mob/living/L, var/slot)
- ..()
- if(granted_aura && slot == slot_gloves_str)
- L.add_aura(granted_aura)
- ..()
- if(granted_aura)
- L.remove_aura(granted_aura)
- QDEL_NULL(granted_aura)
- . = ..()
- name = "Talisman of the Starborn"
- desc = "This ring seems to shine with more light than is put on it."
- icon = 'icons/clothing/accessories/jewelry/rings/ring_star.dmi'
- material = /decl/material/solid/metal/blackbronze
- . = ..()
- granted_aura = new /obj/aura/starborn()
- name = "Talisman of the Blueforged"
- desc = "The gem on this ring is quite peculiar..."
- icon = 'icons/clothing/accessories/jewelry/rings/ring_blue.dmi'
- . = ..()
- granted_aura = new /obj/aura/blueforge_aura()
- name = "Talisman of the Shadowling"
- desc = "If you weren't looking at this, you probably wouldn't have noticed it."
- icon = 'icons/clothing/accessories/jewelry/rings/ring_shadow.dmi'
- material = /decl/material/solid/metal/blackbronze
- . = ..()
- granted_aura = new /obj/aura/shadowling_aura()
- name = "knight's armor"
- desc = "Now, you can be the knight in shining armor you've always wanted to be. With complementary sun insignia."
- icon = 'icons/clothing/suits/deity/star_champion.dmi'
- armor = list(
- )
- name = "knight's helm"
- desc = "It's a shiny metal helmet. It looks ripped straight out of the Dark Ages, actually."
- icon = 'icons/clothing/head/star_champion.dmi'
- name = "oracle's robe"
- desc = "The robes of a priest. One that praises the sun, apparently. Well, it certainly reflects light well."
- icon = 'icons/clothing/suits/deity/star_oracle.dmi'
- armor = list(
- )
- . = ..()
- set_light(4, 0.3)
- name = "traitor's cloak"
- desc = "There is absolutely nothing visible through the fabric. The shadows stick to your skin when you touch it."
- min_pressure_protection = 0
- icon = 'icons/clothing/suits/deity/star_traitor.dmi'
- name = "traitor's hood"
- desc = "No light can pierce this hood. It's unsettling."
- icon = 'icons/clothing/head/star_traitor.dmi'
- name = "black death"
- desc = "An obsidian dagger. The singed remains of a green cloth are wrapped around the 'handle.'"
- var/charge = 5
-/obj/item/knife/ritual/shadow/apply_hit_effect(var/mob/living/target, var/mob/living/user, var/hit_zone)
- . = ..()
- if(charge)
- if(target.get_damage(BRUTE) > 15)
- var/datum/reagents/R = target.reagents
- if(!R)
- return
- R.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/venom, 5)
- new /obj/effect/temporary(get_turf(target),3, 'icons/effects/effects.dmi', "fire_goon")
- charge--
- else
- user.take_damage(5, BURN)
- if(prob(5))
- to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] appears to be out of power!"))
- new /obj/effect/temporary(get_turf(user),3, 'icons/effects/effects.dmi', "fire_goon")
- name = "holy beacon"
- desc = "Look closely into its crystal; there's a miniature sun. Or maybe that's just some fancy LEDs. Either way, it looks thoroughly mystical."
- icon = 'icons/obj/wizard.dmi'
- icon_state = "starstaff"
- self_recharge = 0
- max_shots = 10
- projectile_type = /obj/item/projectile/energy/flash
- required_antag_type = /decl/special_role/godcultist
- name = "blazing blade"
- icon = 'icons/obj/items/weapon/swords/flaming.dmi'
- atom_damage_type = BURN
- material_alteration = MAT_FLAG_ALTERATION_NONE
- var/last_near_structure = 0
- var/mob/living/deity/linked
-/obj/item/sword/blazing/Initialize(var/maploading, var/material, var/deity)
- . = ..()
- linked = deity
- . = ..()
- if(!linked || last_near_structure + 10 SECONDS > world.time)
- return
- if(linked.near_structure(src,1))
- if(last_near_structure < world.time - 30 SECONDS)
- to_chat(loc, SPAN_NOTICE("\The [src] surges with power anew!"))
- last_near_structure = world.time
- else
- if(last_near_structure < world.time - 30 SECONDS) //If it has been at least 30 seconds.
- if(prob(5))
- to_chat(loc, SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] begins to fade, its power dimming this far away from a shrine."))
- else if(last_near_structure + 1800 < world.time)
- visible_message(SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] disintegrates into a pile of ash!"))
- new /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/ash(get_turf(src))
- qdel(src)
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/mobs.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/mobs.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5748cf2e2f4..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/mobs.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- name = "soul"
- desc = "A captured soul."
- anchored = TRUE
- butchery_data = null
-/mob/living/starlight_soul/Initialize(var/maploading, var/mob/living/old_mob)
- . = ..()
- if(old_mob)
- name = old_mob.real_name
- var/mob/observer/eye/freelook/cult/eye
- if(eyeobj)
- eye = eyeobj
- eyeobj.release(src)
- else
- eye = new(src)
- eye.suffix = "Soul"
- eyeobj = eye
- eye.visualnet = deity.eyenet
- var/decl/special_role/godcultist/godcult = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/godcultist)
- godcult.add_antagonist_mind(src.mind,1,"lost soul of [deity]", "You have been captured by \the [deity]! You now can only see into your own reality through the same rips and tears it uses. Your only chance at another body will be one in your captor's image...",specific_god=deity)
- eyeobj.possess(src)
- if(eyeobj)
- QDEL_NULL(eyeobj)
- . = ..()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/spells/disable_tech.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/spells/disable_tech.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index f6462ae33fe..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/spells/disable_tech.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- hidden_from_codex = TRUE
- charge_max = 600
- spell_flags = 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/spells/starlight_aura.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/spells/starlight_aura.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ad867e41b3..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/spells/starlight_aura.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- name = "Starlight Aura"
- desc = "This spell makes you immune to laser fire, for a short while at least."
- spell_flags = 0
- charge_max = 400
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/spells/veil_of_shadows.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/spells/veil_of_shadows.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index e47edecd082..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/spells/veil_of_shadows.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- name = "Veil of Shadows"
- desc = "Become intangable, invisible. Like a ghost."
- charge_max = 400
- invocation_type = SpI_EMOTE
- invocation = "flickers out of existance"
- school = "Divine"
- spell_flags = 0
- duration = 100
- var/timer_id
- var/light_steps = 4
- hud_state = "wiz_statue"
- if(!timer_id && ishuman(holder))
- return list(holder)
- . = null
-/spell/veil_of_shadows/cast(var/list/targets, var/mob/user)
- var/mob/living/human/H = user
- H.AddMovementHandler(/datum/movement_handler/mob/incorporeal)
- if(H.add_cloaking_source(src))
- H.visible_message(SPAN_WARNING("\The [H] shrinks from view!"))
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/moved, H,src,PROC_REF(check_light))
- timer_id = addtimer(CALLBACK(src,PROC_REF(cancel_veil)),duration, TIMER_STOPPABLE)
- var/mob/living/human/H = holder
- H.RemoveMovementHandler(/datum/movement_handler/mob/incorporeal)
- deltimer(timer_id)
- timer_id = null
- var/turf/T = get_turf(H)
- if(T.get_lumcount() > 0.1) //If we're somewhere somewhat shadowy we can stay invis as long as we stand still
- drop_cloak()
- else
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/moved, H,src)
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/moved, H,src,PROC_REF(drop_cloak))
- var/mob/living/human/H = holder
- if(H.remove_cloaking_source(src))
- H.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("\The [H] appears from nowhere!"))
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/moved, H,src)
- if(light_steps)
- light_steps--
- return
- light_steps = initial(light_steps)
- for(var/obj/machinery/light/light in view(1,holder))
- light.flicker(20)
- deltimer(timer_id)
- cancel_veil()
- .= ..()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/starlight.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/starlight.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1469947fe10..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/starlight.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- name = "Starlight Herald"
- info = {"Sun and fire incarnate.
- Benefits:
- +Ability to summon powerful minions via sacrifices.
- +Bless one of your minions as a Herald, giving them species powers and armor.
- Drawbacks:
- -Servant's powers will burn them.
- -You require copious amounts of power regeneration.
- "}
- desc = "The bringer of life, and all that entails."
- god_icon_state = "sungod"
- pylon_icon_state = "god"
- faction = "herald"
- buildables = list(/obj/structure/deity/altar/starlight,
- /obj/structure/deity/pylon/starlight,
- /obj/structure/deity/radiant_statue,
- )
- items = list(/datum/deity_item/general/potential,
- /datum/deity_item/general/regeneration,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/blazing_blade,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/holy_beacon,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/black_death,
- /datum/deity_item/blood_crafting/firecrafting,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/starburst,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/exchange_wounds,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/radiant_aura,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/burning_touch,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/burning_grip,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/blood_boil,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/emp,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/cure_light,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/herald,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/wisp,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/flickering_whisper,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/burning_glare,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/open_gateway,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/divine_right
- )
-/datum/god_form/starlight/take_charge(var/mob/living/user, var/charge)
- charge = max(5, charge/100)
- if(prob(charge))
- to_chat(user, SPAN_DANGER("Your body burns!"))
- user.take_damage(charge, BURN)
- return 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/structures.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/structures.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7134d19ce48..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/starlight/structures.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
- icon_state = "altarcandle"
- name = "sun pylon"
- desc = "A miniature sun, floating ontop of a small pillar."
- icon_state = "star_pylon"
- name = "gateway"
- desc = "A gateway into the unknown."
- icon = 'icons/obj/singularity.dmi'
- icon_state = "singularity_s1"
- power_adjustment = 1
- density = FALSE
- var/weakref/target_ref
- var/start_time = 0
- var/power_drain = 7
- var/looking_for
- var/static/list/possible_forms = list(
- "Starborn" = list(
- "description" = "A species of hardy fire-wreathed soldiers.",
- "message" = "As a Starborn, you are immune to laser-fire. You are a hardy soldier, able to take on the greatest of foes.",
- "species" = "Starborn"
- ),
- "Blueforged" = list(
- "description" = "Trans-dimensional beings with a multitude of miraculous abilities.",
- "message" = "As a Blueforged, you are immune to all physical damage... except for heat. Not even your god can protect you.",
- "species" = "Blueforged",
- "spells" = list(
- /spell/targeted/ethereal_jaunt,
- /spell/targeted/shatter,
- /spell/hand/burning_grip,
- /spell/aoe_turf/disable_tech,
- /spell/targeted/projectile/magic_missile,
- /spell/open_gateway
- )
- ),
- "Shadowling" = list(
- "description" = "Beings that come from a place of no light. They sneak from place to place, disabling everyone they touch.",
- "message" = "As a Shadow you take damage from the light itself but have the ability to vanish from sight itself.",
- "species" = "Shadow",
- "spells" = list(
- /spell/veil_of_shadows,
- /spell/targeted/subjugation,
- /spell/targeted/projectile/magic_missile
- )
- )
- )
- . = ..()
- if(linked_god)
- linked_god.power_per_regen -= power_drain
- if(!linked_god)
- return
- if(linked_god.power <= 0)
- to_chat(linked_god,SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] disappears from your lack of power!"))
- qdel(src)
- return
- var/mob/living/human/target
- if(target_ref)
- target = target_ref.resolve()
- if(target)
- if(get_turf(target) != get_turf(src))
- target = null
- target_ref = null
- start_time = 0
- return
- else if(prob(5))
- to_chat(target,SPAN_DANGER("\The [src] sucks at your lifeforce!"))
- if(start_time && world.time > start_time + 300)
- start_time = 0
- to_chat(target,SPAN_DANGER("You have been sucked into \the [src], your soul used to fuel \the [linked_god]'s minions."))
- var/mob/living/starlight_soul/ss = new(get_turf(linked_god),target)
- if(target.mind)
- target.mind.transfer_to(ss)
- else
- ss.ckey = target.ckey
- ss.set_deity(linked_god)
- target.dust()
- if(power_drain >= 3)
- linked_god.power_per_regen += 3
- power_drain -= 3
- else
- //Get new target
- var/mob/living/human/T = locate() in get_turf(src)
- if(T)
- target_ref = weakref(T)
- start_time = world.time
- to_chat(T, SPAN_DANGER("You feel your lifeforce begin to drain into \the [src]!"))
- linked_god.power_per_regen += power_drain
- . = ..()
- var/list/html = list()
- html += "
Servant List
- html += "
Select a minion type to summon"
- html += "Name | Description |
- for(var/a in possible_forms)
- var/list/form = possible_forms[a]
- html += "[a] | [form["description"]] |
- html += "
- show_browser(linked_god, jointext(html, null), "window=gateway")
- if(linked_god && (user == linked_god || user.loc == linked_god.loc))
- if(looking_for)
- if(!successful)
- to_chat(linked_god, SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] did not find any [looking_for]. You may try again if you wish."))
- looking_for = null
-/obj/structure/deity/gateway/OnTopic(var/mob/user, var/list/href_list)
- if(href_list["accept"] && istype(user,/mob/living/starlight_soul))
- if(href_list["accept"] != looking_for)
- var/mob/living/human/H = new(get_turf(src))
- user.mind.transfer_to(H)
- H.set_species(possible_forms[looking_for]["species"])
- for(var/s in possible_forms[looking_for]["spells"])
- var/spell/S = new s
- H.add_spell(S)
- var/decl/special_role/godcultist/godcult = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/godcultist)
- godcult.add_antagonist_mind(H.mind, 1, "[looking_for] of [linked_god]", "You are a powerful entity in the service to \the [linked_god]. [possible_forms[looking_for]["species"]]", specific_god = linked_god)
- stop_looking_for(TRUE)
- if(href_list["spawn_type"] && user == linked_god)
- if(looking_for)
- to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] is already looking for a [looking_for]."))
- else
- looking_for = href_list["spawn_type"]
- to_chat(usr, SPAN_NOTICE("\The [src] is now looking for a [looking_for]."))
- for(var/l in get_turf(linked_god))
- if(istype(l, /mob/living/starlight_soul))
- to_chat(l, "\The [src] is looking for a soul to become a [looking_for]. Accept? (Yes)")
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(stop_looking_for), FALSE), 30 SECONDS)
- show_browser(linked_god, null, "window=gateway")
- name = "radiant statue"
- icon_state = "statue"
- build_cost = 750
- power_adjustment = 1
- var/charge = 0
- var/charging = 0 //Charging, dispersing, etc.
- ..()
- if(charging)
- icon_state = "statue_charging"
- else if(charge)
- icon_state = "statue_active"
- else
- icon_state = "statue"
- if(charging)
- . = ..()
- . = list()
- if(linked_god)
- for(var/m in linked_god.minions)
- var/datum/mind/M = m
- if(get_dist(M.current, src) <= 3)
- . += M.current
- var/obj/O = L.get_equipped_item(slot_wear_suit_str)
- if(O && has_extension(O,/datum/extension/deity_be_near))
- if(activate_charging())
- to_chat(L, SPAN_NOTICE("You place your hands on \the [src], feeling your master's power course through you."))
- else
- to_chat(L, SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] has already been activated."))
- else
- to_chat(L, SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] does not recognize you as a herald of \the [linked_god]. You must wear a full set of herald's armor."))
- return TRUE
- if(activate_charging())
- to_chat(deity,SPAN_NOTICE("You activate \the [src], and it begins to charge as long as at least one of your followers is nearby."))
- else
- to_chat(deity,SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] is either already activated, or there are no followers nearby to charge it."))
- var/list/followers = get_followers_nearby()
- if(is_processing || !followers.len)
- return 0
- charging = 1
- src.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("\The [src] hums, activating."))
- update_icon()
- return 1
-/obj/structure/deity/radiant_statue/attackby(var/obj/item/I, var/mob/user)
- if(charging && (istype(I, /obj/item/knife/ritual/shadow) || istype(I, /obj/item/gun/energy/staff/beacon)) && charge_item(I, user))
- return
- ..()
-/obj/structure/deity/radiant_statue/proc/charge_item(var/obj/item/I, var/mob/user)
- . = 0
- if(istype(I, /obj/item/gun/energy))
- var/obj/item/gun/energy/energy = I
- var/obj/item/cell/power_supply = energy.get_cell()
- if(power_supply)
- power_supply.give(energy.charge_cost * energy.max_shots)
- . = 1
- else if(istype(I ,/obj/item/knife/ritual/shadow))
- var/obj/item/knife/ritual/shadow/shad = I
- shad.charge = initial(shad.charge)
- . = 1
- if(.)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("\The [src]'s glow envelops \the [I], restoring it to proper use."))
- charge -= 1
- if(charging)
- charge++
- var/list/followers = get_followers_nearby()
- if(followers.len == 0)
- stop_charging()
- return
- if(charge == 40)
- src.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("\The [src] lights up, pulsing with energy."))
- charging = 0
- update_icon()
- else
- charge -= 0.5
- var/list/followers = get_followers_nearby()
- if(followers.len)
- for(var/m in followers)
- var/mob/living/L = m
- L.heal_damage(BURN, 5)
- if(prob(5))
- to_chat(L, SPAN_NOTICE("You feel a pleasant warmth spread throughout your body..."))
- for(var/s in L.mind.learned_spells)
- var/spell/spell = s
- spell.charge_counter = spell.charge_max
- if(charge == 0)
- stop_charging()
- src.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("\The [src] powers down, returning to its dormant form."))
- charging = 0
- update_icon()
- name = "radiant forge"
- desc = "a swath of heat and fire permeats from this forge."
- recipe_feat_list = "Fire Crafting"
- text_modifications = list(
- "Cost" = "Burn",
- "Dip" = "fire. Pain envelopes you as dark burns mar your hands and you begin to shape it into something more useful",
- "Shape" = "You shape the fire, ignoring the painful burns it gives you in the process.",
- "Out" = "flames"
- )
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/deity_items/conjuration.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/deity_items/conjuration.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d6f820540b..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/deity_items/conjuration.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- desc = "Conjuration is the school of creation and teleportation, summoning fireballs or teleporting long distances, this school is extremely powerful."
- max_level = 3
- base_cost = 50
- return base_cost * (level + 1)
-//Level 1
- name = "Create Air"
- desc = "Allows your follower to generate a livable atmosphere in the area they are in."
- base_cost = 25
- boon_path = /spell/create_air/tower
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_CONJURATION = 1)
- name = "Acid Spray"
- desc = "The simplest form of aggressive conjuration: acid spray is quite effective in melting both man and object."
- base_cost = 130
- boon_path = /spell/acid_spray/tower
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_CONJURATION = 1)
- name = "Force Wall"
- desc = "A temporary invincible wall for followers to summon."
- base_cost = 30
- boon_path = /spell/aoe_turf/conjure/forcewall/tower
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_CONJURATION = 1)
- name = "Phenomenon: Dimensional Locker"
- desc = "Gain the ability to move a magical locker around. While it cannot move living things, you can move it around as you please, even disappearing it into the nether."
- base_cost = 50
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/movable_object/dimensional_locker
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_CONJURATION = 1)
-//Level 2
- name = "Faithful Hound"
- desc = "This spell allows a follower to summon a singular spectral dog that guards the nearby area. Anyone without the password is barked at or bitten."
- base_cost = 40
- boon_path = /spell/aoe_turf/conjure/faithful_hound/tower
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_CONJURATION = 2)
- desc = "Unlock spells related to the summoning of weapons and armor. These spells only last a short duration, but are extremely effective."
- base_cost = 25
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_CONJURATION = 2)
- name = "Summon Sword"
- desc = "This spell allows your followers to summon a golden firey sword for a short duration."
- base_cost = 50
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/equip_item/dyrnwyn/tower
- requirements = list(DEITY_UNLOCK_ARMS = 1)
- name = "Summon Shield"
- desc = "This spell allows your followers to summon a magical shield for a short duration."
- base_cost = 20
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/equip_item/shield/tower
- requirements = list(DEITY_UNLOCK_ARMS = 1)
- name = "Phenomenon: Portals"
- desc = "Gain the ability to create portals for your followers to enter through. You will need to create two for it work. Any created past that will delete the oldest portal."
- base_cost = 75
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_CONJURATION = 2)
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/portals
-//Level 3
- name = "Fireball"
- desc = "Embue your follower with the power of exploding fire."
- base_cost = 85
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/projectile/dumbfire/fireball/tower
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_CONJURATION = 3)
- name = "Force Portal"
- desc = "This spell allows a follower to summon a force portal. Anything that hits the portal gets sucked inside and is then thrown out when the portal explodes."
- base_cost = 45
- boon_path = /spell/aoe_turf/conjure/force_portal/tower
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_CONJURATION = 3)
- name = "Phenomenon: Banishing Smite"
- desc = "Gain the ability to smite an individual, dealing damage to them. If they are weakened enough, this can cause them to temporarily be transported."
- base_cost = 75
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_CONJURATION = 3)
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/banishing_smite
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/deity_items/transmutation.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/deity_items/transmutation.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5eb1dd34785..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/deity_items/transmutation.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- desc = "Transmutation is the school of change. It cannot be used to create things, only modify them or even destroy them."
- max_level = 3
- base_cost = 50
- return base_cost * (level + 1)
-//Level 1
- name = "Slippery Surface"
- desc = "Allows a follower to slicken a small patch of floor. Anyone without sure-footing will find it hard to stay upright."
- base_cost = 10
- boon_path = /spell/hand/slippery_surface/tower
- name = "Smoke"
- desc = "Allows a follower to distill the nearby air into smoke."
- base_cost = 10
- boon_path = /spell/aoe_turf/smoke/tower
-//Level 2
- name = "Knock"
- desc = "Allows a follower to open nearby doors without the keys."
- base_cost = 25
- boon_path = /spell/aoe_turf/knock/tower
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_TRANSMUTATION = 2)
- name = "Burning Grip"
- desc = "Allows a follower cause an object to heat up intensly in someone's hand, making them drop it and whatever skin is attached."
- base_cost = 15
- boon_path = /spell/hand/burning_grip/tower
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_TRANSMUTATION = 2)
- name = "Phenomenon: Warp Body"
- desc = "Gain the ability to warp the very structure of a target's body, wracking pain and weakness."
- base_cost = 75
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_TRANSMUTATION = 2)
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/warp
-//Level 3
- name = "Ethereal Jaunt"
- desc = "Allows a follower to liquify for a short duration, letting them pass through all dense objects."
- base_cost = 25
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/ethereal_jaunt/tower
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_TRANSMUTATION = 3)
- desc = "Of transmutation, healing is perhaps the most immediately effective and useful. This unlocks the healing spells for your followers."
- base_cost = 50
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_TRANSMUTATION = 3)
- name = "Minor Heal"
- desc = "Allows your follower to heal themselves, or others, for a slight amount."
- base_cost = 15
- requirements = list(DEITY_UNLOCK_HEAL = 1)
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/heal_target/tower
- name = "Major Heal"
- desc = "Allows your follower to heal others for a great amount."
- base_cost = 25
- requirements = list(DEITY_UNLOCK_HEAL = 1)
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/heal_target/major/tower
- name = "Area Heal"
- desc = "Allows your follower to heal everyone in an area for minor damage."
- base_cost = 20
- requirements = list(DEITY_UNLOCK_HEAL = 1)
- boon_path = /spell/targeted/heal_target/area/tower
- name = "Phenomenon: Rock Form"
- desc = "Gain the ability to transform your followers into beings of rock and stone."
- base_cost = 75
- requirements = list(DEITY_TREE_TRANSMUTATION = 3)
- phenomenon_path = /datum/phenomenon/rock_form
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/spells.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/spells.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 18b88647edf..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/spells.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- desc = "Allows you to generate a livable atmosphere in the area you are in."
- charge_max = 5
- desc = "Allows you cause an object to heat up intensly in someone's hand, making them drop it and whatever skin is attached."
- charge_max = 3
- desc = "Allows you to slicken a small patch of floor. Anyone without sure-footing will find it hard to stay upright."
- charge_max = 2
- charge_max = 2
- hidden_from_codex = TRUE
- charge_max = 2
- hidden_from_codex = TRUE
- desc = "This spell allows you to summon a singular spectral dog that guards the nearby area. Anyone without the password is barked at or bitten."
- charge_max = 1
- spell_flags = 0
- desc = "This spell allows you to summon a force portal. Anything that hits the portal gets sucked inside and is then thrown out when the portal explodes."
- charge_max = 2
- spell_flags = 0
- desc = "The simplest form of aggressive conjuration: acid spray is quite effective in melting both man and object."
- charge_max = 2
- desc = "Allows you to heal yourself, or others, for a slight amount."
- charge_max = 2
- charge_max = 1
- desc = "Allows you to heal others for a great amount."
- desc = "Allows you to heal everyone in an area for minor damage."
- charge_max = 1
- desc = "Allows you to liquefy for a short duration, letting you pass through all dense objects."
- charge_max = 2
- spell_flags = Z2NOCAST | INCLUDEUSER
- desc = "A temporary invincible wall for you to summon."
- charge_max = 3
- desc = "This spell allows you to summon a fiery golden sword for a short duration."
- charge_max = 1
- desc = "This spell allows you to summon a magical shield for a short duration."
- charge_max = 1
- desc = "Imbue yourself with the power of exploding fire."
- charge_max = 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/structures.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/structures.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 453caf22de2..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/structures.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- icon_state = "tomealtar"
- name = "fountain of power"
- desc = "Refreshing, cool water surrounded by archaic carvings."
- icon_state = "fountain"
- power_adjustment = 2
- build_cost = 700
- if(!length(hitter.mind?.learned_spells))
- to_chat(hitter, SPAN_WARNING("You don't feel as if this will do anything for you."))
- return TRUE
- hitter.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("\The [hitter] dips their hands into \the [src], a soft glow emanating from them."))
- if(do_after(hitter,300,src,check_holding=0))
- for(var/s in hitter.mind.learned_spells)
- var/spell/spell = s
- spell.charge_counter = spell.charge_max
- to_chat(hitter, SPAN_NOTICE("You feel refreshed!"))
- else
- to_chat(hitter, SPAN_WARNING("You need to keep in contact with \the [src]!"))
- return TRUE
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/tower.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/tower.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 37f63bce440..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/forms/tower/tower.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- name = "The Tower"
- info = {"Only from destruction does the Tower grow. Its bricks smelted from crumbled ignorance and the fires of ambition.
- Benefits:
- +Learn spells from two different schools.
- +Deity gains power through each spell use.
- Drawbacks:
- -Abilities hold a limited amount of charge and must be charged at a fountain of power.
- "}
- desc = "A single solitary tower"
- god_icon_state = "tower"
- pylon_icon_state = "nim"
- buildables = list(/obj/structure/deity/altar/tower,
- /obj/structure/deity/pylon,
- /obj/structure/deity/wizard_recharger
- )
- items = list(/datum/deity_item/general/potential,
- /datum/deity_item/general/regeneration,
- /datum/deity_item/conjuration,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/create_air,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/acid_spray,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/force_wall,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/dimensional_locker,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/faithful_hound,
- /datum/deity_item/wizard_armaments,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/sword,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/shield,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/portals,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/fireball,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/force_portal,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/banishing_smite,
- /datum/deity_item/transmutation,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/slippery_surface,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/smoke,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/knock,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/burning_grip,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/warp_body,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/jaunt,
- /datum/deity_item/healing_spells,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/heal,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/heal/major,
- /datum/deity_item/boon/single_charge/heal/area,
- /datum/deity_item/phenomenon/rock_form
- )
-/datum/god_form/wizard/take_charge(var/mob/living/user, var/charge)
- linked_god.adjust_power_min(max(round(charge/100), 1),silent = 1)
- return 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/gamemode.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/gamemode.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bf79d8ca87..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/gamemode.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- name = "Deity"
- round_description = "An otherworldly beast has turned its attention to you and your fellow cremembers."
- extended_round_description = "The station has been infiltrated by a fanatical group of death-cultists! They will use powers from beyond your comprehension to subvert you to their cause and ultimately please their gods through sacrificial summons and physical immolation! Try to survive!"
- uid = "god"
- required_players = 10
- required_enemies = 3
- end_on_antag_death = FALSE
- associated_antags = list(
- /decl/special_role/deity,
- /decl/special_role/godcultist
- )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/god_cultist_role.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/god_cultist_role.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index d1c5bced882..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/god_cultist_role.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- name = "God Cultist"
- name_plural = "God Cultists"
- blacklisted_jobs = list(/datum/job/submap)
- antag_indicator = "hudcultist"
- faction_verb = /mob/living/proc/dpray
- welcome_text = "You are under the guidance of a powerful otherwordly being. Spread its will and keep your faith.
Use dpray to communicate directly with your master!
Ask your master for spells to start building!"
- hard_cap = 5
- hard_cap_round = 6
- initial_spawn_req = 3
- initial_spawn_target = 3
- antaghud_indicator = "hudcultist"
- skill_setter = /datum/antag_skill_setter/station
- blocked_job_event_categories = list(ASSIGNMENT_ROBOT, ASSIGNMENT_COMPUTER)
-/decl/special_role/godcultist/add_antagonist_mind(var/datum/mind/player, var/ignore_role, var/nonstandard_role_type, var/nonstandard_role_msg, var/mob/living/deity/specific_god)
- if(!..())
- return 0
- if(specific_god)
- add_cultist(player, specific_god)
- return 1
- var/decl/special_role/deity = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/deity)
- if(!deity.current_antagonists.len)
- return
- var/count = 1
- var/deity_count = 1
- while(count <= current_antagonists.len)
- if(deity_count > deity.current_antagonists.len)
- deity_count = 1
- var/datum/mind/deity_mind = deity.current_antagonists[deity_count]
- var/datum/mind/mind = current_antagonists[count]
- add_cultist(mind, deity_mind.current)
- count++
- deity_count++
-/decl/special_role/godcultist/remove_antagonist(var/datum/mind/player, var/show_message, var/implanted)
- var/mob/living/deity/god = get_deity(player)
- if(!..())
- return 0
- remove_cultist(player, god)
- return 1
- return "\[Select Deity\]"
-/decl/special_role/godcultist/Topic(href, href_list)
- if(..())
- return 1
- if(href_list["selectgod"])
- var/list/god_list = list()
- var/decl/special_role/deity = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/deity)
- if(length(deity.current_antagonists))
- for(var/m in deity.current_antagonists)
- var/datum/mind/mind = m
- god_list += mind.current
- else
- for(var/mob/living/deity/specific_deity in global.player_list)
- god_list += specific_deity
- if(god_list.len)
- var/mob/living/deity/D = input(usr, "Select a deity for this cultist.") in null|god_list
- if(D)
- var/datum/mind/player = locate(href_list["selectgod"])
- remove_cultist(player) //Remove him from any current deity.
- add_cultist(player, D)
- log_and_message_admins("has set [key_name(player.current)] to be a minion of [key_name(D)]")
- else
- to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("There are no deities to be linked to."))
- return 1
-/decl/special_role/godcultist/proc/add_cultist(var/datum/mind/player, var/mob/living/deity/deity)
- deity.add_follower(player.current)
- player.current.add_language(/decl/language/cultcommon)
-/decl/special_role/godcultist/proc/remove_cultist(var/datum/mind/player, var/mob/living/deity/god)
- god.remove_follower(player.current)
- player.current.remove_language(/decl/language/cultcommon)
- var/decl/special_role/deity = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/deity)
- for(var/m in deity.current_antagonists)
- var/datum/mind/mind = m
- var/mob/living/deity/god = mind.current
- if(god && god.is_follower(player.current,1))
- return god
-/mob/living/proc/dpray(var/msg as text)
- set category = "Abilities"
- var/decl/special_role/godcultist/godcult = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/godcultist)
- if(!src.mind || !godcult.is_antagonist(mind))
- return
- msg = sanitize(msg)
- var/mob/living/deity/D = godcult.get_deity(mind)
- if(!D || !msg)
- return
- //Make em wait a few seconds.
- src.visible_message("\The [src] bows their head down, muttering something.", SPAN_NOTICE("You send the message \"[msg]\" to your master."))
- to_chat(D, "\The [src] (J) prays, \"[msg]\"")
- log_and_message_admins("dprayed, \"[msg]\" to \the [key_name(D)]")
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 96fc8fb54da..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- name = "shapeless creature"
- desc = "A shape of otherworldly matter, not yet ready to be unleashed into this world."
- icon = 'icons/mob/deity_big.dmi'
- icon_state = "egg"
- pixel_x = -128
- pixel_y = -128
- max_health = 100
- universal_understand = TRUE
- mob_sort_value = 5
- is_spawnable_type = FALSE
- butchery_data = null
- var/eye_type = /mob/observer/eye/freelook/cult
- var/datum/visualnet/cultnet/eyenet
- var/list/minions = list() //Minds of those who follow him
- var/list/structures = list() //The objs that this dude controls.
- var/list/feats = list()
- var/datum/god_form/form
- var/datum/current_boon
- var/mob/living/following
- . = ..()
- eyenet = new()
- eyeobj = new eye_type(get_turf(src), eyenet)
- eyeobj.possess(src)
- eyenet.add_source(src)
- . = ..()
- if(.)
- for(var/m in minions)
- var/datum/mind/M = m
- remove_follower_spells(M)
- to_chat(M.current, "Your connection has been severed! \The [src] is no more!")
- sound_to(M.current, 'sound/hallucinations/far_noise.ogg')
- SET_STATUS_MAX(M.current, STAT_WEAK, 10)
- for(var/s in structures)
- var/obj/structure/deity/S = s
- S.linked_god = null
- if(stat == DEAD)
- for(var/phenomenon in phenomena)
- remove_phenomenon(phenomenon)
- if(length(items_by_category))
- for(var/cat in items_by_category)
- var/list/L = items_by_category[cat]
- L.Cut()
- items_by_category.Cut()
- if(length(items))
- for(var/i in items)
- qdel(items[i])
- items.Cut()
- death()
- if(length(minions))
- minions.Cut()
- if(length(structures))
- structures.Cut()
- if(eyeobj)
- eyeobj.release()
- QDEL_NULL(eyeobj)
- QDEL_NULL(eyenet) //We do it here as some mobs have eyes that have access to the visualnet and we only want to destroy it when the deity is destroyed
- QDEL_NULL(form)
- return ..()
- set category = "Godhood"
- eyeobj.forceMove(get_turf(src))
- set name = "Choose Form"
- set category = "Godhood"
- var/dat = list()
- dat += {"Choose a Form
- This choice is permanent. Choose carefully, but quickly.
- Name |
- Theme |
- Description |
- var/list/forms = subtypesof(/datum/god_form)
- for(var/form in forms)
- var/datum/god_form/god = form
- var/god_name = initial(god.name)
- var/icon/god_icon = icon('icons/mob/mob.dmi', initial(god.pylon_icon_state))
- send_rsc(src,god_icon, "[god_name].png")
- dat += {"
- [god_name] |
- |
- [initial(god.info)] |
- dat += "
- show_browser(src, JOINTEXT(dat), "window=godform;can_close=0")
- form = new type(src)
- to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("You undergo a transformation into your new form!"))
- spawn(1)
- SetName(form.name)
- var/newname = sanitize(input(src, "Choose a name for your new form.", "Name change", form.name) as text, MAX_NAME_LEN)
- if(newname)
- fully_replace_character_name(newname)
- src.verbs -= /mob/living/deity/verb/choose_form
- show_browser(src, null, "window=godform")
- for(var/m in minions)
- var/datum/mind/mind = m
- var/mob/living/L = mind.current
- L.faction = form.faction
-//Gets the name based on form, or if there is no form name, type.
- if(form && form.buildables[type])
- var/list/vars = form.buildables[type]
- if(vars["name"])
- return vars["name"]
- var/atom/movable/M = type
- return initial(M.name)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_Stat.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_Stat.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6105b7f9af3..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_Stat.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- . = ..()
- if(statpanel("Status"))
- stat("Structure Num", structures.len)
- stat("Minion Num", minions.len)
- var/boon_name = "None"
- if(current_boon)
- if(istype(current_boon, /spell))
- var/spell/S = current_boon
- boon_name = S.name
- else
- var/obj/O = current_boon
- boon_name = O.name
- stat("Current Boon",boon_name)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_boons.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_boons.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index da05d9a5ff2..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_boons.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- if(current_boon)
- qdel(current_boon)
- current_boon = boon
- to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("You now have the boon [boon]"))
- if(istype(boon, /atom/movable))
- var/atom/movable/A = boon
- nano_data["boon_name"] = A.name
- A.forceMove(src)
- else if(istype(boon, /spell))
- var/spell/S = boon
- nano_data["boon_name"] = S.name
- if(istype(current_boon, /spell) && !grant_spell(L, current_boon))
- return
- else if(istype(current_boon, /obj/item))
- var/obj/item/I = current_boon
- I.dropInto(L.loc)
- var/origin_text = "on the floor"
- if(L.equip_to_appropriate_slot(I))
- origin_text = "on your body"
- else if(L.put_in_hands_or_del(I))
- origin_text = "in your hands"
- else
- var/obj/O = L.equip_to_storage(I)
- if(O)
- origin_text = "in \the [O]"
- to_chat(L, SPAN_NOTICE("It appears [origin_text]."))
- to_chat(L, SPAN_OCCULT("\The [src] grants you a boon of [current_boon]!"))
- to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("You give \the [L] a boon of [current_boon]."))
- log_and_message_admins("gave [key_name(L)] the boon [current_boon]")
- current_boon = null
- nano_data["boon_name"] = null
- return
-/mob/living/deity/proc/grant_spell(var/mob/living/target, var/spell/spell)
- var/datum/mind/M = target.mind
- for(var/s in M.learned_spells)
- var/spell/S = s
- if(istype(S, spell.type))
- to_chat(src, SPAN_WARNING("They already know that spell!"))
- return 0
- target.add_spell(spell)
- spell.set_connected_god(src)
- to_chat(target, SPAN_NOTICE("You feel a surge of power as you learn the art of [current_boon]."))
- return 1
-/* This is a generic proc used by the God to enact a sacrifice from somebody. Power is a value of magnitude.
-/mob/living/deity/proc/take_charge(var/mob/living/L, var/power)
- if(form)
- form.take_charge(L, power)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_click.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_click.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index aae71fd6257..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_click.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/mob/living/deity/ClickOn(var/atom/A, var/params)
- if(A == src)
- if(form)
- ui_interact(src)
- else
- choose_form()
- return
- var/list/modifiers = params2list(params)
- if(modifiers["shift"] || modifiers["ctrl"])
- if(silenced)
- to_chat(src, SPAN_WARNING("You cannot do that as you are silenced!"))
- else
- var/datum/phenomenon/phenomenon = get_phenomenon(modifiers["shift"], modifiers["ctrl"])
- if(phenomenon)
- phenomenon.Click(A)
- return
- if(current_boon && is_follower(A))
- grant_boon(A)
- else if(istype(A, /obj/structure/deity))
- var/obj/structure/deity/D = A
- if(D.linked_god == src)
- D.attack_deity(src)
- return
- ..()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_hud.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_hud.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 12824de9904..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_hud.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- hud_used = /datum/hud/deity
- action_intent = new /obj/screen/intent/deity(null, mymob)
- adding += action_intent
- ..()
- var/obj/screen/intent/deity/D = action_intent
- D.sync_to_mob(mymob)
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_items.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_items.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dfa6e4dc64..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_items.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- var/list/items
- var/list/items_by_category
- items = _items
- items_by_category = list()
- for(var/i in items)
- var/datum/deity_item/di = items[i]
- if(!items_by_category[di.category])
- items_by_category[di.category] = list()
- items_by_category[di.category] += di
-/mob/living/deity/proc/has_item(var/name, var/minimum_level = 1)
- if(!(name in items))
- return FALSE
- var/datum/deity_item/di = items[name]
- . = di.level >= minimum_level
- if(!(name in items))
- return FALSE
- var/datum/deity_item/di = items[name]
- if(!di.can_buy(src))
- return FALSE
- di.buy(src)
- . = TRUE
- . = 0
- if(items[name])
- var/datum/deity_item/di = items[name]
- . = di.level
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_phenomena.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_phenomena.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index a5abe64946a..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_phenomena.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- var/silenced = 0
- var/list/phenomena = list()
- var/list/intent_phenomena = list()
- var/static/list/control_types = list("control", "controlshift", "shift")
- . = ..()
- for(var/decl/intent/intent as anything in decls_repository.get_decls_of_type_unassociated(/decl/intent)) //Just in case we somehow remove/add a new intent #futureproofing
- populate_intent(intent)
- set_phenomenon(add_phenomenon(/datum/phenomenon/communicate), GET_DECL(/decl/intent/disarm), "shift")
- set_phenomenon(add_phenomenon(/datum/phenomenon/punish), GET_DECL(/decl/intent/help), "control")
- set_phenomenon(add_phenomenon(/datum/phenomenon/point), GET_DECL(/decl/intent/help), "controlshift")
- set_phenomenon(add_phenomenon(/datum/phenomenon/conversion), GET_DECL(/decl/intent/grab), "shift")
- set_phenomenon(add_phenomenon(/datum/phenomenon/forced_conversion), GET_DECL(/decl/intent/grab), "control")
- if(!silenced)
- to_chat(src, SPAN_WARNING("You've been silenced! Your phenomena are disabled!"))
- var/obj/screen/intent/deity/SD = istype(hud_used) && hud_used.action_intent
- if(istype(SD))
- SD.color = "#ff0000"
- silenced += amount
- for(var/phenom in phenomena) //Also make it so that you don't do cooldowns.
- var/datum/phenomenon/P = phenomena[phenom]
- if(P.refresh_time)
- P.refresh_time += amount
- . = ..()
- if(.)
- if(silenced > 0)
- silenced--
- if(!silenced)
- to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("You are no longer silenced."))
- var/obj/screen/intent/deity/SD = istype(hud_used) && hud_used.action_intent
- if(istype(SD))
- SD.color = null
- if(power_per_regen < 0 || power < power_min)
- adjust_power(power_per_regen)
- LAZYINITLIST(phenomena)
- for(var/P in phenomena)
- if(istype(phenomena[P], phenomena_type))
- return
- var/datum/phenomenon/P = new phenomena_type(src)
- phenomena[P.name] = P
- return P
-/mob/living/deity/proc/remove_phenomena_from_intent(decl/intent/intent, modifier, update = 1)
- var/list/intent_list = intent_phenomena[intent]
- intent_list[modifier] = null
- if(update)
- update_phenomena_bindings()
- var/datum/phenomenon/P = phenomena[to_remove]
- phenomena -= to_remove // this isn't going to work, is it?
- for(var/intent in intent_phenomena)
- var/list/intent_list = intent_phenomena[intent]
- for(var/mod in intent_list)
- if(intent_list[mod] == P)
- intent_list[mod] = null
- var/obj/screen/intent/deity/SD = istype(hud_used) && hud_used.action_intent
- if(istype(SD))
- SD.update_text()
- update_phenomena()
- update_phenomena_bindings()
- if(selected == to_remove)
- selected = null
- qdel(P)
- LAZYDISTINCTADD(intent_phenomena[intent], control_types)
-/mob/living/deity/proc/set_phenomenon(datum/phenomenon/phenomenon, decl/intent/intent, modifiers)
- if(!LAZYACCESS(intent_phenomena, intent))
- populate_intent(intent)
- var/list/intent_list = intent_phenomena[intent]
- intent_list[modifiers] = phenomenon
-/mob/living/deity/proc/get_phenomenon(shift = 0, control = 0)
- var/list/intent_list = intent_phenomena[get_intent()]
- if(intent_list)
- var/type = ""
- if(shift)
- type = "shift"
- if(control)
- type = "control[type]"
- if(intent_list[type])
- return intent_list[type]
- return null
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_power.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_power.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index ffe073b014a..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_power.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- var/power = 0
- var/power_min = 10
- var/power_per_regen = 1
- if(amount)
- power = max(0, power + amount)
-/mob/living/deity/proc/adjust_power_min(var/amount, var/silent = 0, var/msg)
- if(amount)
- power_min = max(initial(power_min), power_min + amount)
- if(!silent)
- var/feel = ""
- if(abs(amount) > 20)
- feel = " immensely"
- else if(abs(amount) > 10)
- feel = " greatly"
- if(abs(amount) >= 5)
- var/class = amount > 0 ? "notice" : "warning"
- to_chat(src, "You feel your power [amount > 0 ? "increase" : "decrease"][feel][msg ? " [msg]" : ""]")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_pylon.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_pylon.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f84dc5b339..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_pylon.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- var/image/pylon_image
- var/obj/structure/deity/pylon/pylon
- ..()
- pylon_image = image('icons/mob/mob.dmi', icon_state = form.pylon_icon_state)
- pylon_image.alpha = 180
- if(pylon)
- leave_pylon()
- pylon = P
- pylon.overlays += pylon_image
- playsound(pylon,'sound/effects/phasein.ogg',40,1)
- if(!pylon)
- return
- pylon.overlays -= pylon_image
- pylon = null
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_sources.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_sources.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index a1ec947983d..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_sources.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- if(is_follower(L, silent=1))
- return
- adjust_source(3, L)
- minions += L.mind
- var/spell/construction/C = new()
- L.add_spell(C)
- C.set_connected_god(src)
- if(form)
- L.faction = form.faction
- update_followers()
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/destroyed, L,src, PROC_REF(dead_follower))
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/death, L,src, PROC_REF(update_followers))
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/death, L,src)
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/destroyed, L,src)
- if(M.learned_spells)
- for(var/s in M.learned_spells)
- var/spell/S = s
- if(S.connected_god == src)
- M.current.remove_spell(S)
- qdel(S)
- if(!is_follower(L, silent=1))
- return
- adjust_source(-3, L)
- minions -= L.mind
- if(L.mind)
- remove_follower_spells(L.mind)
- update_followers()
-/mob/living/deity/proc/adjust_source(var/amount, var/atom/source, var/silent = 0, var/msg)
- adjust_power_min(amount, silent, msg)
- if(!ismovable(source))
- return
- if(amount > 0)
- eyenet.add_source(source)
- if(istype(source, /obj/structure/deity))
- structures |= source
- else
- eyenet.remove_source(source)
- if(istype(source, /obj/structure/deity))
- structures -= source
-/mob/living/deity/proc/is_follower(var/mob/living/L, var/silent = 0)
- if(istype(L))
- if(L.mind)
- if(L.mind in minions)
- return 1
- if(!silent)
- to_chat(src, SPAN_WARNING("You do not feel a malleable mind behind that frame."))
- return 0
-/mob/living/deity/fully_replace_character_name(var/new_name, var/in_depth = TRUE)
- if(!..())
- return 0
- for(var/m in minions)
- var/datum/mind/minion = m
- to_chat(minion.current, "Your master is now known as [new_name].")
- minion.assigned_special_role = "Servant of [new_name]"
- eyeobj.SetName("[src] ([eyeobj.name_sufix])")
- nano_data["name"] = new_name
- return 1
-//Whether we are near an important structure.
-/mob/living/deity/proc/near_structure(var/atom/A, var/all_structures = 0)
- var/turf/T = get_turf(A)
- for(var/s in structures)
- if(!all_structures)
- var/obj/structure/deity/D = s
- if(D.deity_flags & DEITY_STRUCTURE_NEAR_IMPORTANT)//If it needs to be near an important structure, it isn't important.
- continue
- if(get_dist(T, s) <= 3)
- return 1
- return 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_topic.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_topic.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ff77504393..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_topic.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- if(href_list["form"])
- var/type = locate(href_list["form"]) in subtypesof(/datum/god_form)
- if(type)
- set_form(type)
- if(href_list["select_phenomenon"])
- nano_data["phenomenaMenu"] = 1
- selected = phenomena[href_list["select_phenomenon"]]
- nano_data["selectedPhenomenaName"] = selected.name
- if(href_list["clear_selected"])
- nano_data["phenomenaMenu"] = 0
- selected = null
- nano_data["selectedPhenomenaName"] = null
- if(href_list["select_intent"])
- var/decl/intent/intent = locate(href_list["select_intent"])
- if(!istype(intent))
- var/binding = href_list["select_binding"]
- var/list/phenomenon = intent_phenomena[intent]
- if(phenomenon[binding])
- remove_phenomena_from_intent(intent, binding, 0)
- if(selected)
- set_phenomenon(selected, intent, binding)
- update_phenomena_bindings()
- if(href_list["jump"])
- var/atom/a = locate(href_list["jump"])
- var/follow = 0
- if(href_list["follow"])
- follow = 1
- if(a)
- if(following)
- stop_follow()
- eyeobj.setLoc(get_turf(a))
- if(follow)
- follow_follower(a)
- to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("[follow ? "Following" : "Jumping to"] \the [a]"))
- if(href_list["buy"])
- var/datum/deity_item/di = locate(href_list["buy"])
- if(di.can_buy(src))
- di.buy(src)
- else
- to_chat(di,SPAN_WARNING("You don't meet all the requirements for [di.name]!"))
- if(href_list["switchCategory"])
- set_nano_category(text2num(href_list["switchCategory"]))
- return 1
- if(href_list["switchMenu"])
- nano_data[href_list["menu"]] = text2num(href_list["switchMenu"])
- return ..()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_tracking.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_tracking.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 27e9d3b552d..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/deity_tracking.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- set category = "Godhood"
- if(!minions)
- return
- var/list/could_follow = list()
- for(var/m in minions)
- var/datum/mind/M = m
- if(M.current && M.current.stat != DEAD)
- could_follow += M.current
- if(!could_follow.len)
- return
- var/choice = input(src, "Jump to follower", "Teleport") as null|anything in could_follow
- if(choice)
- follow_follower(choice)
- if(!L || L.stat == DEAD || !is_follower(L, silent=1))
- return
- if(following)
- stop_follow()
- eyeobj.setLoc(get_turf(L))
- to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("You begin to follow \the [L]."))
- following = L
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/moved, L, src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/mob/living/deity, keep_following))
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/destroyed, L, src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/mob/living/deity, stop_follow))
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/death, L, src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/mob/living/deity, stop_follow))
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/moved, following, src)
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/destroyed, following, src)
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/death, following,src)
- to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("You stop following \the [following]."))
- following = null
-/mob/living/deity/proc/keep_following(var/atom/movable/moving_instance, var/atom/old_loc, var/atom/new_loc)
- eyeobj.setLoc(new_loc)
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/freelook/cultnet.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/freelook/cultnet.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 86c718fa0f5..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/freelook/cultnet.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- valid_source_types = list(/mob/living/, /obj/structure/deity)
- chunk_type = /datum/chunk/cultnet
- for(var/source in sources)
- if(isliving(source))
- var/mob/living/L = source
- if(L.stat == DEAD)
- continue
- for(var/turf/t in seen_turfs_in_range(source, world.view))
- visible[t] = t
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/freelook/mask.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/freelook/mask.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6310effcb1c..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/freelook/mask.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- name = "Mask of God"
- desc = "A terrible fracture of reality coinciding into a mirror to another world."
- living_eye = FALSE
- if(isdeity(owner))
- var/mob/living/deity/D = owner
- if(D.following)
- D.stop_follow()
- return ..()
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/blood_crafting.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/blood_crafting.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3db0c0e161d..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/blood_crafting.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- abstract_type = /datum/deity_item/blood_crafting
- desc = "Unlocks the blood smithing structure which allows followers to forge unholy tools from blood and flesh."
- category = DEITY_BLOOD_CRAFT
- max_level = 1
- base_cost = 75
- var/forge_type = /obj/structure/deity/blood_forge
- var/list/recipes = list()
- ..()
- user.form.buildables |= forge_type //put structure here
- var/list/L = user.feats[name]
- if(!L)
- L = list()
- for(var/type in recipes)
- L[type] = recipes[type]
- user.feats[name] = L
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/deity_item.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/deity_item.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7590bbb9037..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/deity_item.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-// todo: declize /datum/deity_item
- var/name
- var/desc
- var/base_cost = 1
- var/category
- var/level = 0
- var/max_level = 0
- var/list/requirements //Name of item = level of item
- if(max_level && level == max_level)
- return FALSE
- var/cost = get_cost(D)
- if(cost && D.power < cost)
- return FALSE
- if(requirements && requirements.len)
- for(var/name in requirements)
- if(!D.has_item(name,requirements[name]))
- return FALSE
- return TRUE
- D.adjust_power(-get_cost(D))
- level++
- return base_cost
- return "[level][max_level ? "/[max_level]" : ""]"
- if(!requirements)
- return "N/A"
- . = ""
- for(var/l in requirements)
- . += "[l] [requirements[l]]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/general.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/general.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index d5c21756578..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/general.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- category = "General"
- name = "Increase Potential"
- desc = "Increase the amount of natural power you regenerate."
- base_cost = 10
- ..()
- D.adjust_power_min(5)
- return base_cost + base_cost * level**2
- name = "Increase Power Syphon"
- desc = "Decreases the time it takes to charge your power."
- base_cost = 5
- ..()
- D.power_per_regen++
- return base_cost + 10 * level
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/generic.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/generic.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 665814e0788..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/items/generic.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- var/boon_path
- ..()
- if(boon_path)
- . = new boon_path()
- D.set_boon(.)
- var/phenomenon_path
- max_level = 1
- ..()
- if(level == 1 && phenomenon_path)
- D.add_phenomenon(phenomenon_path)
- D.update_phenomena()
- . = ..()
- if(istype(.,/spell))
- var/spell/S = .
- S.charge_counter = S.charge_max
- S.charge_type = Sp_CHARGES
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/menu/deity_nano.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/menu/deity_nano.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 37f488f5b61..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/menu/deity_nano.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- var/list/nano_data = list()
- var/datum/phenomenon/selected
-/mob/living/deity/ui_interact(mob/user, ui_key = "main", var/datum/nanoui/ui = null, var/force_open = 1, var/uistate = global.self_topic_state)
- if(!nano_data["categories"]) //If we don't have the categories set yet, we should populate our data.
- var/list/categories = list()
- for(var/cat in items_by_category)
- categories += cat
- nano_data["name"] = name
- nano_data["form_name"] = form.name
- nano_data["categories"] = categories
- nano_data["menu"] = 0 //0 followers, 1 shop, 2 phenomena
- nano_data["phenomenaMenu"] = 0 //0 Phenoms 1 Bindings
- set_nano_category(0)
- update_followers()
- update_phenomena()
- update_phenomena_bindings()
- else
- update_category()
- nano_data["power"] = power
- nano_data["power_min"] = power_min
- nano_data["regen"] = power_per_regen
- ui = SSnano.try_update_ui(user, src, ui_key, ui, nano_data, force_open)
- if(!ui)
- ui = new(user, src, ui_key, "deity.tmpl", "Deity Menu", 650, 600, state = uistate)
- ui.set_initial_data(nano_data)
- ui.open()
- ui.set_auto_update(TRUE)
- nano_data["category"] = num
- update_category()
- var/actual_cat = nano_data["categories"][nano_data["category"] + 1]
- var/list/cat_items = items_by_category[actual_cat]
- var/list/item_data = list()
- for(var/item in cat_items)
- var/datum/deity_item/di = item
- item_data[++item_data.len] = list("name" = di.name, "desc" = di.desc, "requirements" = di.print_requirements(), "level" = di.print_level(), "cost" = di.get_cost(), "ref" = "\ref[di]")
- nano_data["item_data"] = item_data
- var/list/follower_data = list()
- for(var/m in minions)
- var/list/minion_data = list()
- var/datum/mind/mind = m
- if(mind.current)
- if(mind.current.stat != DEAD && mind.current.loc)
- minion_data["ref"] = "\ref[mind.current]"
- minion_data["name"] = "[mind.current.name]"
- else
- minion_data["name"] = mind.name
- follower_data[++follower_data.len] = minion_data
- nano_data["followers"] = follower_data
- var/list/phenomena_data = list()
- for(var/p in phenomena)
- var/datum/phenomenon/phenomenon = phenomena[p]
- phenomena_data[++phenomena_data.len] = list("name" = p, "description" = phenomenon.desc, "cost" = phenomenon.cost, "cooldown" = phenomenon.cooldown)
- nano_data["phenomena"] = phenomena_data
- var/list/phenomena_bindings = list()
- for(var/intent in intent_phenomena)
- var/list/intent_data = list()
- for(var/binding in intent_phenomena[intent])
- var/datum/phenomenon/P = intent_phenomena[intent][binding]
- var/list/data = list()
- if(P)
- data["phenomena_name"] = P.name
- data["binding"] = binding
- intent_data[++intent_data.len] = data
- phenomena_bindings[++phenomena_bindings.len] = list("intent" = "\ref[intent]", "intent_data" = intent_data)
- nano_data["bindings"] = phenomena_bindings
- //Update the hud as well.
- var/obj/screen/intent/deity/SD = istype(hud_used) && hud_used.action_intent
- if(istype(SD))
- SD.update_text()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/_defines.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/_defines.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index e0268f37fa5..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/_defines.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#define PHENOMENA_NEAR_STRUCTURE 1 //Must be done near a structure
-#define PHENOMENA_FOLLOWER 2 //Can be done on a follower
-#define PHENOMENA_NONFOLLOWER 4 //Can be done on a nonfollower.
-#define PHENOMENA_MUNDANE 8 //Can affect mundane (no mind, no client) things.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/communication.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/communication.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b815ce00ed..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/communication.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- name = "Direct Communication"
- desc = "Communicate directly with a mortal being. You may communicate with non-followers, but they will find you easier to ignore."
- cost = 0
- expected_type = /mob/living
- var/text_to_send = sanitize(input(linked, "Subjugate a member to your will", "Message a Believer") as text)
- if(text_to_send)
- var/text_size = 4
- if(!linked.is_follower(L))
- text_size = 1
- to_chat(L, "[text_to_send]") //Note to self: make this go to ghosties
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_NOTICE("You send the message [text_to_send] to \the [L]"))
- log_and_message_admins("communicated the message \"[text_to_send]\" to [key_name(L)]", linked)
- name = "Point"
- desc = "Attract your follower's attentions to something nearby."
- cost = 0
- expected_type = /atom
- var/image/arrow
- ..()
- if(!arrow)
- arrow = image('icons/effects/markers.dmi', icon_state = "arrow", layer = POINTER_LAYER)
- var/turf/T = get_turf(a)
- arrow.loc = T
- var/list/view = view(7,T)
- for(var/m in linked.minions)
- var/datum/mind/mind = m
- if(mind.current)
- var/mob/M = mind.current
- if((M in view) && M.client)
- to_chat(M, SPAN_OCCULT("Your attention is eerily drawn to \the [a]."))
- M.client.images += arrow
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/logged_out, M, src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/datum/phenomenon/point, remove_image))
- spawn(20)
- if(M.client)
- remove_image(M)
- L.client.images -= arrow
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/logged_out, L, src)
- name = "Punish"
- desc = "Punish your followers for insubordination, the cost to use this phenomenon is based on how deadly you choose the punishment to be."
- cost = 0
- expected_type = /mob/living
- var/static/list/punishment_list = list("Pain (0)" = 0, "Light Wound (5)" = 5, "Brain Damage (10)" = 10, "Heavy Wounds (20)" = 20)
- var/pain = input(linked, "Choose their punishment.", "Punishment") as null|anything in punishment_list
- if(!pain)
- return
- if(punishment_list[pain] && linked.power < punishment_list[pain])
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_WARNING("[pain] costs too much power for you to use on \the [L]"))
- return
- ..()
- linked.adjust_power(-punishment_list[pain])
- switch(pain)
- if("Pain (0)")
- L.take_damage(15, PAIN)
- to_chat(L, SPAN_WARNING("You feel intense disappointment coming at you from beyond the veil."))
- if("Light Wound (5)")
- L.take_damage(5)
- to_chat(L, SPAN_WARNING("You feel an ethereal whip graze your very soul!"))
- if("Brain Damage (10)")
- L.take_damage(5, BRAIN)
- to_chat(L, SPAN_DANGER("You feel your mind breaking under a otherwordly hammer..."))
- if("Heavy Wounds (20)")
- L.take_damage(25)
- to_chat(L, SPAN_DANGER("You feel your master turn its destructive potential against you!"))
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_NOTICE("You punish \the [L]."))
- log_admin("[key_name(linked)] used Punishment [pain] on \the [key_name(L)]")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/conjuration.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/conjuration.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index d7dd22f3e26..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/conjuration.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- object_type = /obj/structure/closet
- name = "Dimensional Locker"
- cost = 10
- desc = "Summon a trans-dimensional locker anywhere within your influence. You may transport objects and things, but not people in it."
-/datum/phenomenon/movable_object/dimensional_locker/activate(var/atom/a, var/mob/living/deity/user)
- var/list/mobs_inside = list()
- recursive_content_check(object_to_move, mobs_inside, client_check = 0, sight_check = 0, include_objects = 0)
- for(var/i in mobs_inside)
- var/mob/M = i
- M.dropInto(object_to_move.loc)
- to_chat(M,SPAN_WARNING("You are suddenly flung out of \the [object_to_move]!"))
- ..()
- name = "Portals"
- desc = "Summon a portal linked to the last portal you've created. The portal will be destroyed if it is not linked when someone crosses it."
- cost = 30
- expected_type = /atom
- var/list/portals = list()
-/datum/phenomenon/portals/activate(var/atom/a, var/mob/living/deity/user)
- ..()
- var/obj/effect/portal/P = new(get_turf(a), null, 0)
- P.failchance = 0
- portals += P
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/destroyed, P,src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/datum/phenomenon/portals, remove_portal))
- if(portals.len > 2)
- var/removed = portals[1]
- remove_portal(removed)
- qdel(removed)
- if(portals.len > 1)
- var/obj/effect/portal/P1 = portals[1]
- var/obj/effect/portal/P2 = portals[2]
- P1.target = get_turf(P2)
- P2.target = get_turf(P1)
- portals -= portal
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/destroyed, portal,src)
- var/turf/T = get_turf(portal)
- for(var/obj/effect/portal/P in portals)
- if(P.target == T)
- P.target = null
- name = "Banishing Smite"
- desc = "Deal a terrible blow to a mortal. If they are hurt enough ,they will find themselves trapped in a rift for 30 seconds."
- cost = 70
- cooldown = 300
- expected_type = /mob/living
-/datum/phenomenon/banishing_smite/activate(var/mob/living/L, var/mob/living/deity/user)
- ..()
- L.take_overall_damage(rand(5,30),0,0,0,"blunt intrument") //Actual spell does 5d10 but maaaybe too much.
- playsound(get_turf(L), 'sound/effects/bamf.ogg', 100, 1)
- to_chat(L, SPAN_DANGER("Something hard hits you!"))
- if(L.current_health < L.get_max_health()/2) //If it reduces past 50%
- var/obj/effect/rift/R = new(get_turf(L))
- L.visible_message(SPAN_DANGER("\The [L] is quickly sucked into \a [R]!"))
- L.forceMove(R)
- spawn(300)
- qdel(R)
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/conversion.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/conversion.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f0954c9135..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/conversion.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- name = "Conversion"
- desc = "Ask a non-follower to convert to your cult. This is completely voluntary. Requires the subject to be close to an altar."
- cost = 20
- expected_type = /mob/living
- if(!..())
- return 0
- var/is_good = 0
- for(var/obj/structure/deity/altar/A in linked.structures)
- if(get_dist(target, A) < 2)
- is_good = 1
- break
- if(!is_good)
- to_chat(linked,SPAN_WARNING("\The [target] needs to be near \a [linked.get_type_name(/obj/structure/deity/altar)]."))
- return 0
- return 1
- to_chat(src,SPAN_NOTICE("You give \the [L] a chance to willingly convert. May they choose wisely."))
- var/choice = alert(L, "You feel a weak power enter your mind attempting to convert it.", "Conversion", "Allow Conversion", "Deny Conversion")
- if(choice == "Allow Conversion")
- var/decl/special_role/godcultist/godcult = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/godcultist)
- godcult.add_antagonist_mind(L.mind,1, "Servant of [linked]", "You willingly give your mind to it, may it bring you fortune.", specific_god=linked)
- else
- to_chat(L, SPAN_WARNING("With little difficulty you force the intrusion out of your mind. May it stay that way."))
- to_chat(src, SPAN_WARNING("\The [L] decides not to convert."))
- name = "Forced Conversion"
- desc = "Force a non-follower to join you. They need to be on top of an altar and conscious for this to work. They may resist, but that will hurt them."
- cost = 100
- expected_type = /mob/living
- if(!..())
- return 0
- var/obj/structure/deity/altar/A = locate() in get_turf(L)
- if(!A || A.linked_god != linked)
- to_chat(linked,SPAN_WARNING("\The [L] needs to be on \a [linked.get_type_name(/obj/structure/deity/altar)] to be forcefully converted."))
- return 0
- return 1
- var/obj/structure/deity/altar/A = locate() in get_turf(L)
- A.set_target(L)
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_NOTICE("You imbue \the [A] with your power, setting forth to force \the [L] to your will."))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/generic.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/generic.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3163ea42ab5..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/generic.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- var/object_type
- var/atom/movable/object_to_move
- expected_type = /atom
- ..()
- add_object()
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/destroyed, object_to_move,src)
- if(!object_to_move.loc)
- QDEL_NULL(object_to_move)
- . = ..()
- if(object_to_move)
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/destroyed, object_to_move,src)
- object_to_move = new object_type()
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/destroyed, object_to_move, src, PROC_REF(add_object))
-/datum/phenomenon/movable_object/activate(var/atom/a, var/mob/living/deity/user)
- ..()
- if(object_to_move == a)
- object_to_move.forceMove(null) //Move to null space
- else
- var/turf/T = get_turf(a)
- //No dense turf/stuff
- if(T.density)
- return
- for(var/i in T)
- var/atom/A = i
- if(A.density)
- return
- object_to_move.forceMove(T)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/narsie.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/narsie.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a94ae441cb..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/narsie.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- name = "Exhude Blood"
- desc = "Take pity on a follower, converting a pitance of your power into blood. Don't let them forget your mercy."
- cost = 20
- expected_type = /mob/living/human
- if(!..())
- return 0
- if(!H.should_have_organ(BP_HEART) || H.vessel.total_volume == H.species.blood_volume)
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_WARNING("\The [H] doesn't require anymore blood."))
- return 0
- return 1
-/datum/phenomenon/exude_blood/activate(var/mob/living/human/H, var/mob/living/deity/user)
- H.adjust_blood(30)
- to_chat(H,SPAN_NOTICE("You feel a rush as new blood enters your system."))
- name = "Reveal Hellscape"
- desc = "Show a non-follower what awaits their souls after you are through with them."
- cost = 60
- cooldown = 450
- expected_type = /mob/living
- var/static/list/creepy_notes = list("Your knees give out as an unnatural screaming rings your ears.",
- "You breathe in ash and decay, your lungs gasping for air as your body gives way to the floor.",
- "An extreme pressure comes over you, as if an unknown force has marked you.")
- to_chat(L, "[pick(creepy_notes)]")
- L.damageoverlaytemp = 100
- sound_to(L, 'sound/hallucinations/far_noise.ogg')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/phenomena.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/phenomena.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d28ab5fc6e..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/phenomena.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- var/name = "Phenomena"
- var/desc = "This has no desc."
- var/cost = 0
- var/mob/living/deity/linked
- var/flags = 0
- var/cooldown = 10
- var/refresh_time = 0
- var/expected_type
- linked = master
- ..()
- linked.remove_phenomenon(src)
- return ..()
- if(can_activate(target))
- linked.adjust_power(-cost)
- refresh_time = world.time + cooldown
- activate(target)
- if(!linked)
- return 0
- if(refresh_time > world.time)
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] is still on cooldown for [round((refresh_time - world.time)/10)] more seconds!"))
- return 0
- if(!linked.form)
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_WARNING("You must choose your form first!"))
- return 0
- if(expected_type && !istype(target,expected_type))
- return 0
- if(!linked.near_structure(target, 1))
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_WARNING("\The [target] needs to be near a holy structure for your powers to work!"))
- return 0
- if(isliving(target))
- var/mob/living/L = target
- if(!L.mind || !L.client)
- if(!(flags & PHENOMENA_MUNDANE))
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_WARNING("\The [L]'s mind is too mundane for you to influence."))
- return 0
- else
- if(linked.is_follower(target, silent = 1))
- if(!(flags & PHENOMENA_FOLLOWER))
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_WARNING("You can't use [name] on the flock!"))
- return 0
- else if(!(flags & PHENOMENA_NONFOLLOWER))
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_WARNING("You can't use [name] on non-believers."))
- return 0
- if(cost > linked.power)
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_WARNING("You need more power to use [name] (Need [cost] power, have [linked.power])!"))
- return 0
- return 1
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_NOTICE("You use the phenomenon [name] on \the [target]"))
- log_and_message_admins("uses the phenomenon [name] on \the [target]", linked, get_turf(target))
- return
- . = desc
- if(cooldown)
- . = "Cooldown: [cooldown/10] seconds. [.]"
- if(cost)
- . = "Cost: [cost] power. [.]"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/starlight.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/starlight.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1351a50a892..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/starlight.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
- name = "Bestow Heraldry"
- desc = "Turn one of your followers into a herald of your coming."
- cost = 100
- cooldown = 60 SECONDS
- expected_type = /mob/living/human
- var/static/list/possible_forms = list(
- "Champion" = list("description" = "A protector of the faith. Fully protected by knightly armor, a Champion can shoot fire from their hands.",
- "armor" = /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/sunsuit,
- "helm" = /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/sunhelm,
- "extension" = /datum/extension/deity_be_near/champion,
- "spells" = list(/spell/hand/duration/sunwrath)
- ),
- "Oracle" = list("description" = "A preacher of the faith, the Oracle gives off heavenly light that they can use to heal followers and stun enemies.",
- "armor" = /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/sunrobe,
- "extension" = /datum/extension/deity_be_near/oracle,
- "spells" = list(/spell/targeted/glimpse_of_eternity)
- ),
- "Traitor" = list("description" = "Believers that reject the sun god's blessings, instead reveling in the shadows. Can turn invisible when its dark, and can move unprotected in space.",
- "armor" = /obj/item/clothing/suit/space/shadowsuit,
- "helm" = /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/space/shadowhood,
- "extension" = /datum/extension/deity_be_near/traitor,
- "spells" = list(/spell/veil_of_shadows)
- )
- )
- if(!..())
- return FALSE
- return valid_for_herald(a)
- var/mob/living/human/H = a
- if(!istype(H))
- return FALSE
- var/obj/item/I = H.get_equipped_item(slot_wear_suit_str)
- if(I)
- var/datum/extension/deity_be_near/dbn = get_extension(I, /datum/extension/deity_be_near)
- if(dbn)
- return FALSE
- return TRUE
-/datum/phenomenon/herald/proc/equip_slot(var/mob/living/L, var/slot_id, var/new_item)
- var/equipped = L.get_equipped_slot_for_item(slot_id)
- if(equipped)
- L.try_unequip(equipped, get_turf(L))
- L.equip_to_slot_if_possible(new_item, slot_id)
-/datum/phenomenon/herald/Topic(var/href, var/list/href_list)
- if(..())
- return 1
- if(usr != linked)
- return 1
- if(href_list["herald"])
- var/list/form = possible_forms[href_list["herald"]]
- var/mob/living/L = locate(href_list["target"])
- var/turf/T = get_turf(L)
- if(!L || !valid_for_herald(L) || !form)
- return 1
- var/type = form["armor"]
- var/obj/item/I = new type(T)
- var/datum/extension/deity_be_near/extension = set_extension(I, form["extension"], linked)
- L.equip_to_slot_or_store_or_drop(I, slot_wear_suit_str)
- if(form["helm"])
- var/h_type = form["helm"]
- var/obj/item/helm = new h_type(T)
- L.equip_to_slot_or_store_or_drop(helm, slot_head_str)
- extension.expected_helmet = helm.type //We only do by type because A. its easier to manage and B the chances of it being non-unique in a normal game is very small
- if(form["weapon"])
- var/w_type = form["weapon"]
- L.put_in_hands_or_store_or_drop(new w_type(T))
- if(form["spells"])
- for(var/s in form["spells"])
- var/spell/boon = new s
- boon.set_connected_god(linked)
- L.add_spell(boon)
- to_chat(L, "You have been chosen by your master to lead your fellow followers into the next age of rebirth.
You have been granted powerful armor and a powerful spell. Don't lose them, as they are your key to your divinity and leadership.
You also have particular sway over your deity's structures.")
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_NOTICE("\The [L] is now your herald!"))
- linked.remove_phenomenon(name)
- show_browser(linked, null, "window=herald")
- var/list/html = list()
- html += "Heralds
- html += "
Pick the type of herald you want."
- html += "Name | Description |
- for(var/type in possible_forms)
- var/list/form = possible_forms[type]
- html += "[type] | [form["description"]] |
- html += "
- show_browser(linked, jointext(html,null), "window=herald")
- name = "Create Gateway"
- desc = "Creates a gateway from this world to the next. Gateways syphon absurd amounts of power but can be sacrificed to summon powerful minions."
- cost = 200
- expected_type = /atom
- if(!..())
- return 0
- if(istype(a, /obj/structure/deity/gateway))
- var/obj/structure/deity/gateway/G = a
- if(G.linked_god == linked)
- return 1
- var/turf/T = get_turf(a)
- if(!T || T.density)
- return 0
- for(var/i in T)
- var/atom/at = i
- if(at.density)
- return 0
- return 1
- ..()
- if(istype(a, /obj/structure/deity/gateway))
- qdel(a)
- else
- new /obj/structure/deity/gateway(get_turf(a), linked)
- name = "Flickering Whisper"
- desc = "Whisper to a non-believer, allowing you to intrude on their thoughts and see what they see."
- expected_type = /mob/living
- var/atom/whisper_from
- for(var/obj/structure/deity/radiant_statue/rs in view(3, L))
- whisper_from = rs
- break
- var/message = sanitize(input(linked, "What is your message?", null) as null|text)
- if(!linked || !message || QDELETED(src))
- return
- to_chat(L, SPAN_OCCULT("[whisper_from ? "The [whisper_from] speaks to you" : "You hear a whisper say"] \"[message]\""))
- linked.eyenet.add_source(L)
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/destroyed, L, src, PROC_REF(deactivate_look))
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(deactivate_look), L), 30 SECONDS)
- if(!linked.is_follower(viewer)) //Don't remove if they are follower
- linked.eyenet.remove_source(viewer)
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/destroyed, viewer, src)
- name = "Burning Glare"
- desc = "Burn a victim. If they are burnt enough, you'll set them ablaze."
- cost = 100
- cooldown = 30 SECONDS
- expected_type = /mob/living
- ..()
- to_chat(L, SPAN_DANGER("You feel yourself burn!"))
- L.take_damage(10, BURN)
- if(L.get_damage(BURN) > 60)
- L.fire_stacks += 50
- L.IgniteMob()
- name = "Divine Right"
- desc = "Trigger your rebirth into the body of someone wearing a herald's uniform. This takes time, requires 3 open gateways, and if the body is destroyed during the ritual... so are you. But once complete, you become an unstoppable demigod of unnatural power."
- cost = 300
- cooldown = 180 SECONDS
- expected_type = /mob/living
- if(!..())
- return FALSE
- var/active_gateways = 0
- for(var/obj/structure/deity/gateway/G in linked.structures)
- active_gateways += 1
- if(active_gateways < 3)
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_WARNING("You do not have enough gateways activated."))
- return FALSE
- var/obj/O = L.get_equipped_item(slot_wear_suit_str)
- if(O && has_extension(O, /datum/extension/deity_be_near))
- var/datum/extension/deity_be_near/dbn = get_extension(O, /datum/extension/deity_be_near)
- if(dbn.wearing_full())
- return TRUE
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_WARNING("\The [L] is not wearing a herald's uniform."))
- return FALSE
- ..()
- to_chat(L, SPAN_OCCULT("Your soul is ripped from your body as your master prepares to possess it."))
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_OCCULT("You prepare the body for possession. Keep it safe. If it is totally destroyed, you will die."))
- L.ghostize()
- new /obj/aura/starborn(L)
- L.status_flags |= GODMODE
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/destroyed, L,src,PROC_REF(fail_ritual))
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(succeed_ritual), L), 600 SECONDS) //6 minutes
- for(var/mob/living/player in global.player_list)
- sound_to(player, 'sound/effects/cascade.ogg')
- if(player?.mind?.assigned_job?.is_holy)
- to_chat(player, SPAN_OCCULT("Something bad is coming.... you know you don't have much time. Find and destroy the vessel, before its too late."))
- else if(player != linked && !linked.is_follower(player, silent = 1))
- to_chat(player, SPAN_WARNING("The world swims around you for just a moment... something is wrong. Very wrong."))
- else
- to_chat(player, SPAN_NOTICE("Your Master is being reborn into the body of \the [L]. Protect it at all costs."))
- qdel(linked)
- to_chat(linked, SPAN_OCCULT("You have been reborn! Your power is limited here, focused on your body, but in return you are both eternal and physical."))
- for(var/mob/living/player in global.player_list)
- sound_to(player, 'sound/effects/cascade.ogg')
- to_chat(player, SPAN_OCCULT("\The [linked] has been born into flesh. Kneel to its authority or else."))
- linked.mind.transfer_to(L)
- L.SetName("[linked] Incarnate")
- L.real_name = "[linked] Incarnate"
- name = "Wisp"
- desc = "Creates or moves a small ball of light for your followers to use."
- cost = 30
- object_type = /obj/item/flashlight/slime
- ..()
- object_to_move.SetName("wisp")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/transmutation.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/transmutation.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 381e885d318..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/phenomena/transmutation.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- name = "Warp Body"
- desc = "Corrupt a mortal being, causing their DNA to break and their body to fail on them."
- cost = 90
- cooldown = 300
- expected_type = /mob/living
- ..()
- L.take_damage(20, CLONE)
- to_chat(L, SPAN_DANGER("You feel your body warp and change underneath you!"))
- name = "Rock Form"
- desc = "Convert your mortal followers into immortal stone beings."
- cost = 300
- expected_type = /mob/living/human
- ..()
- to_chat(H, SPAN_DANGER("You feel your body harden as it rapidly is transformed into living crystal!"))
- H.change_species(SPECIES_GOLEM)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/say.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/say.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dab1a38aa3..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/mobs/say.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/mob/living/deity/say(var/message, var/decl/language/speaking = null, var/verb="says")
- if(!..())
- return 0
- if(pylon)
- pylon.audible_message("\The [pylon] reverberates, \"[message]\"")
- else
- for(var/m in minions)
- var/datum/mind/mind = m
- to_chat(mind.current, "[message]")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/overrides.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/overrides.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index c052abdf9a2..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/overrides.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- var/decl/special_role/godcult = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/godcultist)
- return ..() || (user.mind in godcult.current_antagonists)
-/datum/reagents/Topic(href, href_list)
- . = ..()
- if(!. && href_list["deconvert"])
- var/list/data = REAGENT_DATA(src, /decl/material/liquid/water)
- if(LAZYACCESS(data, "holy"))
- var/mob/living/target = locate(href_list["deconvert"])
- if(istype(target) && !QDELETED(target) && target.mind)
- var/decl/special_role/godcult = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/godcultist)
- godcult.remove_antagonist(target.mind, TRUE)
-/decl/material/liquid/water/affect_holy(mob/living/M, removed, datum/reagents/holder)
- . = ..()
- if(.)
- return .
- var/decl/special_role/godcult = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/godcultist)
- if(M.mind && godcult.is_antagonist(M.mind))
- if(REAGENT_VOLUME(holder, type) > 5)
- M.take_damage(5, PAIN, do_update_health = FALSE)
- M.take_damage(1, BRUTE)
- if(prob(10)) //Only annoy them a /bit/
- to_chat(M, SPAN_DANGER("You feel your insides curdle and burn! \[Give Into Purity\]"))
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/screen/intent.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/screen/intent.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f5b18b6aaa..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/screen/intent.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- var/list/desc_screens = list()
- screen_loc = "RIGHT-5:122,BOTTOM:8"
- . = ..()
- cut_overlays()
- add_overlay(image('icons/mob/screen/phenomena.dmi', icon_state = "hud", pixel_x = -138, pixel_y = -1))
- compile_overlays()
- var/mob/living/deity/deity = mob
- for(var/i in 1 to deity.control_types.len)
- var/obj/screen/deity_marker/S = new(null, deity)
- desc_screens[deity.control_types[i]] = S
- S.screen_loc = screen_loc
- //This sets it up right. Trust me.
- S.maptext_y = 33/2*i - i*i/2 - 10
- deity.client.screen += S
- update_text()
- var/mob/living/deity/deity = usr
- var/mob/owner = owner_ref?.resolve()
- if(!istype(deity) || !istype(owner) || owner != deity)
- return
- var/decl/intent/intent = owner.get_intent()
- for(var/i in deity.control_types)
- var/obj/screen/deity_marker/S = desc_screens[i]
- var/datum/phenomenon/P = deity.intent_phenomena[intent][i]
- if(P)
- S.maptext = "[P.name]"
- else
- S.maptext = null
-/obj/screen/intent/deity/handle_click(mob/user, params)
- ..()
- update_text()
- name = "" //Don't want them to be able to actually right click it.
- icon_state = "blank"
- maptext_width = 128
- maptext_x = -125
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/boon.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/boon.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 269a0b4bc4c..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/boon.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- var/mob/living/deity/connected_god //Do we have this spell based off a boon from a god?
- connected_god = god
-// todo: godform check_charge to parallel take_charge. currently a boon always succeeds
-/spell/take_charge(mob/user, skipcharge)
- if(connected_god)
- return connected_god.take_charge(user, max(1, charge_max/10))
- return ..()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/construction.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/construction.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0005154ad6e..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/construction.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- name = "Basic Construction"
- desc = "This ability will let you summon a structure of your choosing."
- cast_delay = 10
- charge_max = 100
- spell_flags = Z2NOCAST
- invocation = "none"
- invocation_type = SpI_NONE
- hud_state = "const_wall"
- cast_sound = 'sound/effects/meteorimpact.ogg'
- var/list/possible_targets = list()
- if(connected_god && connected_god.form)
- for(var/type in connected_god.form.buildables)
- var/cost = 10
- if(ispath(type, /obj/structure/deity))
- var/obj/structure/deity/D = type
- cost = initial(D.build_cost)
- possible_targets["[connected_god.get_type_name(type)] - [cost]"] = list(cost, type)
- var/choice = input("Construct to build.", "Construction") as null|anything in possible_targets
- if(!choice)
- return
- if(locate(/obj/structure/deity) in get_turf(holder))
- return
- return possible_targets[choice]
- else
- return
-/spell/construction/cast_check(var/skipcharge, var/mob/user, var/list/targets)
- if(!..())
- return 0
- var/turf/T = get_turf(user)
- if(skipcharge && !valid_deity_structure_spot(targets[CONSTRUCT_SPELL_TYPE], T, connected_god, user))
- return 0
- else
- for(var/obj/O in T)
- if(O.density)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("Something here is blocking your construction!"))
- return 0
- return 1
-/spell/construction/cast(var/target, mob/user)
- charge_max = target[CONSTRUCT_SPELL_COST]
- target = target[CONSTRUCT_SPELL_TYPE]
- var/turf/T = get_turf(user)
- new target(T, connected_god)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/open_gateway.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/open_gateway.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index db83a05c891..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/open_gateway.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- name = "Open Gateway"
- desc = "Open a gateway for your master. Don't do it for too long, or you will die."
- charge_max = 600
- spell_flags = Z2NOCAST
- invocation = "none"
- invocation_type = SpI_NONE
- number_of_channels = 0
- time_between_channels = 200
- hud_state = "const_wall"
- cast_sound = 'sound/effects/meteorimpact.ogg'
- var/mob/living/spellcaster = holder
- var/turf/source_turf = get_turf(spellcaster)
- holder.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("A gateway opens up underneath \the [spellcaster]!"))
- var/deity
- var/decl/special_role/godcultist/godcult = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/godcultist)
- if(spellcaster.mind && (spellcaster.mind in godcult.current_antagonists))
- deity = godcult.get_deity(spellcaster.mind)
- return list(new /obj/structure/deity/gateway(source_turf, deity))
-/spell/open_gateway/cast(var/list/targets, var/mob/holder, var/channel_count)
- if(prob((channel_count / 5) * 100))
- to_chat(holder, SPAN_DANGER("If you hold the portal open for much longer you'll be ripped apart!"))
- if(channel_count == 6)
- to_chat(holder, SPAN_DANGER("The gateway consumes you... leaving nothing but dust."))
- holder.dust()
- QDEL_NULL_LIST(targets)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/vision.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/vision.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index dabe6cf4fca..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/spells/vision.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- name = "All Seeing Eye"
- desc = "See what your master sees."
- charge_max = 10
- spell_flags = Z2NOCAST
- invocation = "none"
- invocation_type = SpI_NONE
- extension_type = /datum/extension/eye/freelook
- hud_state = "gen_mind"
- ..()
- var/datum/extension/eye/freelook/fl = get_extension(src, /datum/extension/eye)
- if(!fl)
- return
- fl.set_visualnet(god.eyenet)
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/altar.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/altar.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 888e4c935a9..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/altar.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- name = "altar"
- desc = "A structure made for the express purpose of religion."
- current_health = 50
- power_adjustment = 5
- build_cost = 1000
- var/mob/living/target
- var/cycles_before_converted = 5
- var/next_cycle = 0
- if(target)
- remove_target()
- if(linked_god)
- to_chat(src, SPAN_DANGER("You've lost an altar!"))
- return ..()
-/obj/structure/deity/altar/grab_attack(obj/item/grab/grab, mob/user)
- var/mob/living/victim = grab.get_affecting_mob()
- if(grab.force_danger() && istype(victim))
- victim.dropInto(loc)
- user.visible_message(SPAN_WARNING("\The [user] throws \the [victim] onto \the [src]!"))
- qdel(grab)
- return TRUE
- return ..()
- if(!target || world.time < next_cycle)
- return
- if(!linked_god || target.stat)
- to_chat(linked_god, SPAN_WARNING("\The [target] has lost consciousness, breaking \the [src]'s hold on their mind!"))
- remove_target()
- return
- next_cycle = world.time + 10 SECONDS
- cycles_before_converted--
- if(!cycles_before_converted)
- src.visible_message("For one thundering moment, \the [target] cries out in pain before going limp and broken.")
- var/decl/special_role/godcultist/godcult = GET_DECL(/decl/special_role/godcultist)
- godcult.add_antagonist_mind(target.mind,1, "Servant of [linked_god]","Your loyalty may be faulty, but you know that it now has control over you...", specific_god=linked_god)
- remove_target()
- return
- switch(cycles_before_converted)
- if(4)
- text = "You can't think straight..."
- if(3)
- text = "You feel like your thought are being overriden..."
- if(2)
- text = "You can't... concentrate... must... resist!"
- if(1)
- text = "Can't... resist... anymore."
- to_chat(linked_god, SPAN_WARNING("\The [target] is getting close to conversion!"))
- to_chat(target, "[text]. Resist Conversion")
-//Used for force conversion.
- if(target || !linked_god)
- return
- cycles_before_converted = initial(cycles_before_converted)
- target = L
- update_icon()
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/destroyed, L,src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/obj/structure/deity/altar, remove_target))
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/moved, L, src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/obj/structure/deity/altar, remove_target))
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/death, L, src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/obj/structure/deity/altar, remove_target))
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/destroyed, target, src)
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/moved, target, src)
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/death, target, src)
- target = null
- update_icon()
-/obj/structure/deity/altar/OnTopic(var/user, var/list/href_list)
- if(href_list["resist"])
- var/mob/living/M = locate(href_list["resist"])
- if(!istype(M) || target != M || M.stat || M.is_on_special_ability_cooldown())
- M.set_special_ability_cooldown(10 SECONDS)
- M.visible_message(SPAN_WARNING("\The [M] writhes on top of \the [src]!"), SPAN_NOTICE("You struggle against the intruding thoughts, keeping them at bay!"))
- to_chat(linked_god, SPAN_WARNING("\The [M] slows its conversion through willpower!"))
- cycles_before_converted++
- if(prob(50))
- to_chat(M, SPAN_DANGER("The mental strain is too much for you! You feel your body weakening!"))
- M.take_damage(15, TOX, do_update_health = FALSE)
- M.take_damage(30, PAIN)
- ..()
- if(target)
- add_overlay(image('icons/effects/effects.dmi', icon_state = "summoning"))
-/obj/structure/deity/altar/nullrod_act(mob/user, obj/item/nullrod/rod)
- if(!linked_god.silenced) //Don't want them to infinity spam it.
- linked_god.silence(10)
- new /obj/effect/temporary(get_turf(src),'icons/effects/effects.dmi',"purple_electricity_constant", 10)
- visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("\The [src] groans in protest as reality settles around \the [rod]."))
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/blood_forge.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/blood_forge.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b23da40630..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/blood_forge.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- name = "unholy forge"
- desc = "This forge gives off no heat, no light, its flames look almost unnatural."
- icon_state = "forge"
- build_cost = 1000
- current_health = 50
- var/busy = 0
- var/recipe_feat_list = "Blood Crafting"
- var/text_modifications = list(
- "Cost" = "Blood",
- "Dip" = "fire. Pain envelops you as blood seeps out of your hands and you begin to shape it into something more useful",
- "Shape" = "You shape the fire as more and more blood comes out.",
- "Out" = "flames"
- )
- power_adjustment = 2
- if(!linked_god || !linked_god.is_follower(user, silent = 1) || !ishuman(user))
- return ..()
- var/list/recipes = linked_god.feats[recipe_feat_list]
- if(!recipes)
- return TRUE
- var/dat = "Recipes
Item - [text_modifications["Cost"]] Cost
- for(var/type in recipes)
- var/atom/a = type
- var/cost = recipes[type]
- dat += "[initial(a.name)] - [cost]
- show_browser(user, dat, "window=forge")
- return TRUE
- if(!linked_god || !linked_god.is_follower(user, silent = 1) || !ishuman(user))
- return ..()
-/obj/structure/deity/blood_forge/OnTopic(var/user, var/list/href_list)
- if(href_list["make_recipe"])
- var/list/recipes = linked_god.feats[recipe_feat_list]
- var/type = locate(href_list["make_recipe"]) in recipes
- if(type)
- var/cost = recipes[type]
- craft_item(type, cost, user)
-/obj/structure/deity/blood_forge/proc/craft_item(var/path, var/blood_cost, var/mob/user)
- if(busy)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("Someone is already using \the [src]!"))
- return
- busy = 1
- to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You dip your hands into \the [src]'s [text_modifications["Dip"]]"))
- for(var/count = 0, count < blood_cost/10, count++)
- if(!do_after(user, 50,src))
- busy = 0
- return
- user.visible_message("\The [user] swirls their hands in \the [src].", text_modifications["Shape"])
- if(linked_god)
- linked_god.take_charge(user, 10)
- var/obj/item/I = new path(get_turf(src))
- user.visible_message("\The [user] pull out \the [I] from the [text_modifications["Out"]].", "You pull out the completed [I] from the [text_modifications["Out"]].")
- busy = 0
-/obj/structure/deity/blood_forge/proc/take_charge(var/mob/living/user, var/charge)
- if(linked_god)
- linked_god.take_charge(user, charge)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/pylon.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/pylon.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b977e2726d..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/pylon.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- name = "pylon"
- desc = "A crystal platform used to communicate with the deity."
- build_cost = 400
- icon = 'icons/obj/structures/pylon.dmi'
- icon_state = "pylon"
- var/list/intuned = list()
- if(D.pylon == src)
- D.leave_pylon()
- else
- D.possess_pylon(src)
- if(linked_god && linked_god.pylon == src)
- linked_god.leave_pylon()
- return ..()
- if(!linked_god)
- return FALSE
- if(L in intuned)
- remove_intuned(L)
- else
- add_intuned(L)
- return TRUE
- if(L in intuned)
- return
- to_chat(L, SPAN_NOTICE("You place your hands on \the [src], feeling yourself intune to its vibrations."))
- intuned += L
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/destroyed, L,src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/obj/structure/deity/pylon, remove_intuned))
- if(!(L in intuned))
- return
- to_chat(L, SPAN_WARNING("You no longer feel intuned to \the [src]."))
- intuned -= L
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/destroyed, L, src)
-/obj/structure/deity/pylon/OnTopic(var/mob/living/human/user, var/href_list)
- if(href_list["vision_jump"])
- if(istype(user))
- to_chat(user,SPAN_WARNING("You feel your body lurch uncomfortably as your consciousness jumps to \the [src]"))
- if(prob(5))
- user.vomit()
- else
- to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You jump to \the [src]"))
- if(user.eyeobj)
- user.eyeobj.setLoc(locate(href_list["vision_jump"]))
- else
- CRASH("[user] does not have an eyeobj")
- . = ..()
-/obj/structure/deity/pylon/hear_talk(mob/M, text, verb, decl/language/speaking)
- if(!linked_god)
- return
- if(linked_god.pylon != src)
- if(!(M in intuned))
- return
- for(var/obj/structure/deity/pylon/P in linked_god.structures)
- if(P == src || linked_god.pylon == P)
- continue
- P.audible_message("\The [P] resonates, \"[text]\"")
- to_chat(linked_god, "[html_icon(src)] [M] (P) [verb], [linked_god.pylon == src ? "" : ""]\"[text]\"[linked_god.pylon == src ? "" : ""]")
- if(linked_god.minions.len)
- for(var/minion in linked_god.minions)
- var/datum/mind/mind = minion
- if(mind.current && mind.current.eyeobj) //If it is currently having a vision of some sort
- to_chat(mind.current,"[html_icon(src)] [M] (J) [verb], \"[text]\"")
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/structures.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/structures.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d9ea65b30..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/structures.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/proc/valid_deity_structure_spot(var/type, var/turf/target, var/mob/living/deity/deity, var/mob/living/user)
- var/obj/structure/deity/D = type
- var/flags = initial(D.deity_flags)
- if(flags & DEITY_STRUCTURE_NEAR_IMPORTANT && !deity.near_structure(target))
- if(user)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You need to be near \a [deity.get_type_name(/obj/structure/deity/altar)] to build this!"))
- return 0
- for(var/structure in deity.structures)
- if(istype(structure,type) && get_dist(target,structure) <= 3)
- if(user)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You are too close to another [deity.get_type_name(type)]!"))
- return 0
- return 1
- icon = 'icons/obj/cult.dmi'
- max_health = 10
- density = TRUE
- anchored = TRUE
- icon_state = "tomealtar"
- is_spawnable_type = FALSE // will usually runtime without a linked god
- var/mob/living/deity/linked_god
- var/power_adjustment = 1 //How much power we get/lose
- var/build_cost = 0 //How much it costs to build this item.
-/obj/structure/deity/Initialize(mapload, var/god)
- . = ..(mapload)
- if(god)
- linked_god = god
- linked_god.form.sync_structure(src)
- linked_god.adjust_source(power_adjustment, src)
- if(linked_god)
- linked_god.adjust_source(-power_adjustment, src)
- linked_god = null
- return ..()
-/obj/structure/deity/attackby(obj/item/W, mob/user)
- user.setClickCooldown(DEFAULT_ATTACK_COOLDOWN)
- user.do_attack_animation(src)
- playsound(get_turf(src), 'sound/effects/Glasshit.ogg', 50, 1)
- user.visible_message(
- SPAN_DANGER("[user] hits \the [src] with \the [W]!"),
- SPAN_DANGER("You hit \the [src] with \the [W]!"),
- SPAN_DANGER("You hear something breaking!")
- )
- take_damage(W.get_attack_force(user), W.atom_damage_type)
- qdel(src)
- . = TRUE
- visible_message(SPAN_DANGER("\The [src] crumbles!"))
- . = ..()
- take_damage(P.damage, P.atom_damage_type)
- return
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/trap.dm b/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/trap.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 240050d33b9..00000000000
--- a/mods/gamemodes/deity/structures/trap.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- density = FALSE
- current_health = 1
- var/triggered = 0
- . = ..()
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/entered, get_turf(src),src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/obj/structure/deity/trap, trigger))
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/entered, get_turf(src),src)
- return ..()
- events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/entered, get_turf(src),src)
- . = ..()
- events_repository.register(/decl/observ/entered, get_turf(src), src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/obj/structure/deity/trap, trigger))
-/obj/structure/deity/trap/attackby(obj/item/W, mob/user)
- trigger(user)
- return ..()
- return
-/obj/structure/deity/trap/proc/trigger(var/atom/entered, var/atom/movable/enterer)
- if(triggered > world.time || !isliving(enterer))
- return
- triggered = world.time + 30 SECONDS
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nano/templates/deity.tmpl b/nano/templates/deity.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d1148e300e..00000000000
--- a/nano/templates/deity.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-Deity Menu
- {{:data.name}} the {{:data.form_name}}
- Current Boon:
- {{if data.boon_name}}
- {{:data.boon_name}}
- {{else}}
- N/A
- {{/if}}
- Power: {{:data.power}} Power Minimum: {{:data.power_min}} Regen: {{:data.regen}}
- {{:helper.link('Followers', 'person', {'switchMenu' : 0, 'menu' : 'menu'}, data.menu == 0 ? 'disabled' : null)}}
- {{:helper.link('Shop', 'suitcase', {'switchMenu' : 1, 'menu' : 'menu'}, data.menu == 1 ? 'disabled' : null)}}
- {{:helper.link('Phenomena', 'star', {'switchMenu' : 2, 'menu' : 'menu'}, data.menu == 2 ? 'disabled' : null)}}
-{{if data.menu == 0}}
- Followers
- {{for data.followers}}
- {{:value.name}}
- {{:helper.link('Jump', 'zoomin', {'jump' : value.ref}, value.ref ? null : 'disabled')}}
- {{:helper.link('Follow', 'zoomout', {'jump' : value.ref, 'follow' : 1}, value.ref ? null : 'disabled')}}
- {{empty}}
- You have no minions!
- {{/for}}
-{{else data.menu == 1}}
- Shop
- {{for data.categories}}
- {{:helper.link(value, null, {'switchCategory' : index}, index == data.category ? 'disabled' : null)}}
- {{/for}}
- {{for data.item_data}}
- {{:helper.link(value.name, null, {'buy' : value.ref})}} (Level {{:value.level}})
- Costs: {{:value.cost}} Requires: {{:value.requirements}}
- {{:value.desc}}
- {{empty}}
- There is nothing there!
- {{/for}}
-{{else data.menu == 2}}
- Phenomena
- Selected Phenomena:
- {{if data.selectedPhenomenaName}}
- {{:helper.link(data.selectedPhenomenaName, null, {'clear_selected' : 1})}}
- {{else}}
- N/A
- {{/if}}
- {{:helper.link('Phenomena', 'star', {'switchMenu' : 0, 'menu' : 'phenomenaMenu'}, data.phenomenaMenu == 0 ? 'disabled' : null)}}
- {{:helper.link('Bindings', 'key', {'switchMenu' : 1, 'menu' : 'phenomenaMenu'}, data.phenomenaMenu == 1 ? 'disabled' : null)}}
- {{if data.phenomenaMenu == 0}}
- {{for data.phenomena}}
- {{:helper.link(value.name, null, {'select_phenomena' : value.name})}}
- Use Cost: {{:value.cost}}
- {{if value.cooldown}}
- Cooldown: {{:value.cooldown}}
- {{/if}}
- {{:value.description}}
- {{empty}}
- You don't have any phenomena!
- {{/for}}
- {{else data.phenomenaMenu == 1}}
- {{for data.bindings}}
- {{:value.intent}}
- {{for value.intent_data :intentValue:intentKey}}
- {{:intentValue.binding}}
- {{:helper.link(intentValue.phenomena_name ? intentValue.phenomena_name : 'N/A', null, {'select_intent' : value.intent, 'select_binding' : intentValue.binding})}}
- {{/for}}
- {{/for}}
- {{/if}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nebula.dme b/nebula.dme
index 44929d11201..b8ec2783341 100644
--- a/nebula.dme
+++ b/nebula.dme
@@ -3763,8 +3763,6 @@
#include "code\modules\species\species_shapeshifter.dm"
#include "code\modules\species\species_shapeshifter_bodytypes.dm"
#include "code\modules\species\outsider\random.dm"
-#include "code\modules\species\outsider\shadow.dm"
-#include "code\modules\species\outsider\starlight.dm"
#include "code\modules\species\station\golem.dm"
#include "code\modules\species\station\human.dm"
#include "code\modules\species\station\human_bodytypes.dm"
diff --git a/test/check-paths.sh b/test/check-paths.sh
index 16121645824..77f46145433 100755
--- a/test/check-paths.sh
+++ b/test/check-paths.sh
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ exactly 3 "unmarked globally scoped variables" '^(/|)var/(?!global)' -P
exactly 0 "global-marked member variables" '\t(/|)var.*/global/.+' -P
exactly 0 "static-marked globally scoped variables" '^(/|)var.*/static/.+' -P
exactly 1 "direct usage of decls_repository.get_decl()" 'decls_repository\.get_decl\(' -P
-exactly 20 "direct loc set" '(\t|;|\.)loc\s*=(?!=)' -P
+exactly 19 "direct loc set" '(\t|;|\.)loc\s*=(?!=)' -P
exactly 0 "magic number mouse opacity set" 'mouse_opacity\s*=\s*[0-2]' -P
exactly 1 "magic number density set" '\bdensity\s*=\s*[01]' -P
exactly 0 "magic number anchored set" '\banchored\s*=\s*[01]' -P